Community > Posts By > josh3110

josh3110's photo
Tue 10/30/07 08:42 PM
Well, to be consitered a cult the viewed "religion" makes you cut off ties to family, make you change yor personallity or name. those are the grounds of viewing a so called religion as a cult.
Mormonism and Christianity are not an intertwined religion because they do not find faver with eachother, the Bible rejects what the Morman bible says in every way.
Take for the fact that they believe that they will become God/s but God put in the ten commandments that thou shalt have no other God's before me.
so right there the Mormon Bible contridicts The true Bible so therefore has no basis to be called a sect of christianity.
along with other Beliefs that do not coinside with what the Bible teaches.

josh3110's photo
Tue 10/30/07 07:42 PM
I fear Nothing. happy

josh3110's photo
Tue 10/30/07 07:36 PM
To relay to your question before, It is used as a conduit because it is part of the "psychic" relm of calling on spirits {demons} to tell you what will happen, when you open your mind to such things they influence your thought processes and your spiritual well-being, by relying on those spirits {Demons} instead of God for guidence you start to abandon God and that can put you into a dangerous place.

also, While Christians actually support science because it does as you matter of fact pointed out that it proves God's exsistence.
Big bang could not of happend because something {in this case energy} cannot gather out of nothing {a big bang} there has to be a motion set into place {such as cause and effect} to move a chain reaction into play, in evolution it states that there was energy that dispersed and gathered over time but how could energy gather from nothing at all?
Evolution keeps changing every day, theorys, beliefs, times and dates but the word of God is a constant.
If scientests were to say that God was the one who made the big bang that would lead to a host of problems on all sides because God spoke everything into being, they formed from what he wanted without a bang.
Another thing is that it would have to jump into evolution is saying that God made things evolve when he clearly made Adam as a full grown adult, gathering dust and breathing life into him, he {God} would walk with him and he had made Eve from adams rib which last time I checked a little boy would not have had use for a woman, if Adam would have been a boy he would have been happy running around with the
it's why evolution cannot work because of the fact that if monkey's did evolve into humans there would be no more monkeys left to witness.
you would also see humans evolving into other things but you don't see that either, you may see someone grow an abnormal hand on a back or some other apendage but it would be higher then that because it would be a fully functioning part but in all cases they are without perpose, plus why would God rely on evolution to make things happen when it is much easyer to just have a full grown person?
it is something like 98% of out DNA is close to apes, but that 2% is significant of a difference that it cannot possably be related to us as humans.
but that is another story all together, maybe it would be better to start a different thread for

josh3110's photo
Tue 10/30/07 06:47 PM
Q.Why would God demand that everyone believe in a specific piece of folklore over any other. Just how are they supposed to KNOW that it’s actually from God? I mean, when I look at the book I’m totally convinced that it can’t possibly be from the creator of this universe.
So I’m rejecting a BOOK, not God. And if God is so wise and omnipresent and knows everyone’s thoughts then he would KNOW that I’m not rejecting him, but rather I’m rejecting a book that I simply don’t believe has anything to do with him.

A. Because it is God breathed, the Bible is called THE WORD OF GOD! So if you reject the WORD OF GOD then you reject GOD!
this IS common sense...
the reason also the reason he want's us to believe in chrisianity over any other "folklore" as YOU call it is because all the other folklore are taking people away from GOD.
that would be consitered having a false IDOL.

This is where I have a serious problem with the religion. When the religious people say, “Oh no! You have to believe in the BIBLE, nothing else will do!”. Well to me that just indicates that it is INDEED all just a big hoax. The focus is on the religion, NOT on God.

If the book were genuinely written by God he would have made it clear that reverence for him is all that’s important and that believing in any particular book simply isn’t important.

In fact, if God wanted to send a message to man, why do it though a restricted geographical region and just a handful of closely related people? Why not inspire writings all over the globe by all men. Then we’d see a whole lot of differnet books that were simultaneously written all over the world in a time when that kind of communication wouldn’t have been possible. Then we’d KNOW that the message was from God!

HELLO?? Are you hearing yourself? IT WAS WRITTEN BY MANY DIFFERENT MEN from around the world God revealed himself to them through the holy Spirit, don't you know your history???
Hence why it is called GOD INSPIRED!

