Community > Posts By > pikles

pikles's photo
Sat 11/06/10 12:49 AM

I hope you feel better soon.

I'm a walking accident, I get bruises all the time and i'm like "wtf, where did you come from."

My worst self caused injury ended up with me getting a screw in my hand though.

Dang...I didn't know they could put screws in the hand

Thanks, by the way.


I have metal all over my body from skateboarding and dirtbikes and bmx, and surfing... lol, next one will prolly come from base diving or sky diving.

pikles's photo
Sat 11/06/10 12:48 AM

pikles's photo
Sat 11/06/10 12:47 AM

you mean drop like your i.q.

that's what happens when i talk to you...
your stupid is rubbing off on me


*gets in hazmat suit*

this should keep me safe

pikles's photo
Sat 11/06/10 12:44 AM
there ever was?

pikles's photo
Sat 11/06/10 12:44 AM

I work with venomous animals: spiders, snakes, bees, scorpions, centipedes, lizards and while I've never been stung by any snakes I have been stung many times by the infamous bark scorpion,been bitten several times by the black widow and bees out the ying yang trying to either paint or milk them.

nobody has ever been stung by a snake you idiot, you mean you never been bitten!

dang right. put that lil tard in their place!

pikles's photo
Sat 11/06/10 12:43 AM
I hope you feel better soon.

I'm a walking accident, I get bruises all the time and i'm like "wtf, where did you come from."

My worst self caused injury ended up with me getting a screw in my hand though.

pikles's photo
Sat 11/06/10 12:41 AM

i was standing next to the counter once.
and out of nowhere my brother just stares at me and asks;
are you pregnant.
i guess i should lay off the junk food.

I guess you shoulda smacked his *** upside the head.

Who says crap like that?

pikles's photo
Sat 11/06/10 12:41 AM

i'm a motha effin genius.
don't question my intelligence.
but piece of shiiit.
i really want cookies.

compared to homeboy?

compared to the rest of the world?
a blade of grass seems to possess more intelligence than you.

pikles's photo
Sat 11/06/10 12:36 AM

pikles's photo
Sat 11/06/10 12:36 AM
no maybes about it,

fix your face, you keep making the population of this site, and more specifically these forums, drop like kc's popularity, and Nitsua's self-given, imaginary points.

pikles's photo
Sat 11/06/10 12:33 AM

well why ask if you cant deliver..ya know?

to tease you, to make you salivate at the chops with desire, to have your mind immersed in thoughts of this subject. then, when you least expect it *bam* she decides to execute you assassin style.

We would never see it coming.

But, she failed at that simple task too.

pikles's photo
Sat 11/06/10 12:30 AM

you're going to fail at life without us.
so eh.
go ahead.

I would fail at life with you two...

he's already "well" on his way.

yeah, but you're far ahead of me,
some fckn rolemodels you two turned out to be.

pikles's photo
Sat 11/06/10 12:29 AM

and you lose like you want to as well.

It's my game, I make the rules, I am the ref, I CAN NOT lose.

pikles's photo
Sat 11/06/10 12:26 AM
^^ her standards are too high for some virgin who calls himself a boy, and who didn't take note to the fact that the account has been deactivated.

you = fail.

good job, i hope you feel special now.

pikles's photo
Sat 11/06/10 12:25 AM

i win.

i spells how i wanna spell!

pikles's photo
Sat 11/06/10 12:24 AM

Nitsua: 2,000
Pikles: 1,999, but 1,998 points deducted for being a hippie = 1
bhernandez: 2 thumbs up
southern_bee: gold star and a subscription to American Bear magazine

yeah, but you forgot to deduct your 2,000 points for being a fcktarded assmunch.

so Hippie:1
FckTard: 0

D isn't in on this,
and the other young buck is still at 0, but can keep the 2 thumbs up, if she so desires. And since they aren't coming from me, they are meaningless to all.

pikles's photo
Sat 11/06/10 12:21 AM

what the fuuuck are you keeping score of.

keeping score of how many times i hardcore pwn your face to a wall.

pikles's photo
Sat 11/06/10 12:20 AM
Edited by pikles on Sat 11/06/10 12:20 AM

are you the one who posted the thread looking for bears in the intimacy and sex forum.
they'll eat it.
but they don't love it.
they prefer the larvae.
trying to educate me like i don't know ****.

well, you don't, so someone needs to edjucate you.

pikles's photo
Sat 11/06/10 12:18 AM

silly kc.
they're made of christmas trees.

That too!

You guys are sooooooo smart!

don't lie to them

pikles's photo
Sat 11/06/10 12:17 AM

well, his tuition just went up!

i refuse to pay.

I'll just change my name and move to Spain,
they don't extradite to the u.s.