Topic: website
stueebaby's photo
Sun 09/29/13 01:03 AM
Anybody out there who can create a website that banks video recordings securely for transfer to a third party ?

Mirage4279's photo
Sun 09/29/13 12:23 PM
Edited by Mirage4279 on Sun 09/29/13 12:39 PM
You usually do that type of stuff with a database. I can do records like the ones found on this site when you create an account and post messages. However, have not learned how to store things like photos. It is a different type of data. I am pretty sure they are blobs and clobs of data when it comes to that type of data. Also uploading files not the most novice thing there is. In other words my self personally. I would have to learn a couple new things in order to do it. Why are you hiring someone to build your site? Uploading files is not the most common task and actually kind of difficult to do. I can design some pretty nice sites. So if you have any questions just lemme know. I can do almost anything up to and somewhat including uploading files. It's hard to explain without getting into a technical explanation. You have cross browser compatibility. Take HTML 5.0 for example they have some useful tags that make things easier to do. And uploading files is one of them. If you have an old browser though it will not render HTML 5.0 appropriately. So for those browsers you need to do it the old way or they will not be able to upload files using those tags. Make sense?

And about 25% or more of the people that visit your sites will be on browsers that do not render HTML 5.0 or CSS3 ( newer technologies that allow animation and other cooler stuff ). Had the same problem with applets. People would go to my site and get a black screen. Applets allow regular programming within a browser and actually a bit of a security risk. But could do really cool things on sites if it was not for that. So to answer your question I can sorta do that.... easily learn to though. What kind of site is it going to be? I am a Java programmer and can do back end server side programming quite well. But most people would tell you my sites look good and they do.. which is front end stuff.

As far as secure network connections go that is what I am learning to do right at the moment. It is actually hugely difficult to do and understand. Creating a secure socket and doing an https connection not the easiest thing to learn. I am sure once you know it ... it is easy, but thats not the case learning it from a book. Its actually pretty hard and one of the most employable skills once you master it. and it is not totally common to find one person that can do all those things that you need. The cost for going to a commercial company would be over 500 for what it is your asking.

no photo
Wed 10/09/13 11:50 AM
Yes I can . I use to run a video website for community news

ggiggi's photo
Wed 10/16/13 05:37 PM
Sure yoy can email me