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Palghat's photo
Sun 10/21/18 11:24 PM
Singularity AI, didn't know the discussions have advanced thus far; thanks Tom.

For more info

Why would Singularity AI drive to super-consciousness.

After all, the human need comes from search for immortality (assume)
and S-AI would be technically immortal.
(a passing thought)

Palghat's photo
Sun 10/21/18 08:42 AM

AI already exists.
The singularity however, has not happened.
The technology for an AI to achieve 'singularity' is currently too primitive. Depending on how computing advances, we may or may not see an AI singularity within 50 years.
When AI singularity does occur, that intelligence will surpass all of man's knowledge within a single day. Depending upon that entity's consideration of the importance of man, we could either advance quickly with exotic technologies or be wiped out as an infestation.

I have been trying to understand why David Hanson housed his company in a less-than-ethically-regulated place like Hong Kong but after reading on the 'singularity' something clicked. A possible futuristic scenario may be like this:

Step 1: Hanson steals faces. For Sophia he took features from Audrey Hepburn's.

Likewise he may already have a face database to morph from the photos on the net.

2: I understand that Sophia can also link to any computer/net device. So for knowledge, Sophia can read / view Google / YouTube

3: Sophia's AI relies partially on some scripts loaded by Hanson.

For S-Ver-2, ready scripts are available on each topic in YouTube's comment section to choose from. The problem is now in the choice - not the script. One can associate an expression with the nature of comment but not a face so easily.

But the comments section in YouTube comes with: face, topic's liked plus comments and counter comments. In other words, a persona.

So each time Hanson dons a Ver-2 with a face he has a ready made persona.

Now this may look like fiction but consider Saudi King has already granted citizenship to Sophia. So we have a country where AI has more rights - than the women there.

In other words, within 20 years time, Hanson Industries may come out with Sophia version 3 SV2 who may join M2 and nobody wiser.

20 years is a long time...

Palghat's photo
Wed 10/17/18 09:17 AM

Sand dunes, shaped by the winds
aah, got it;
Giant women in horizontal position:thumbsup:

Great imagery.

Palghat's photo
Wed 10/17/18 09:07 AM
People in Fiji Islands used to be so happy-go-lucky

seems like there's climate change ..

Palghat's photo
Wed 10/17/18 08:03 AM
Now if you still like
To sit in a fit
Welcome to India
& treble it

Palghat's photo
Tue 10/16/18 06:19 AM
Edited by Palghat on Tue 10/16/18 06:20 AM

This is a new strain. No doubt the possible cause of chemical attack. Be prepared for more if we don't find the source and destroy it.

Seems like my earlier post is old news - Type 2 strain is threatening to reappear in India.

For a long time, polio vaccines carried three strains of viruses—type 1, type 2 and type 3, also called P1, P2 and P3, respectively—and were hence called trivalent vaccines. Worldwide, the second strain was withdrawn from vaccines several years ago on confirmation that it had been eradicated among humans.

India, which continued to use the trivalent vaccine for some more time, switched to bivalent vaccines in April 2016, joining the rest of the world, confident that the type 2 strain had been eliminated. The move also ensured that chances of vaccine-derived polio were minimized. With this, companies producing polio vaccines were supposed to destroy their stocks of strain 2. Therefore, the reappearance of the P2 strain comes as a shock and threatens to change India’s status as a polio-free nation.

The bigger problem is that the virus can mutate and no one knows into what form—mild or virulent”.

There is also a mention that the Key Starting Material (KSM) for the vaccine was imported and possible cause for contamination. This is under investigation.

Palghat's photo
Tue 10/16/18 01:25 AM
This topic reminded me of my life in 1980s.
I had a friend during college, bright and built like a bull; but suffered from a limp - childhood polio - special shoes could not correct. His younger siblings were high achievers in college while this guy went way out to be part of social activities - was well liked in the neighborhood

He had a peculiar way of giving good advice. I remember him hosting a birthday party out-to-beach event. His b_day, we enjoyed, he remained as the catering & camera man (remember no cell phones then). Now I had a mild crush on one of the girls and it was noticeable in the party. Same time, I was obsessed with a married woman in our neighborhood. This guy gave me a picture with the party girl in it - clearly to deflect me from my obsession - no words were spoken - but clear intent.

