Community > Posts By > grizz11952001
agreed good post
Why cant it be fixed again?
well said redy
My only complaint...
not our place to judge but is our right to protect our family in the way
we see fit i dont think we have the right to judge ( or to stop you) from getting any job or being in any position because of you beleifs just because you beleive different than me. |
Why cant it be fixed again?
to me we are fixing a world maybe a different world but a world full of
joy an peice look how many charities are out there today think about all the people who cant work out that volunteer their services to shelters like a food kitchen or salvation army or helping hands meals on wheels how many walked into a walmart store or stores without seeing a donation bucket for katrina was alot of them for it . maybe we didnt get them all but for the people we did get ask them how they feel about this world . i bet some of them love life one day at a time. as far as disagreements thats part of the fight for life its a rough game either you fight or you get nothing out of life I like to think we can change things by papper or in here . the pen is mightier than the sword. |
do you worship or love God?
i love an i beleive i cant say i worship as i dont attend any services
because well i dont feel like im in gods house anymore in any of the churches around maybe just me but thats the way i am . |
Evolution - not so stupid
hope we could at least be adults with peacefull talks an opinions
Evolution - not so stupid
no reason to be an ahole to anyone if u must then so be it but dont be
suprised when it comes back to you if you cant handle it dont start it. |
My only complaint...
i dont beleive we have the right to force our beleifs on anyone no
matter what ur beleif is . so when they cry about the bible all i want to know is why is it ok for them to teach about the different ones in school like the budda an the evolution theroy an about any science fiction therory besides religion isnt this the same forcefeeding beleifs only theirs instead of the bible. thats something i notice often an dont understand the bridge goes both ways right so why are we allways told to keep the faith to our selves just teach everything else instead to our kids. |
Republicans and Democrats
one mans opinion is his own to have as for me i cant stand the lying
republican might as well be in russia under new communist rule when the republicans run it thats my opinion but i work for a living what would i know. |
428,599 have already voted!
i say impeach him an cheney while ur at it.
How can god be so great...
because for now the devil also walks upon the face of the earth as well
as god being all around so is satan it realy does happen ive seen it show up in the damndest places when i was in different places really no other way to explain what happened other than god to me . i dont often quote the book i just tell them how it was for me at different times of my life. everyone is entitled to his or her own way of thinking so long as i can have mine lol it is supposed to be free will if it aint its worthless as just following the steps like a play we are ment to live different lives an go different ways at different times . I always think he is preparing me when bad things happen which i too dont understand when they happen but do know he has a reason he let it happen god knows hes just waiting on you to choose life or death. like a father guiding a son you can only lead them so long then you have to watch an let go of them but still love them. |
good ones nice to hear them.
i dont know who was mohamad only one i new was ali the boxer.
New Bosses
love it some bosses need that done to em lol
where do you find this the koran at
ha ha ha thats too good sorry thought it was funny .
so the koran what is it about no fun intended just curious |
i was just wondering we always talk about the news or bad things or sex
or religion for a change has any thing nice happened in your life today no fun intended please only good things I need a cheer up story today. |
is there dust on your bible?
mine is on the back of the couch where i left it two weeks ago when i
looked up something i heard in here an checked it out. other than looking or reading once in a while it grows dust i know is my bad i hate reading any book. all ways hated books lol. |
im born an raised in benton county arkansas an didnt start this bashing
of my home town area an dont care for it if you dont like this area then stay out but leave me be about how bad we are cause were not all bad in fact there wasnt so much of this crap before everyone moved here from different places . |