Community > Posts By > undrboss

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Thu 05/10/18 01:56 PM
A coffee milkshake and people pay almost 9 bucks


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Thu 05/10/18 01:22 PM
and what the hell is a frappuccino?

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Thu 05/10/18 01:10 PM
Good for quebec

and you wonder why western bill of rights and sharia law are not compatible.

here is proof.

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Thu 05/10/18 01:01 PM
I know many conservatives who refuses to drink anything from starbucks, let alone set foot in one, that is our protest to their P.C crap.

they dont get a dime of my money, let them survive on the wingnut leftist students, profs, antifa, black lives matter crowd.

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Thu 05/10/18 12:58 PM

please tell me you know the difference between smearing and defending?

HiLIARy like many spouses defending their spouse accused of infidelity is one thing and generally a noble thing.

Smearing isn't.

and Bill has had a history of it dating back when he was first governor, so you cant tell me that HiLIARy wasn't aware of the type of man she married.

Tell me you give her more credit than that.

back to Trump, Im sure Melania was aware of the type of man Donald is, Marla knew it and his first wife Ivanka found out the hard way.

If this makes him unfit for Trump being president then what do you say about other president actually doing crap in the Oval office?

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Thu 05/10/18 12:29 PM
I refuse to enter into a starbucks because of that liberal agenda

Ive visited tim hortons a few times they have men and women's bathroom
at least the one on 7th avenue does.

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Thu 05/10/18 11:59 AM
OP , do yourself a favor,

never ever post you're a lonely single mom

you will get all the freaks, wingnuts, jagoff, con artist from Mississippi to Nigeria coming out and wanting to "meet" you.

Every desperate loser will hound you like how the members of the Rat squad hound the good men and women officers and detectives of the NYPD

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Thu 05/10/18 11:51 AM

not to nit pick but you really dont know Trump's past, and Im not saying the Trump is St.Donald either.

Truth is he got a loan from his Dad, his Dad Fred was a big success in queens ,bensonhurst , coney island just to name a few, Donald wanted to tackle Manhattan where the real power is.

Fred his dad had no power or connections in Manhattan.

The Donald courted powerful women and slept his way to his connection, every new yorker knows this, Donald became more successful than his father, who was successful in his own right.

Those are the facts, no family connection or influence actually his dad told him to avoid Manhattan period.

But Donald is his own man.

While I may not approve of his business tactics that led to his success so there was no family influence, those are the facts.

I know all about HiLIARy from the time she was a lawyer on the staff investigating Richard Nixon's watergate to her defending a child molester/rapist to first lady of Arkansas where the average Arkansasian was not a fan of HiLIARy in the beginning because she refused to Drop the Rodham after she was married and Bill became governor and when Bill was defeated and he had to reinvent himself and HiLIARy her self she caved in and ended up taking Clinton's last name to appease the voters, I guess appeasing voters is more important than her principles of a woman doesnt need a man's last name to succeed?

shall we talk about the women she tried silencing and smearing because of her husband infidelity problems?

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Thu 05/10/18 11:29 AM

Yes, 58 is old. Guys start looking old after 40. I'm 47 and get mad when i get messages from guys over 52.
but you can say the same thing for you at 47 is old to someone in their 30's or 20's

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Thu 05/10/18 10:07 AM


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Thu 05/10/18 10:07 AM


Why don't people read profiles before messaging? whoa

well that is what self proclaimed nice guys do and when you dont acknowledge their twisted and idiotic behavior , they blame you and call you the shallow creature for entertaining their requests.

I dont think we are allowed to use and profanity on here

so I will they are dumb phucks

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Thu 05/10/18 09:58 AM
most westerners, Israeli's and NATO allies dont want Iran to have nuclear weapons because the regime is crazy enough to use them to enforce their version of Sharia Law

They want to wipe out Israel, and the palestinians think they will be spared they are delusional, because those who arent sunnis will either have to accept sunni or ??????

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Thu 05/10/18 09:50 AM

Correction, She left the white house six months before Bill's term ended.

2) Im not blaming Bill's affairs on her.