Later on during his working years: he had to cope with the 'pity look' that peers give in a factory environment - cause, as many of us know, production, construction, etc., are command and control environments. Over the years, the bitterness swept into his family life. (I'm assuming this because) one day out of the blue his wife committed suicide (they had no children)

In 2011, after a 30 year campaign, India was declared a Polio free country. The campaign was started by Rotary India, joined by the Government. A larger international campaign is ongoing by Rotary International, WHO and supported by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Recently - Forbes published an article on the Indian success story and in it was a mention on American doctors who had volunteered to work on kids living in appalling (and hopeless) conditions. I have taken a tiny clip from it - the human side

Dr. Scott Leckman, Rotary Member, immunizing children in India

After doing the immunizations and walking back to the bus. I’m kind of walking by myself and this Indian guy about my age on a bike was passing by and jumps off and starts walking with me.

He says, “Where are you from?”

I say, “The United States.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m with Rotary and we’re immunizing kids against polio.”

“Well, what do you get out of it?”

I said, “A world without polio.”

He thought about it for a moment and simply replied, “Namaste,” which is to say, I recognize the divinity within you. Then he got back on his bike and rode away.

Palghat's photo
Sun 10/07/18 08:57 AM
all respect, it seems if men can 'redeem' themselves, Clintons achievements in his actual Job reflects that redemption.

You just reversed the principle i had stated!!!

Palghat's photo
Sun 10/07/18 08:38 AM
Edited by Palghat on Sun 10/07/18 08:54 AM

Hypocrisy is alive and well.

In comparing Clinton to Kavanaugh, what one is forgetting is the BEHAVIOR under questioning was not combative nor uncooperative and the mistress never claimed an assault or even brought forth any complaints AT ALL, that was all CERTAIN republicans, who if the same standards are applied, USED Lewinsky and hung her out to dry after.

Another key difference is all women went to the PUBLIC media instead of authorities, with the allegations

Another key difference is in the grown women who accused Clinton did not appear to be doing so in an attempt to maintain anonymity,(all women went to the PUBLIC media instead of authorities), with the allegations so publicity was a potential motive there.

Another difference, The alleged incidents with Clinton were also at a time when they were GROWN women, one who met him in her hotel room.

Another difference is the proof of harm, which none of the women had either, as none (to my knowledge) had sought counseling or had evidence of any other sort that a trauma had occurred to them. One of the women signed an affidavit that nothing had happened to her (Broaddick) until interviewed by certain republicans, nothing fishy there.

and none of the women, to my knowledge, took or passed any lie detectors. There was PLENTY room for doubt, and much less to corroborate their claims.

PLENTY of difference in what happened then and now, except of course, the party allegiance in saving their 'guy'. (democrats and republicans)

A big difference you seem to conveniently forget is that Clinton was the President when he did what he did with Lewinsky in the Office where world decisions were made;
and Kavanaugh was a minor if he did what he did.
his acceptance may be a poor reflection of the Senate but still, men redeem themselves when in great offices.

Clinton's behavior destroyed men world over. Some people may have difficulties in understanding this. In Asia, work is worship. Clinton not only destroyed this great principle and moral fabric but by doing so made us all suspect and alien to our wives, our daughters' friends.
and that includes me - it's personal.

Now you may come back with statistics on Basic Instincts - which means you misunderstand me so allow me ...

I knew a boss (in US - Indian born - dead now) who destroyed a saleswoman in his chamber and she left weeping and the VP (American) didn't say anything.
I left the company, (new then to US & was on work visa). Many others left later on. For the boss, the company was a money printing machine
For us, we were working with technology. The sales woman was a technology woman.