Instead we have a bunch of yo-yo’s in the Middle East writing self-centered stories about their own lineage and nations. Smells like folklore to me!!!
But I guess I’ll be rejected by God then because I didn’t buy into the correct comic book.
What the hell kind of a way is that to play a game?
It’s a stupid game if you ask me.

It's not a game that's why we as christians try to reach people around the world so they are not lost to Hell.

Miles wrote:
“Hell is a foriegn concept to the Holy Bible. Complete destruction is the punishment of the wicked not everlasting torture. Death is death non exxistance”

Now that I can handle! I’m not wicked, but if I lose the game because I read the wrong comic books then I’m glad to know that I’ll just die when I die. I have no problem with that. Hanging around for eternity groveling for forgiveness all the time and having to constantly worship and praise a deity doesn’t sound like a bunch of fun anyway. Just passing out into oblivion actually sounds much more inviting in comparison.
After all, in theory I was non-existent before I was born, so going back to being non-existent after I die seems like a pretty fair deal.

Just because it's "comfortable" for you to believe doesn't mean it's true because that's such an easy "way out", you just want something that's easy for you so you don't have to do any work, you know that if what I say is true then it's going to be "hard"
You don't want to believe it because when you get to your Judgement you want to say to God "I didn't know, I thought I would just float off and be like "poof" gone" well you can't use excuses with God because I TOLD YOU so you did know and chose not to believe what I said.
you can't just pick and choose whats comfortable for you and expect to be covered in every aspect.
Don't be mistaken in thinking there is more then one way to heaven because there's not, and as far as it not being fun praising God all the time you have no clue what its like to be in HIS {NOT her} presence because if you did you wouldn't say such a thing, it is more wonderful then you can imagine because I HAVE been in His presence.
if you really want God to show Himself to you just ask Him to and HE will when the timing is right, I'll pray for you that God will reveal Himself to you.

josh3110's photo
Sun 10/28/07 12:00 PM
Abra, I'm not preaching fire and brimstone because if I was I would be much more forceful on this matter.
I am just saying my belief on hell, I told you I had seen Hell for myself and Just what the bible co-ordnates about the subject, I was just answering your question you asked me before what my thoughts were on the matter.

I don't what your talking .E.arth ...

It may not matter to you, and you may not believe it but it is the basic foundation for christianity.even though you aren't a christian I am telling you that it is what we {christians} believe.

josh3110's photo
Fri 10/26/07 11:51 PM
I am mearly stating that Jesus said I am the way the truth and the light, no one comes to the father but through me.
If it were mearly just that you had to be a good person then there would be noone in heaven because as I stated before either in this thred or another one, everyones defonition of "good" is different.
some would like "good" to be something at the shallow end, others would like it to be a very high standpoint and yet others think that just living they're life is "good" even when stealing, doing drugs, drinking your brains out and other activitys.
the point is that just living how you want to live is not any constitution for being "good" in any aspect.
You can go to church and consitter yourself "good", live a moral and upright life, have no relationship with God and still go to hell.
some think all you need to do is go to church every week and they'll be "fine".
I keep pointing out that it is the relationship With God the FATHER and HIS son Jesus that is the key to heaven.
what would have been the use in Jesus dieing for our sins if the way to heaven were just to be "Good"?

josh3110's photo
Fri 10/26/07 11:39 PM
Abra, I was shown it so that I can be a witness and a testiment to people, I believe that I will go to heaven.
God sends noone to hell, it was they're choice to follow satan so they followed him there, mankind sends themselves to Hell.
By not following God you follow satan, even if you consitter yourself a "good person" Faith without works is dead and works without faith are useless.
God greves for those who were "Good people".
If you go to a nightclub and it is hard to get in, you say to the bouncer "Let me in I know the owner"
The bouncer replys "How do you know him?"
You say "I heard about him, and even talked to him one time"
bouncer asks you "Did you spend alot of time with him?"
you say what?

Just because you know about the owner or heard about him doesn't make for much grounds to get in but what if this happend?

