Community > Posts By > grizz11952001

grizz11952001's photo
Tue 06/10/08 04:30 PM
i have to agree with the last one who is speaking out too more need to i just think they are afraid to because they to will be called american haters that is not the case at all we have the right to not like what our president has done an to not like him . i didnt see any one having any problems throwing stones at bill clinton when he was in there no that was ok to the republicans but say something about bush an you are a non american how sad is that (communism)that is what i call it you say freedom to speech as long as we dont say anything you dont like about our president . its our god given right in case you forgot its our country to an dont forget that so if you have something to say about the president or congress be it good or bad fine but dont call me an american hater or a childish person because of what i beleive in .we all come from different walks of life some went to colledge some of us will never be able to that is the way it is we all have our place that is the melting pot of america. thanks to our vets all the way back through history that fought for our freedom yes i said freedom not (shut up i dont like that) our four fathers didnt hush up an they faced death an treason charges before we won our freedom in america . that is what makes us great we may disagree but we do love america .

grizz11952001's photo
Mon 06/09/08 04:46 PM
so what you are saying is i cant say what i beleive to be true in my opinion because it offends others boohoo

grizz11952001's photo
Mon 06/09/08 11:07 AM
that is the problem with this country anyone who stands up for what he or she beleives is told to shut up if it is against the government in any fashion (communism) the only way to change this is to take a stand (taking a stand isnt childish)its part of the american way an what we stand for is what is right its not the peoples fault as you say that we have crooked people who were placed in the offices of our government maybe they should do away with electrocolledge vote (communism to put who they want in)an go only with the popular vote(american people)but no they are going to doctor it up anyway they seem fit an people like you will still stand behind them while the poor an the needy will starve an the elderly will go without health care. because of what a bill signed by the president an congress what a shame it is . but lets send money to all the foreign countrys to help them .oh did we forget about the ones already here guess so. you have no idea what it is to see a mom take her child into the hospital here an listen to them tell her there is nothing they can do because she doesnt have insurance . an you say americans fault yea im sure they chose that one lol not half of the laws we vote down are brought back time an time again attached to another law to get it voted in . oh yea that is the american people again . not i vote regulary an disagree with it but i vote so dont accuse the american people of making theirselves choose food or medicine because i assure you the elderly did not choose to do so but the president an congress did. but we are supposed to be quiet an say nothing about all this ha go suck an egg. we will never be quiet about communism in our country.

grizz11952001's photo
Mon 06/09/08 10:54 AM
i beleive it does its my opinion an i dont care if you like it or not lol so deal with it.

grizz11952001's photo
Mon 06/09/08 08:24 AM
i used to cook it on the stove now i just use a big bowl an fill it with water an eight tea bags an microwave it for 15 minutes then take the tea bags out an put a cup of sugar in the picture the bowl im using will fill the picture twice so may want to cut back on tea bags if using a smaller bowl .then i pour the picture into a gallon jug an make another picture the same way then fill the jug with what ever is left in the bowl an shake it up makes a gallon jug of tea. cheaper than buying a jug of it an it taste better to.

grizz11952001's photo
Mon 06/09/08 08:15 AM
i beleive we can just because you dont like the president dosent mean you dont like america remember we got our start by people who disagreed with the system an fought for our rights not the presidents rights but ours. that is america the people not just for one person .with liberty an justice for all. so if dis ing the president because you dont like him makes us not american then that is about as communism as you can get . its our freedom an right to beleive as we want an say what we want so i say stand an speak your mind just use clean words so that it wont be deleted by the communist who say we cant hate or dislike who is in the office . since the next election has been bought just like the last 2 i think we are screwed for 8 more years so once again the communist will be happy .

grizz11952001's photo
Mon 06/09/08 08:01 AM
maybe when you get out of colledge an have to support yourselves you will find out more of what im saying good luck to you i think youll need it. you are welcome to have your opinion but let me have mine i will never agree with the bush lovers . I am a middle class worker who has become a lower class worker because of the bills an economy that bush put into effect as much as everyone hated clinton i dont know why the economy was great there was no defecit problem an you could leave one job an find another if it needed to be done. now you just hang on to any job you have for fear of being homeless an more factories that have been in my area for 20 yrs are going out of business an even some of the gas stations an you want to tell me what a wonderfull job our president has done .only if you are a well to do or very rich person . im neither one of these so i am still a bush hater its my right as an american citizen you have the right to your veiw an me to mine . its called freedom thats why we are all here so good luck like it or not thats my veiw.doesnt mean i hate anyone for their veiws but i firmly disagree with you. an i have a right to say what i want to even if it is in your opinion disrespecting your president. note i havent used any profanity just stating my opinion an veiws. take care an good luck.

grizz11952001's photo
Mon 06/09/08 07:49 AM
yea like cheney who is in haliburton hey need i say more its all connected bush was a texas oil man daddy payed his way through everything .see what happens when you put a brat in office.

grizz11952001's photo
Mon 06/09/08 07:47 AM
like when he vetoes bills that would help the people that congress made hey oh that wasnt him hey lol do some homework an see.

grizz11952001's photo
Mon 06/09/08 07:45 AM
amen mnhiker no matter what your opinion is stand for it an join other americans in the fight for our constitutional rights like our four fathers did that is the american way . what if they had stood idaly by an respected the queen an did nothing then we wouldnt be here an wouldnt have any freedom or rights. america the brave an the free.

grizz11952001's photo
Mon 06/09/08 07:40 AM
bashing takes place when one cant afford to put food on their tables an when the president takes away from the elderly an then raises gas an food making it impossible for the lower class to make a living honestly . an you wonder why they bash the president .well bash bash bash now ive done it 3 times so go cry to someone else about it its politics someone will always hate whoever is in the office as president an the other person will always stand up for him its a fact of life get used to it.
signed bush hater
an i dont like anyone who is running for the office now that clinton is gone. she was the only chance we had now we are screwed .

grizz11952001's photo
Mon 06/09/08 07:33 AM
in my opinion obama is a terrorist that wont salute the american flag an mccain is a war monger just like bush if thats all i have to choose from im staying home i guess voting just doesnt count anymore now we are turning into communism they just put who ever they want there now like they did bush who ever has the most money wins hu guess the poor is out of luck hey.

grizz11952001's photo
Mon 06/09/08 07:28 AM
nice comment blackbird thanks for letting us know not all are so shallow as to look at the outside of the book without opening it to see if there is a good story in there.

grizz11952001's photo
Mon 05/12/08 11:03 AM
lol its me ha ha

grizz11952001's photo
Mon 05/12/08 10:55 AM
thanks for the sites gona be a rough year because every thing is higher to compensate the gas prices. staying home as much as possible here i figure the less gas we buy the better chance of them lowering the price of it.

grizz11952001's photo
Sun 05/04/08 03:53 PM
yep just got a phone from alltell an i can get the ring tone through blue tooth but cant apply it as a ringtone sux
new copy right protect on newer phones booo.

grizz11952001's photo
Sun 05/04/08 03:40 PM
ha ha sorry had to laugh maybe thats why he created eve lol

grizz11952001's photo
Sun 05/04/08 03:31 PM
revelation 13:18 here is wisdom. let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man;and his number is six hundred threescore and six

grizz11952001's photo
Sun 05/04/08 03:21 PM

grizz11952001's photo
Sun 05/04/08 03:18 PM
thanks was very helpfull an interesting to know