Otherwise Clinton was a great man, did a great job. He halted a war between India & Pakistan after a botched attempt to blow up Indian Parliament that was in session. And I didn't like Starr chasing him down - the damage was already done.

Americans are forgiving but Clinton's gall in coming back to support Clinton for re-election - the sickness hadn't left him; it became the norm in corporate offices.

Palghat's photo
Sat 10/06/18 09:57 AM
You held back a tear,
Wanted a hug,
The fool looked away
His heart
A confused beat

Not young anymore
Your words reached him
The fool cleaning his car
Broke the mirror
The Love he didn’t care for
It’s crushing

[Was this the reason you wrote?
Vengeance sweet?]

Didn’t you know
At the end of it all,
is despair?

Then listen ..
Tinkling sound of breaking glass
the other mirror

Palghat's photo
Sat 10/06/18 01:22 AM
Edited by Palghat on Sat 10/06/18 01:48 AM

There once was a lady who believed in God,
then a snake appeared, the rottenest sod.
He hissed his lies,
decieved her by his mouthy disguise
of tongue, sharpened in the demise
of many that heard his woeful tale.

Ah, the tail could strike, as the head
leaving forked corpses that bled.
Poison he was, poison he left
Yet only the snake was bereft.

An antidote on my Lord's lips.
His venomous bite, a mere whip!
39 strikes less
than your duress.

Let me tell you a story,
of some men, how they turn mouthy
It begins, as in this song...

In my Llife
There’s been heartache and pain
I don’t know, if I can face it agaaiin
Can’t stop now; I’ve travelled so far
To change this Lonely Liife

Then the song dribbles
to ..

I want to know what love is ….
... I want you to show it to me ...

Typical Dem singers

It should have been ...

I don’t want to know what love is …
It's for young in despair
I will search for it
When the ship needs repair

In my Life…

Ah, the tail could strike, as the head
leaving forked corpses that bled.
Poison he was, poison he left
Yet only the snake was bereft.

If i don't find a port very soon
and you come my way,
You are right ..,
I may sink you down
join the corpses that bled

In my Life ...

You are right

pain is all you find

Palghat's photo
Fri 10/05/18 01:32 AM
on New Year's I stay home.

Palghat's photo
Thu 10/04/18 08:51 AM

Listening to a Guru now, he says "By 2050,
The amount of plastic in the ocean will be equal to the fish in the ocean

On the bright side, plastic is recyclable ...

Palghat's photo
Wed 10/03/18 07:43 AM

Inventions- Machines to filter water contaminated with chemical toxins, and to purify air contaminated with poisonous fumes.
With the advent of AI, humans will resort to the Ideas and suggestions provided by the computers, and will end up as their slaves! (Not slave in the common usage of the word, but that they will obey the suggestions provided by AI, without analysing facts for themselves. The cognitive ability will be so much dependent on AI, that if it says 2+2=5, humans will believe it)

On machines to filter water, air ...; yes:thumbsup:
On AI's likely domination....; may be
In fact, in some fields this may be quicker than we think, like in warfare - by 2050.

Yes, the gloom virus ..

Palghat's photo
Wed 10/03/18 12:27 AM

Average life expectancy (70 in most countries, 80 in US) will cross 100.

Prolific inventions:
With AI, future inventions may take a new turn like the Google Car

And now one reads about the mind and machine interface development.., one may not need the remote to switch on the TV.

Any others?

Palghat's photo
Mon 10/01/18 07:32 AM
Edited by Palghat on Mon 10/01/18 07:38 AM

Many people laugh at Trump, UN just following the crowd.

Not that any of that crowd knows what's best for the USA.

People do research and call it their facts here and post Many false sources on the internet.

Well, I looked at the video clip and the UN crowd laughed WITH Trump and not ÁT'as captioned in this post. There was also a shower of clapping because everyone of them knew what this world leader was facing from the News Media - clearly trying to rouse up a lynch mob.