3) Trump being a billionaire has nothing to do with HiLIARy.

Trump got a million dollar loan from his father and turned it into something.

if it was that easy every lotto winner from powerball should be a billionaire yet how many of them are broke after 5 years of winning.

My point its not easy to accomplish great feat even with a gift.

4) how do you know what Trump did with his money Ms.Harmony?
do you know? does anyone know? how about all those jobs he created? how many jobs has HiLIARy created?

If you believe the pundits that says the Clintons net worth is hovering around 110 million dollars, some say 50 million dollars, how is that possible when they claim they were dead broke leaving the white house in 2000 and 30 years of public service?

Its funny when Bernie Sanders defender of the poor people has 3 houses

Micheal moore defender of the poor and hater of capitalism has a net worth of 50 million dollars, we only found this out because he wife divorced his fat *** and sued him.

It seems when the left makes money is fine and dandy, when the right makes money we are scoundrels, thieves, dirtbag greedy and anti liberal.

why the double standards Ms.Harmony?

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Thu 05/10/18 09:25 AM
I dont care who profits , as long as Iran doesnt have the capability to produce bombs its all good.

Iran with a nuclear bomb would be horrific in many ways.

just look at Russia as an example.

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Thu 05/10/18 09:18 AM

except HiLIARY hasnt accomplished anything really.

I mean except for passing the bar and becoming a lawyer what has she really accomplished?

Being first lady of Arkansas? well covering up some of the scandals is one accomplishment.

Being first lady of America? well she did try and help children at the same time excusing her husband's bad behavior and was pissed enough to exit the white house and make a senate run, and really if she wasn't the wife of a sitting president do you think she would have had a legitimate chance at a senate seat?

She ran against a inexperienced politician for the 2008 democrat nomination for U.S.President and smeared Obama pretty bad until she lost to him.

As secretary of State what did she accomplish?

(notice I said nothing about Benghazi or emails).

Yes she has had over 30 years of public life experience but professionalism is stretching it.

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Thu 05/10/18 09:01 AM
Every older guy Ive seen with a young cooze is because he is rich, the average older guy working for a paycheck and living paycheck to paycheck isnt really chasing the young cooze.

Unless they hang out in strip bars.

the average old guy for the most part avoids the younger cooze because he knows he doesn't have the coin.

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Thu 05/10/18 08:56 AM

Yes, 58 is old. Guys start looking old after 40. I'm 47 and get mad when i get messages from guys over 52.
so what if that 52 year old guy is fit and rich?

for me 58 is old, only because my mom is 60 although I think she looks good for her age.

I know I couldnt date a woman who is 58 at my age.

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Thu 05/10/18 08:40 AM
Good point Ms.Harmony, I will give you that.

but here is the reality , we knew that Trump was a flawed Candidate from the get go, no secret there.

we knew the man cheated on every wife he's had , that is a fact.

We know he will say outrageous things because he knows how the press works.

Sure he accused candidates for the same thing, and Im not defending Trump's hypocrisy one bit, we all know he is a pig, womanizer, narcissistic son of a biotch that tweets like he has tourettes.

He marches to his own drumbeat.

But having said that he is still better than HiLIARy any day of the week.

I rather live in America under Trump vs HiLIARY any time.

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Thu 05/10/18 08:22 AM
I have to laugh at the left's hypocrisy,

Oh Donald Trump banged a porno star years ago blah blah blah.

what does that have to do with his presidency TODAY?

You people are hypocrites, have you forgotten JFK doing the same thing but in the white house, what about LBJ rumors of his affairs in the white house, and the granddaddy of them all Bill Clinton IN THE WHITE HOUSE, and lets not forget when he was governor all those women he was accused of sexually Assaulting?

I will bet if Trump's last name was Kennedy, you leftist would have ignored it completely.

Like how they ignored Chappaquiddick for the late great Ted Kennedy.

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Thu 05/10/18 07:33 AM
I agree with Trump this time

lord knows if it was HiLIARy in charge she would have found a way for Bill and the foundation to profit from it .

Obama made a mistake with Iran, and I hope Trump is smart enough to fix it.