Community > Posts By > Mirage4279

Mirage4279's photo
Sat 12/07/13 04:38 PM
this discussion is taking off nicely

Mirage4279's photo
Sat 12/07/13 04:31 PM
i feel your pain.. kinda surprised this topic burst into three pages but hey sex sells .. hey jeannie

Mirage4279's photo
Sat 12/07/13 04:29 PM

Maybe it's a protest they hold at midnight. laugh

They probably won't want any hot dogs then eh?

laugh Not so sure. They could want beer with it, too.

They're taking a stand, but they'd better not set the hot dog van alight. surprised

Or it could be the name of a street. God help us if it is. laugh

I think its a one night stand with an emaphasis on things that go on at midnight

Mirage4279's photo
Sat 12/07/13 04:25 PM
This brings up an interesting point on how not frequently Mirage/Joe gets laid... the last fewe potentials were all married... for most guys this is Ok.. however.. i have passed every single oppertunity and as far as I know (unless their was something i did not know) have not yet... recntly widowed woman same thing...

this is a good topic... what does it feel like lol

Mirage4279's photo
Sat 11/09/13 05:03 PM
I have been programming in Java for the past 5 years or so... what did you want to know?

Mirage4279's photo
Thu 10/17/13 05:31 AM
It kind of depends on the situation... not sure exactly what the problem is BUT you can take the HDD out of the laptop (usually on the side... looks like a small dvd/cd drive and requires you to press a button to pop it out) also you can salvage data from certain screens similar to DOS... does require someone who knows wat they're doing.

Mirage4279's photo
Thu 10/17/13 05:21 AM
I had the same problem with my site , I posted my resume as a link on my site ( you can dl word docs)and it had my address apearing on the search engine... I woul not doubt there is a way to hide these things from the public view of the search engine, but I had to rewrite my resume to not include very personal info like that

Mirage4279's photo
Sun 09/29/13 12:23 PM
Edited by Mirage4279 on Sun 09/29/13 12:39 PM
You usually do that type of stuff with a database. I can do records like the ones found on this site when you create an account and post messages. However, have not learned how to store things like photos. It is a different type of data. I am pretty sure they are blobs and clobs of data when it comes to that type of data. Also uploading files not the most novice thing there is. In other words my self personally. I would have to learn a couple new things in order to do it. Why are you hiring someone to build your site? Uploading files is not the most common task and actually kind of difficult to do. I can design some pretty nice sites. So if you have any questions just lemme know. I can do almost anything up to and somewhat including uploading files. It's hard to explain without getting into a technical explanation. You have cross browser compatibility. Take HTML 5.0 for example they have some useful tags that make things easier to do. And uploading files is one of them. If you have an old browser though it will not render HTML 5.0 appropriately. So for those browsers you need to do it the old way or they will not be able to upload files using those tags. Make sense?

And about 25% or more of the people that visit your sites will be on browsers that do not render HTML 5.0 or CSS3 ( newer technologies that allow animation and other cooler stuff ). Had the same problem with applets. People would go to my site and get a black screen. Applets allow regular programming within a browser and actually a bit of a security risk. But could do really cool things on sites if it was not for that. So to answer your question I can sorta do that.... easily learn to though. What kind of site is it going to be? I am a Java programmer and can do back end server side programming quite well. But most people would tell you my sites look good and they do.. which is front end stuff.

As far as secure network connections go that is what I am learning to do right at the moment. It is actually hugely difficult to do and understand. Creating a secure socket and doing an https connection not the easiest thing to learn. I am sure once you know it ... it is easy, but thats not the case learning it from a book. Its actually pretty hard and one of the most employable skills once you master it. and it is not totally common to find one person that can do all those things that you need. The cost for going to a commercial company would be over 500 for what it is your asking.

Mirage4279's photo
Sat 09/28/13 10:06 PM
The numbers to look at for gaming are front side bus (FSB) and frequency (how many gigs your cpu is) and configuration (how many cores it has)...all effect the gaming capacity of the cpu...

Mirage4279's photo
Sat 09/28/13 09:58 PM
Hit me up! LoL

Mirage4279's photo
Sun 08/25/13 01:31 PM
your right letsayhi, I have no idea what it is I am talking about...
I was better off twiddling my thumbs through class...
No idea that overheating and unusually high frequencies during operations that do not require them means you need to replace the cpu...

Mirage4279's photo
Sat 08/24/13 01:20 PM
Well I am not sure it can be done. Ill put it this way. If the police want the so much as the serial numbers from your hardware and probably even administrative passwords from your BIOS or configuration settings I am thinking they can probably do it. I program, and know others that do as well. Thinking they are going to tell you the same thing that I would. Things like pulling restricted files from a web server over a network connection is SUPPOSED to be impossible. But if you know http as well as the server the files reside on it can probably be done.

For the average person walking the street for a network key or to gain access to work stations behind a router I am not sure that it is even close to being possible. I have to admit it might be, but I doubt it.

Most likely cause... someone who has access to things that are not supposed to is screwing with you
someone you know saw your password key

Mirage4279's photo
Sat 08/24/13 01:02 PM
Edited by Mirage4279 on Sat 08/24/13 01:03 PM
when your cpu is running abnormally such as at a higher frequency and really stressing it... you need a new cpu usually... I have had this happen a couple times.

Mirage4279's photo
Thu 08/15/13 01:26 PM

Why do nice guys lose when it comes to having women?

Thats not always true.. its actually kind of a stereo type that has truth to it... we have totally pounded the nice guy topic in here.. what it boils down to is it kind of pays to be a jerk I guess...

Mirage4279's photo
Sun 08/11/13 07:19 PM
Happy Birthday Metalwing

Mirage4279's photo
Sun 08/11/13 07:06 PM
Well also he was seeing some one else so likely the argument was more emotional then the fact about a dispute of children and whether or not to have em. But she has made one post and and not likely to return so it doesnt make a difference.

Mirage4279's photo
Sun 08/11/13 06:59 PM
Edited by Mirage4279 on Sun 08/11/13 07:00 PM
Shy does have a good point about the nice guy topics. We do discuss that alot here. Often get trampled on ... its that simple...

I think shy needs someone to role play as though she was the submissive cell mate in maximum security and get slapped around a little.

Mirage4279's photo
Sun 08/11/13 06:55 PM

Sure....I would sacrifice for the good thing I got.

These is no longer about is about we.

That must of been the statue that Krupa is riding on doing the typing on that response.sick

Mirage4279's photo
Wed 08/07/13 06:41 PM
Not real geeky but just an IT.

Mirage4279's photo
Wed 08/07/13 06:38 PM
Cap was using the brightness knob instead of the volume again.

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