The owner greets you at the gate and says "Hey it's my close friend {insert name here}.

how much time do you spend in prayer, read & study the Bible, how much effert have you really spent trying to get to know God because it's the relationship with him, he knows your heart and what you did or didn't do.
If you are in the lambs book of life then your past transgressions will be pardoned and you'll have no worry's if your a little scruffed, but the people in hell are those who have rejected God by not believing in him, thinking they don't need him, and thinking they could be "Good enough".
If you truly are a child of God then you won't be in hell will you and you would have had a relationship with him.
No person is innocent, we all have an inate sence that God is there, it is up to you weather you want to accept him in your life or not.

josh3110's photo
Fri 10/26/07 11:16 PM
regardless of weather you think you need absolution or salvation, truth is truth and when it comes down to it in the end you will have to explain to God not me, your actions.
being good is not enough, because what one persons defonition of good is anothers not so bad, good intentions are currupted and destorted by many, "if you say something long enough it becomes true" that phrase is not true in the least.
if you are in the ocean and someone throws you a lifesaver and you tell them "no thanks, just being out here wading in the water is fine for me" don't be surprised if you wind up drowning when you loose all your energy and a storm comes.
if you have no absolutes then there is no real way to judge what is really truly bad outside of having no standard.
A person could say "Well I believe that murdering innocent people is ok to do" or "I think stealing isn't bad"
anyone can consitter anything ok and picking what is "right for them" but not everything that is right may be comfortable for everyone.
it's more about getting right with God not about being comfortable.
We as humans don't want to be told how to live even if they are to protect us from ourselves.
God says don't act in premarital sex the consiquences being you can catch something.
God says Don't steal, the consiquence being that it doesn't belong to you, you hurt others and go to jail.
God says don't get drunk, the consiquences are that you can hurt yourself,get raped, die, or maybe just have a hangover. {To only have a hangover would be a best case senario}

I am not trying to judge because that is Gods job in the end of it.
Just because you don't believe doesn't mean you have everything to lose.:cry:
Just something to think about.flowerforyou

josh3110's photo
Fri 10/26/07 10:52 PM
Witchcraft, Divonation, Tarot cards or anything like that are consittered magic, so when you say that Jesus preformed Magic I had thought you had grouped Him in with those which he told us not to take part of.

josh3110's photo
Fri 10/26/07 10:16 PM
I have seen Hell with my own eyes, I was at work when it happend
I have never done drugs and I was not drunk nor did I have anything.
I was standing handling merch coming down the line on the convayer belt when I looked over and saw 2 demons standing gaurding the radio, I could tell what they were because I saw the darkness that was in and around them, they were in human form arms crossed looking at me.
I took the merch off the belt and put it in its place and when I looked again they were gone.
I worked for a little bit and Boom! I was hovering over HELL, I could not feel the heat but I could see the effects of it around me, it was dark; not like here, it was a completely different absence of light, I could see everything around me and although there were men and women next to each other they could not see anyone around them; they would scream in aggony so high pitched it hurt your ears and it would send the spirits into more screaming in pain from the sound.
Each person had demons surrounding them telling them every thing they had ever done wrong and would take turns in hurting the person in one way or another.
I saw every person's skin melt like wax on a candle and when they were bone they would regenerate every piece of they're tissue again and it would start over again with melting down.
After seening this I was transported back into my body and seeing that had left me weak.
It was like all my energy had left my body, I almost fell over and I broke down crying, it was only a few seconds I had been away but it had felt like I had been there for far longer.
I can't handle it when people tell me that it's going to be some party, makes me want to cry now knowing that people perposely want to go there.

josh3110's photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:53 PM
Hey mike, how about this one...
I've seen hell for myself!
I was at work and I was tranported overlooking Hell itelf out of the blue.
I was not on drugs or drunk, I was sober and completly aware of everything going on.
It is nothing like the movies or anything read about in some place, not just some fire and brimstone.
if you can denigh me something Ive experienced then Good luck with that.

josh3110's photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:41 PM
Why do you think God does magic?
Magic is refrence to satans power source not Gods, God does not do magic or have any other part of that subgenre.
Didn't you read my first post?
God himself says not to be a part of Witchcraft,Devonation,Tarot cards or anything like that, why Would God himself use something that he has told people not to be a part of?
Just wondering :smile:

josh3110's photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:36 PM
Not really abracadabra, Just because you confess them out loud does not mean you have confessed them to God to ask Him for forgiveness, It is the relationship with God that is relivent not just speaking out and changing on your own.
If I wronged someone and I said sorry to myself without the person being there in tie that I have no relationship with them what power would my appology have if I only spoke out to myself rather directly to that person?

