Community > Posts By > oldkid46

oldkid46's photo
Mon 10/28/19 07:23 PM
Moe, you should be very popular with a number of older ladies on here!!!!!!

oldkid46's photo
Wed 10/23/19 10:39 AM

There is also the difference in values and attitudes. There is always the desire to learn the values and attitudes of someone you have an interest in. The response of that person says a lot about their values and attitudes. It is best to find those incompatibilities before spending the effort to meet.

And, if someonre's values and preferencs are different than yours, then for gods sake..don't criticize them or get rude and tell them how you think they'd be a better person if they'd just.....
Unless one is an Ascended Master, one should not presume to tell someone that *they* know better than them how they should conduct their life, how they should act, or behave, or believe.
And you (the generic *you*) don't get to get pissy or ugly when they don't take you "advice" with a smile, if they react like any normal person would to an unasked for opinion, especially if that "opinion" is merely teling them how they are wrong..abd if they'd just see/ vhange (to suit you)...blah blah.

I don't know how that comes into play unless one is referring to specific subjects or prefernces..and, in that regard..see above.
I agree and you should not "ghost" them, simply say you don't see where the 2 of you are compatible. If they ask, then you can share what doesn't work for you and why. Sorting out different expectations is critical in making something work between people.

oldkid46's photo
Wed 10/23/19 08:04 AM

My tip for men is to make sure you give your dough plenty of time to rise before putting it in the oven .. it is the same when it comes to sexual flirtation ...,

tongue2 Just Think like a woman

tongue2 Be sure your brain , penis and heart are all speaking the same language

tongue2 .if it is not clear , then ASK Her what she values in getting to know a man . And guide your behaviour on that

Simple really :angel: biggrin waving

Xox blondey

Soooo, women have a special way of thinking? And I'm supposed to know and understand that? Just maybe we should expect her to verbalize what she is thinking instead of expecting us to be mind readers!!! I've failed mind reading class numerous times. My mind works straight forward and on logic, not female emotion!
all brains are unique and capable of special thinking :wink:

Logic should tell you that being sexually suggestive with someone that you have not met could be less than impressive ., if you do not share similar values . Incompatible communication styles is likely to cockblock you faster than your wing man :-) you do not need to be a mind reader just improve your communication skills biggrin waving

You bring up several very significant points. We recently had a thread about the use of "honey" and "sweetie". Very common terms of greeting in the south but offensive to some, especially women, on the coasts. The meaning of many words is different based on age, race, gender, and geography.

There is also the difference in values and attitudes. There is always the desire to learn the values and attitudes of someone you have an interest in. The response of that person says a lot about their values and attitudes. It is best to find those incompatibilities before spending the effort to meet.

oldkid46's photo
Tue 10/22/19 07:46 PM

My tip for men is to make sure you give your dough plenty of time to rise before putting it in the oven .. it is the same when it comes to sexual flirtation ...,

tongue2 Just Think like a woman

tongue2 Be sure your brain , penis and heart are all speaking the same language

tongue2 .if it is not clear , then ASK Her what she values in getting to know a man . And guide your behaviour on that

Simple really :angel: biggrin waving

Xox blondey

Soooo, women have a special way of thinking? And I'm supposed to know and understand that? Just maybe we should expect her to verbalize what she is thinking instead of expecting us to be mind readers!!! I've failed mind reading class numerous times. My mind works straight forward and on logic, not female emotion!

oldkid46's photo
Mon 10/21/19 07:46 PM

I've met many women I would have no sexual interest in not to mention all the ones that come with too may strings attached.

Maybe you have too many rules about women as well as a bad attitude that I have seen repeatedly on here. Older people in general will have baggage as well as being set in their ways.

All women are individuals, there are no set rules about either gender.

I think at your age, you should feel lucky to find anyone at all.

We all are set in our own ways and most come with an attitude. While we are all individuals to some extent, there are many common characteristics based on age, gender, and where we live. We do need to remember that not everyone fits into a certain characteristic grouping, but a substantial number of people will.

oldkid46's photo
Mon 10/21/19 04:06 PM

It could be that some older men have decreased sexual interest. There's one point that both of you ignored-

Does the man Want to get involved with the woman? I'd wager that some men (like me) don't want to. The baggage that comes with a sex partner isn't so appealing. Or, the man sees no appeal in the available women.