OP has cited Washington Post as source and as we know Bezos the owner is dead against Trump's move to get Amazon under the tax belt. I admit to enjoying the services of Amazon, in fact main source for books for Indians here but that does not mean I would like to buy things from the black market to save money. Never understood why a Service like Amazon would acquire an ailing newspaper unless it aligns with its main business interests.

Palghat's photo
Mon 10/01/18 04:49 AM

The U.N needs us..we Don't need them. I propose moving the U.N to France or Germany or some other country and let us stiff them on the bill for about 20 or so years as we play a minor roll.
Also being from NYC I can tell you that having the U.N here is a royal pain in the a*s.. the traffic caused by it is terrible . The diplomats have immunity from..everything. the park wherever they whatever they want..some have even committed crimes...and we can't touch them. They take full advantage of these liberties . Having diplomatic licence plates on your car is a licence to break our laws without penalty.

So let some other country deal with it.

Do't rush it. China is waiting in the wings.

Palghat's photo
Mon 10/01/18 04:47 AM
Edited by Palghat on Mon 10/01/18 05:28 AM

One of the reasons..just one... that I voted for Trump was his promise to destroy I.S.I.S
Without fanfare he hire a general to do just that.

That general did not negotiate ..did not delay..did not take prisoners

He killed them

Now we do not have I.S.I.S. chopping off westerners heads on T.V...we do not have a president crying and doing nothing to stop it..we do not have I.S.I.S. making a fool of us to the world.

Thank you for keeping your promise Mr. President. :)

Thank God!
Somehow, may be due to Mercel's move; issues got obscured by allotting quota systems to European countries to take in the refugees 1+ million and this was possible because the world went into denial that a war was on. That is till the moment Trump declared - Muslim Ban (till the root cause was unearthed!) Never happened in the History, sent a tremor through out the Muslim speaking world.

Allow me to add that the London Mayor who banned Trump from entering the City visited India early this year and met some groups here. Our Government granted him permission as part of Goodwill to UK. The Mayor returned back and then hosted members of the Khalistan Group (a separatists group sponsored by Pakistan) to hold massive rally.
So we are beginning to see a widespread root.

Moreover, the organization's ideology remains widespread. U.S. Army Lt. Gen Paul Funk asserted that the group’s repressive ideology continues; “the conditions remain present for ISIS to return, and only through coalition and international efforts can the defeat become permanent"

Ideologies often outlast those who created and spread them, even if the organization's most inspiring leaders are killed.

ISIS spokesperson Abu Mohammed al-Adnani said, before he was killed, that potential setbacks in Mosul and Raqqa would not spell the group's end; "the fight is losing the will and the desire to fight".

As much as the statement is frightening, it indicates that extremist ideology is still evolving. The challenge is to counter this ideology, rather than only focusing on military and security approaches.

It's also possible that while ISIS lost for now; it has gained a secondary objective: a Muslim foothold in Europe at last. Europe will soon understand that the issue is not the M people; It is the ideology that won't allow even the second or third generation to join mainstream society.

The irony is ISIS (Iran) has a Shia ideology which is evolved from conservative Wahabism (entrenched in Saudi Arabia) and therefore malleable. Another fact is that the rulers of KSA are trying to steer their countrymen away from the stranglehold of Wahabism. The clerics very reluctantly gave in to allowing KSA women to drive. Women have their representation in parliament - a fledgling institute under the protection of the rulers.

Palghat's photo
Sun 09/30/18 08:25 AM

trump supporters can stick their heads in the sand to try to pretend that their posterboy isn't as big of a joke as he actually is,but the fact that the other leaders of the world PUBLICALLY LAUGHED AT HIM is irrefutable evidence of what the rest of the world REALLY thinks about Donald trump.
[and the country that would elect somebody like him!!!] oops

laughing - yes

and the clapping!!

Palghat's photo
Sat 09/29/18 04:43 AM

Have you tried Google Translator?
I pasted a whole para (from a Russian comment); the translation was an unusual structure in English - liked it.

Google for: change keyboard to Russian - and it gives 4 steps

- just my humble suggestion smile2