josh3110's photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:31 PM
They didn't proform magic either, if you come in the name of Jesus it is not Magic, Magic comes from the souce of evil{Satan}
Jesus' followers have Different power source and are consittered miricles Not Magic.
Like I said, they are two different power souces, Magic is magic but Miricles are a completly different animal because you are calling on God not satan for your power.
Thats like calling a Dam plant and a nucular Bomb the same thing, though they both supply power, God's power is infanetly more greater then satans.
It may look as though at first that Satans power is greater but it is also destructive in the long run where as God's power stays for the long haul and provides power to those of us who need it from him.
The point is that there is a HUGE difference between where we Get our power and where others get their power.

josh3110's photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:07 PM
Forgot to add that I am in no way perfect but just wanted to get that out there.

josh3110's photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:06 PM
you don't have to be perfect to be in the presence of God, He takes you as you are sin and all and changes you to be the more perfect virsion of yourself so in the end you will not want to sin.
Jess, you may have forgiven yourself of past things and it is good that you have changed for the better but the sins are still there, you must Confess your sins to God so that he may wash them away.
It's like grease on your hands, you can pour water as much as you want but you won't totally get it all off unless you use some kind of soap or degreaser of some kind, even though you might have some of it off the smell and grease will still cover most of your hands.

josh3110's photo
Fri 10/26/07 08:53 PM
Jesus did not perform magic, He is God and God has power of his own his power came from God not satan so therefore is not magic, it is a entirly different power source. happy

josh3110's photo
Fri 10/26/07 08:46 PM
Lizard, Satan and Lucifer are the same being, Just like God has many names so Does Satan.
Satan,Lucifer,Bail are just to name 3.

It's sad but God would not be able to forgive him because the only Sin that is unforgivable is blaspheming against the Holy Spirit.

Truly I say unto you, All their sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter: but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin: because they say, ‘He has an unclean spirit’. (Book of Mark 3:28-29)
He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters. Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. And whoever says a word against the Son of man will be forgiven; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. (Book of Matthew 12:30-32)

in other words, If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. (Book of Hebrews 10:26-27)

I don't think that Satan would Go ask for forgivness just because he is too prideful, He tryed to take over Heaven and took one third of the angels with him.
Because Satan commeted the unforgivable sin he will never be forgiven.

josh3110's photo
Fri 10/26/07 08:13 PM
Hupuppy, I didn't mean it to sound that way but you made a good point.
There is only one God, I was trying to approach it more from a more logical point to show that God in christianity is the only one who disaproves of such things as magic.
Curious22, I take no offence by your questions because after all you are only curious about why I say what I say.

What Imbues all things such as Tarot Cards, Divonation, witchcraft, psychics and other things like that are calling out to satan to bestow some kind of power in one way or another, Although most do not know or want to believe it comes from him.
They allow you to open your mind to all sorts of things satan wants you to hear.
If you leave your door open in a bad neighborhood and have a sign that said welcome, Now wouldn't it be logical that someone is going to rob you?
same way with anything of those too, if you go to a psychic you leave your door open in your mind, you are saying welcome in to whatever is out there and let all sorts of bad things in, it is logical that satan will take anything he can from your spiritual walk from God.
Satan really doesn't care what you do as long as you keep your eyes off of God.
all the things I meantioned all come from the same power and even though they are not all witchcraft they are all derived from that power source.
If you have any more questions just let me know curious, I really don't mind and won't get upset.

josh3110's photo
Thu 10/25/07 10:25 PM
Abra, It's not Just me, there are people who have no idea about the witchcraft thing and they are fine until the enter the city.
These are the people who are spiritually tuned.
I understand about feeling heavy around churches and there have been alot of people that let flesh take over for they're own natures.
I am saddend that people act on they're own without thinking about what the nature of God is.
Christians do not use Magic as you put it, the God of Christianity said to not use magic,Divination,Tarro cards and the such.