I came across a few street walkers in my younger days. Never saw one I'd have sex with, even if it was free. (And it wasn't)

My ex used to complain about my sexual interest in her. What she never realized, is that when she dyed her hair red, that killed my interest in her. I never dated a red head, never approached one for dating. Red wasn't in my appealing category. Then I end up with one. It became sort of a mexican standoff. To retaliate, I shaved off my mustache. Now it seemed pretty childish, back then, it wasn't.

These goofy articles seem to proclaim the true reasons for sexual interest. I say it's time to look at the appeal side of sex.
There is that. I've met many women I would have no sexual interest in not to mention all the ones that come with too may strings attached.

oldkid46's photo
Mon 10/21/19 03:00 PM

Here you go regarding decreased sexual interest of older men:

Oh didn;t need to show me that..*I* already knew about that.

2 things stand out to me: the lack of desire in the older population affects more women than men and in most cases your Doctor can help resolve the problem. Remaining sexually active and enjoying your sex life has many positive effects on your long term health both physically and mentally.

oldkid46's photo
Mon 10/21/19 01:47 PM
Here you go regarding decreased sexual interest of older men:

oldkid46's photo
Mon 10/21/19 09:19 AM

This is why men bring up the subject earlier than you ladies like:

To take a closer look at sex and older women, Harder and her colleagues analyzed surveys filled out by 24,305 women, half of whom were 64 or older. The researchers chose to focus on 4,418 women who also filled out a comment section that allowed them to write down their experiences in more detail.

Just 22.5% of the women, whose ages ranged from 50 to 75, said they had had intercourse in the preceding month. Lack of an intimate partner was the most common reason women cited, at 34.7%, for giving up sex. Among the 65.3% of women who did have a partner, just 34.5 reported being sexually active in the preceding month.

If only 35% who have partners are sexually active, that means I have a 60+% chance of getting involved with a woman unwilling to be sexually active. Poor odds of finding a suitable partner!! I don't need a commitment to have sex with me ever but I do need to hear a positive attitude toward still being sexually active on your part.


You really need to get off the woman-bashing trope..

There are plenty of guys who, as they get older have lost interest in sex..
Just because YOU don't believe it or don't perspnally know anyone like that doesn't mean it isn't true...
Also, men are less likely to be honest about the fact they aren't getting it's an embaressment if they aren't or, many misrepresemt how active they actually are...
I realize there are both men and women who are looking for some level of companionship that does not include physical sex. That is fine and their choice. That does not excuse either from leading someone else on. I think most people expect sex to be part of any relationship and if you are not willing to be sexually involved, that should be made clear before any relationship ever starts. Let's just call it "Truth in Dating". Something akin to being honest about your marital status.

I said nothing about leading anyone on.

I merely commented on the fact you continually bash older women for having a low or no sex drive..
As I *said*..that happens to older guys as well...but most won't admit it, in high school..they don't want to be seen as the loser guy who can't get laid (when in fact, they have no real interest in it)...but to save face, they act like they do.

I do not bash older women but only point out statistical facts and medical research. It is much healthier both physically and mentally to remain sexually active. If you are having difficulty enjoying your sexuality as you age, you need to discuss it with your healthcare provider. There are many ways to change that situation with either medications or psychological intervention. What I do bash are older women who refuse to admit they have a sexual problem and seek medical care. They also seem to think older men also have no interest in sexual activity and will be satisfied with a female companion or housekeeper. As you say, some will be but many others will not be.

FYI: there is a significant difference between not getting laid and being incapable of having an erection or orgasm. Getting laid (your words) requires a partner generally preferred to be a female partner!!!

oldkid46's photo
Sun 10/20/19 09:48 PM

This is why men bring up the subject earlier than you ladies like:

To take a closer look at sex and older women, Harder and her colleagues analyzed surveys filled out by 24,305 women, half of whom were 64 or older. The researchers chose to focus on 4,418 women who also filled out a comment section that allowed them to write down their experiences in more detail.

