Aje wins, wait I did it again..
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What Month Were You Born,
outgoing personality. takes risks. feeds on attention. no self control. kind hearted. self confident. loud and boisterous. VERY revengeful. easy to get along with and talk to. has an "every thing's peachy" attitude. likes talking and singing. loves music. daydreamer. easily distracted. Hates not being trusted. BIG imagination. loves to be loved. hates studying. in need of "that someone". longs for freedom. rebellious when withheld or restricted. lives by "no pain no gain" caring. always a suspect. playful. mysterious. "charming" or "beautiful" to everyone. stubborn. curious. independent. strong willed. a fighter. repost in 5 mins and you will meet the love of your life sometime next month. Fit's most of who I am Except I don't get distract...hey look something shiney...lol ![]() ![]() |
I'm inventing a new soda called "Nothing" so when people ask what your drinking you can say Nothing...lol
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stop fighting over who will win when we all know it's gonna be ME..lol
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front to front and side to side this is proof that I've arived in the middle or on the ground I post last and I think the rest doesn't rhyme...lol
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Weeee I WIN, I think I win, Did I win? I'm confused did I win or not? What? I DID win? No? Can someone explain because my lepricon is confused and has to take a nap...lol
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Somebody's watching me between the sheets - Rockwell
No one will win this game EVER...LOL
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Texas flood Between the Sheets -Stevie ray Vaughn
Cocaine Between the sheets - Eric Clapton
Aha Aje26 posted last
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Remember that there is no such thing as "off duty" to any customer they think that you must help them all the time even if it is with your lunch and soda in hand walking to the breakroom which is why I leave and eat somewhere else and don't come back till 5 minutes to and I have my mp3 player on with my headphones so I can't dare hear anyone ask for help so I just keep walking right on back to punch in.
If your gone noone can call you on the pa system no customers can bother you and you don't have to worry about things till you get back. ![]() |
You know what abra you twist my words and lie, you left out important parts of what I said, God is Just and fair and He may not like people to go to hell but the fact is that this is our chance here on earth to follow before you become a lemming and follow satan into hell.
He won't stop you because you did it to yourselves, he IS all powerful and he DOES know what's best but if you won't listen to him then there is really nothing he can do for you because once you leave earth it will be too late to ask for forgiveness. And second of all you have to have a sincere heart when you ask Jesus into your heart or God will see right through your lies. by the way if you have a goddess then you have other god's before him so therefore you haven't fufilled any requirements by christian standerds. You people may be older but you are still as ignorent of the truth despite what you may think because you will always twist my words and put things there that skue things to fit your point of view. you may think you know about the Bible but you obviously are sorely misstaken because you did not understand it. You think there are descrepencys in the Bible but if you truely read it correctly and understood it then you would see everything coinsides with everything else, you take apart things and you leave something else out because you don't "like that part" so you are afraid of it and call it off all together because you don't understand parts of it. you deem it confusing and uninteligable jibberish , would you say the same thing if you picked up a book from Japan and tryed to read it, you look at it every which way and can't understand it in anyway, you try to read it for 40 years and still can't understand, the fact is that to understand it you must first learn how to read Japanese and the same goes for the Bible you can read it for 40 years and you will never understand it because you toss it to the side and say it doesn't make sense. if you Did know what I know then you would be the same as I am or at the very least not acting the way you people are with half truths and blind lies. |
Robin Hood: Men In Tights
hey, saw is good not rubbish and if you watch all 4 of them there is more of a meaning then what you might think, yeah there's ummmm vivid stuff in there but the plot over all is really interesting to see why people turn out the way they do.
It's not a typical "horror movie" Timp. |
Yeah, I think cartoon network funded the new shows but I'll have to check it out.
I think everyone can't wait for the new eposodes...lol |
A Christmas story
I love this movie, Ralphie was so cool and he didn't shoot his eye out...lol
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People have no idea what any of us go through at all which is why I don't bother anyone when I am a customer why I don't argue and why I understand that people are just doing they're Jobs when they're busy stocking or if noone is in a department.
We have guys running around opening fitting rooms all day and yet people bug me at the register asking me to open a fittingroom. Do I look like I have keys or can leave this line of people to let you into a fitting room? why don't people ever see the sign that says "to be let into a fitting room push the RED BUTTON for assistence!!" I am a self relyent customer in every sense of the word and I will never be rude to anyone in retail. My coworker saw a woman climbing a ladder one day trying to reach a box, he said "I can get that down for you" she says "No all your guys seem to be busy on their Cell phones" He looks around and all he sees is another man with a different color polo and kakies talking on his cell phone. The man didn't even work there, we wear green polo and Kakies and the man was wearing Red, I swear people don't think any more. I'll even be walking in another store in my normal clothes and people bother me. I think the next time I see someone who asks me for help at a place I don't work at I will be rude to them and lead them on then when they ask to talk to my manager I'll say no you can't. when they ask me why I'll tell them "Because I don't even Freaking WORK here that's why!!" LOL ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
yeah, I hear that christmas is going to be the only holiday from now on and they're going to start pushing holiday sales and music starting in February...
![]() ![]() I can't stand the music any more I'm really glad that they haven't started with it and I am Amazed and happy about that. I told my coworker as I looked around the store, "Christmas time is coming, I can feel the evil rising" He knew exactly what I meant and I'm sure anyone who works in retail will know what I mean because once Christmas hits all the people will turn evil, rude, shoving everyone over and being stressed out with long lines and people writing evil checks!!! I wish it was next year already because I can't wait for all the madness to be over. |
First off let's deal with Abra.
