Community > Posts By > undrboss

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Fri 05/11/18 12:53 PM
But its not about you big Sky its about someone like the OP has stated in her profile what she wants and her criteria and certain people ignoring it for whatever reason.

Whether they are stupid, cant read or willfully ignorant.

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Fri 05/11/18 12:51 PM
which means people are free to worship whom they please in America.

but certain religions bans or does not accept those who worships other than their God in their religion.

See the conflict?

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Fri 05/11/18 12:06 PM
that is the thing, I don't put up with it and I own a business, none of the guys who work for me harrasses any of the women working here.

IF a company doesn't nip it in the bud its on them.

Ive never been in a situation where someone disrespected a girlfriend in front of me so I cant answer that, but I would say the to the guy "hey azzhole , keep your comments to Your phucking self jagoff"

Now Ive been out and seen it happen and usually I say Oooooh, come on pizan that someone girlfriend , show the lady some respect.

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Fri 05/11/18 11:31 AM

I met my exhusband at work. He didn't grab me or make comments to me about my butt. He just asked me out. He left it up to me to say yes or no.
If you are trying to brush up against a woman in a crowd, you are an abuser. If you are commenting on women's butts to them at work, you are an abuser.

Sorry, I dont agree, brushing up against a woman in a crowd, commenting on a woman's butt doesn't make one an abuser, it makes him a phucking pervert.

Perversion and abuse are not the same thing.

If the guy commented on a woman's butt in front of his spouse well you might have a case but commenting on her appearance because he is an azzwipe doesnt make him an abuser.

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Fri 05/11/18 11:14 AM
I dont know the situation or what happen to comment

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Fri 05/11/18 10:48 AM
nooooooooo, I dont want to buy a democrat and definitely dont want one for free

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Fri 05/11/18 10:45 AM
Bog off, I like that .

I have to use that when I battle democrats here

Bog off Democrats.

Did I use that right Mikey? Lol

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Fri 05/11/18 10:34 AM

I do miss dh.

Mistreating a woman can vary. When married men would cheat and beat their wives back before women had jobs, cars, homes. Weinstein was clearly mistreating women. I believe he is getting what he deserves.

This is where the problem is!!! That very loose term "mistreat" is in the eye of the beholder not in the books of law. If I complement you on your butt, is that mistreatment? If I ask you to spend a week with me someplace, is that mistreatment? If I suggest your career future would be better with a wardrobe makeover is that mistreatment?? If a married man cheats on his wife, who is being mistreated?

Now, obviously, if I reach out and grab your privates, yes now we have mistreatment as well as a violation of law. Then there is the issue of in a crowded environment, my arms brushes over your covered breast, is that an issue?
except she wasnt talking about lewd comments ,she was talking about physical and mental abuse.

Making a comment about her butt or wardrobe isnt the same as mental or physical abuse

What Weinstein did was abusive and that is an example of mistreatment, even though some lewd comments can be offensive and depending on how its used can be a form of mistreatment yes.

but comparing commenting on Butts and wardrobe to getting a beating is wrong.

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Fri 05/11/18 10:23 AM

Im curious johnain, why did you pick an American site even though its international compared to a site that is based in the UK?

I think you'll find most sites here are controlled or owned by another country underboss
but there must be a site that was created in the UK for UK folks?

That's what Mikey's talking about undrboss... He's from the UK

oh , I didnt know Mikey was from the UK

My apologies Mikey..... got it now.

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Fri 05/11/18 10:14 AM

Im curious johnain, why did you pick an American site even though its international compared to a site that is based in the UK?

I think you'll find most sites here are controlled or owned by another country underboss
but there must be a site that was created in the UK for UK folks?

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Fri 05/11/18 10:01 AM
Im curious johnain, why did you pick an American site even though its international compared to a site that is based in the UK?

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Fri 05/11/18 09:15 AM
What do you mean you signed up, as in for the site or the paid features?

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Fri 05/11/18 09:06 AM
As long as that woman that married the tree isn't given a license to own guns

Because you never know what that nut job will do to those who even chop trees down.

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Fri 05/11/18 08:59 AM

I didn't understand that either.
I did say "if you're wife or husband was a good cook "but was unfaithful would you keep them?

I got that part, I was just a little confused by Ms.Harmony's response.

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Fri 05/11/18 08:24 AM
Edited by undrboss on Fri 05/11/18 08:37 AM

The other day i was watching YouTube and and Facebook i saw many couple meetings on airport meeting after a year or more, meeting for first time because they were in long distance relationship.... It was cool watching them....!!!
relationships based on fantasy are not real relationships

Unless you meet the person and spend actual physical time with them , it isnt a relationship.

Ive known people who has met people online, they skype or go on whatapp with them and they communicate that way for months and months and then they meet and suddenly the "chemistry" isnt there.

I think the videos you watch on Youtube and Facebook of couples meeting for the first time and it working out is the exception to the rule.

Its not realistic in my opinion.

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Fri 05/11/18 08:18 AM

Problem of someone in control of a country weather it be yours or ours is trust!
If they lie to there spouse and family then do you think they'll be honest to people who mean nothing? No of course not!
Plus, all you here from especially american officials is 'god bless America 'god this, god that!
God must have given him the ok to be unfaithful.

If your wife or husband was a great cook or great with the kids
Would you stay with them if they were unfaithful?
It's all about trust!

its a totally different relationship between spouses than between a person and their employers or job. So yes, they can lie to the spouse about infidelity without lying to others about their business.

It is about trust, but its also about relevance. I would keep a cook regardless of fidelity or a babysitter, but a husband has as part of his expectation in his 'job' with me is to be faithful, so that is a different situation.


you must explain this,Im not following .

Trust and relevance, you would keep a cook regardless of fidelity or babysitter?

I dont get it?

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Fri 05/11/18 08:13 AM

Good for quebec

and you wonder why western bill of rights and sharia law are not compatible.

here is proof.

Well, yeah, but then the Western (read United States Only) Bill of Rights isn't compatible with ANY religions' rule systems. Including Judaism and Christianity.

Basically, any religious rules that conflict with local laws, are going to be a problem.

As for the whole very real problem of the wearing of face coverings, that appears to be controversial even WITHIN Islamic societies. It apparently is NOT true, that all women are required to have their faces covered at ALL times.

ha, I recognize you from DH, testsign something??

Anyways I guess I will call you igor here, and to respond to your post
Since we are talking about America you forgot one little thing .

Our American founding fathers were theistic rationalists and the declaration that they wrote expressed their beliefs.

they believed that any religion that worshipped God should be free to worship in America, the christian, the jew, gentile, Mahometans to Deists.

the problem is not our bill of rights its certain religions interpretation of our bill of rights.

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Fri 05/11/18 07:39 AM

It seems some men are upset that they can't mistreat women anymore. People are still getting married when both people are good to each other. I see men use or try to use women for sex. They get pissed off when they are told no. I see women use men for money. He is usually older and knows he is being used. He gets mad. I don't think either movement has much to do with the war between the genders. I think it's each person's selfish agenda.
I dont think feminism has anything to do with some jagoff men being upset for not mistreating women.

The reality is people are now understanding its not a smart move to abuse or mistreat and its being frowned upon.

Some men use women for sex and some women use men for money, its been like that since the days of King George.

by the way , do you miss DH?

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Thu 05/10/18 08:55 PM
Solution, dont date radical 3rd wave feminists

you're welcome.

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Thu 05/10/18 08:46 PM
I know some guys will and some guys wont

I fall under the "wont", I have friends that do and Ive seen how challenging it can be.

So not for me.