With all due respect Josh, it’s this kind of rhetoric that offends people. The very suggesting that because someone is not a “Christian” that they necessarily have lesser morals or are obsessed with doing wrongful things. If I were to become a Christian I would not need to change my lifestyle one iota. There is nothing I do that would conflict with Christianity. {But you would change your perspective about the way God really works so therefore you would change some aspect of your life in one way or another} And as you say, no one is perfect, we are all human, so even if I became a Christian that part wouldn’t change either. In short, there is absolutely nothing I would need to give up to become a Christian. {People can have all the morals they want but the fact still remains that just being good doesn't get you into heaven, it is a releationship with Jesus Christ that is important, if it were just based on the fact that you had to be "good" then there would be no need for Jesus to die for our sins and there would have been no reason for Him to come here at all} I don’t denounce the Bible because I think it’s too strict to live by. On the contrary I pity anyone who feels that behaving themselves is so hard to do! I denounce the Bible simply because I don’t believe it is from God. Period Amen. It’s an intellectual decision based on the fact that I don’t believe that the creator of this universe would be so self-centered and jealous. I don’t believe that the creator of this universe would have created an eternal hell as part of his master plan. It simply makes no sense to me. {By the way the word Amen means I agree and you very we'll can't say that you agree with yourself because that's already a given} What purpose would be served by making souls suffer for eternity? Who would that benefit? Unless God is some kind of sadist and gets a kick out of watching people suffer then why bother with hell at all? Why not just “un-create” souls who misbehave (let them perish into oblivion) What would be the PURPOSE of making them suffer for all of eterntity? Who would BENEFIT from that? Can you tell me who would benefit from that? And remember, if you say that the Devil would benefit, then why would God allow the to have the ‘pleasure’ of tormenting his creations for all of eternity? The picture just makes no sense Josh. How would it be beneficial to God to make a place for people to suffer for all of eternity? And if it’s not beneficial to God then why would God allow such a thing to occur? What would be the purpose of it? Well, keep in mind, that if the Bible was written by men to keep the masses under their thumb buy scaring the HELL out of them! Then the story makes PERFECT SENSE. But it makes no sense at all that an all-wise, all-powerful, all-loving God would create such a situation. What would be the purpose of it? How would the be beneficial to God? That’s really a huge reason why I don’t believe in the religion. It simply makes no sense! I don’t believe that the picture of God that has been portrayed can possible be what the real creator of this universe would be like. The biblical picture of God is far too HUMAN! With HUMAN frailties and faults. He’s even a self-proclaimed “jealous” God. A God who gets jealous? {You keep saying you don't understand which is why I keep saying that people are Ignorent of christianity, they have a lack of knowlege of things so there for it "Makes no sense" to them. I keep saying that it doesn't benifit anyone and God doesn't enjoy when people go to Hell, the FACT is that people send themselves to hell, God made Hell for Satan and His demons, he never meant it to be a place for humans in any respect but when people do not follow God they follow satan to hell of they're own free will. God never sends anyone there they send themselves by default which is why God set up rules to obey. It's like the law here on earth, if you break a law the government has set up then you pay the price sooner or later, the judge may not want to see people go to jail but he still has to enforce the law.} Now I'll talk to you KerryO Josh writes: " there is no contradiction in my post, you're just reading it the wrong way...lol" "Nyet!" said the bear, "I am NOT a bear." -I. Tergenev, if I recall correctly. {That was a joke, maybe you should get a sense of humor?} "people are ignorent of christianity and they do not change their ways or want to believe christianity because it would be too hard for them to give up things God says is wrong." In my dictionary, 'ignorance' is defined as a lack of knowledge, so how can can someone change to conform with something about which they know nothing? I suspect you're misusing the word in an attempt to appear to be less the authoritarian fan. So that when you sneak morality into the argument, you have what you think is an escape-proof prison of circular thinking that, if it's good enough for you, you think everyone should embrace. Sorry, I don't do chains well. {Well lets see that's kind of my point, people DO have lack of knowlege which Is why I try to teach people but when I do try and teach so they are informed I get yelled at for shoving my religion down throats. I am not misusing the word which is why I just explained everything I just explained. I can only explain so much it's not my fault if you don't want to listen to what I have to say, if you turn a blind eye and deaf ear on me then there is nothing I can do when you say that you weren't warned. You may think it's chains but I think of it as a rope to guide you through the darkness.} "I'm not getting in people's faces at all because you can't even see the way I would say it with my mouth." Perhaps not, however many Christians are heavily into proseltyzing, and pretty much never give up trying to tell agnostics/atheists their version of The Truth. {The thing is "our" Version of truth is truth, if you had information that could save lives wouldn't you want to share it also?} "I am mearly stating a fact of how society treats christianity, I knew people who were muslim when I was in school who were given a time to pray in another room, yet Christians cannot pray quietly or lead a bible study or share our beliefs without it being called "shoving our religion down others throats"" Hold the 'another room' thought. Militant Christians don't want another room, they want to _monopolize_ the room. And then get all pissy about being the majority in the country when denied the same. Sheesh, you see it all the time in these threads. {why can't we just pray in peace? you think that we want the whole room but the fact is that what is the problem with being in the room if we pray quietly? shouldn't we have the right to do that? We are not "monopolizing a room" if we want to pray quietly, if someone bows they're head and never utter a word why is that so disturbing to you?} "when a buddest shares his belief it is called enlightend thinking." When's the last time a Buddhist monk showed up in your neighborhood with tracts about hellfire and damnation? (Besides, I've always kinda liked that one about "What is the sound of one hand clapping".) {The difference is that God told us to go throughout the world and tell people where as buddests have not been told to do so, by default We as christians have to go and witness mearly because that is what God has told us to do.} I hope this sheds a little bit of understanding and hopefully you'll be a little less Ignorent of the Facts. ![]() |