Just 22.5% of the women, whose ages ranged from 50 to 75, said they had had intercourse in the preceding month. Lack of an intimate partner was the most common reason women cited, at 34.7%, for giving up sex. Among the 65.3% of women who did have a partner, just 34.5 reported being sexually active in the preceding month.

If only 35% who have partners are sexually active, that means I have a 60+% chance of getting involved with a woman unwilling to be sexually active. Poor odds of finding a suitable partner!! I don't need a commitment to have sex with me ever but I do need to hear a positive attitude toward still being sexually active on your part.


You really need to get off the woman-bashing trope..

There are plenty of guys who, as they get older have lost interest in sex..
Just because YOU don't believe it or don't perspnally know anyone like that doesn't mean it isn't true...
Also, men are less likely to be honest about the fact they aren't getting it's an embaressment if they aren't or, many misrepresemt how active they actually are...
I realize there are both men and women who are looking for some level of companionship that does not include physical sex. That is fine and their choice. That does not excuse either from leading someone else on. I think most people expect sex to be part of any relationship and if you are not willing to be sexually involved, that should be made clear before any relationship ever starts. Let's just call it "Truth in Dating". Something akin to being honest about your marital status.

oldkid46's photo
Sun 10/20/19 04:46 PM
This is why men bring up the subject earlier than you ladies like:

To take a closer look at sex and older women, Harder and her colleagues analyzed surveys filled out by 24,305 women, half of whom were 64 or older. The researchers chose to focus on 4,418 women who also filled out a comment section that allowed them to write down their experiences in more detail.

Just 22.5% of the women, whose ages ranged from 50 to 75, said they had had intercourse in the preceding month. Lack of an intimate partner was the most common reason women cited, at 34.7%, for giving up sex. Among the 65.3% of women who did have a partner, just 34.5 reported being sexually active in the preceding month.

If only 35% who have partners are sexually active, that means I have a 60+% chance of getting involved with a woman unwilling to be sexually active. Poor odds of finding a suitable partner!! I don't need a commitment to have sex with me ever but I do need to hear a positive attitude toward still being sexually active on your part.


oldkid46's photo
Sun 10/20/19 08:08 AM

Get one that your partner likes too.tongue2

oldkid46's photo
Sat 10/19/19 08:39 AM

For those unsure of the difference between a compliment at work and sexual harassment , this might help :wink:

It is pretty simple ., "a compliment is only a compliment if it feels good "

@river .. what type of compliment are you suggesting we "lighten up" about ??? waving

If it is totally subjective on the part of the woman if it "emotionally feels good", then a man has no chance of innocence!!!

oldkid46's photo
Fri 10/18/19 07:07 AM
Many miss the Craigslist personals; makes it much harder to make new friends. Very poor regulations by a bunch of politicians and their supporting do-gooders!!

oldkid46's photo
Thu 10/17/19 08:50 AM
If you want to "play" either have your partner's permission or "play" as a couple. As a couple is probably the best solution; it definitely needs to be discussed honestly!!! If you are unwilling to bring up the subject with your partner, you don't have any right to explore.

oldkid46's photo
Wed 10/16/19 09:30 PM
The only things a man should ever say to a woman he works with who is not his wife should be strictly work related. Anything else has the potential to cost him his job!!!! A woman you work with is never to be treated in a social manner unless in a formal, polite way. If your actions are any different than how you would treat your mother or grandmother, they are totally off limits!!!!!

oldkid46's photo
Tue 10/15/19 04:42 PM

The real problem is what is considered sexual harassment! When someone can be accused because of only looking or looking and commenting, then there is a real problem with our expectations. You can wear anything you want and expect not to be touched. You cannot wear anything you want and expect no one is going to look or make a comment to you or about you.

WRONG! That's like saying if a person looks different because of a disability, you have the right to comment to them. If a woman has unusually large breasts, you can say something to her? I THINK NOT. Self Control is necessary in this world! If ya got none, stay home.
If the comment was directed at her breasts, you're right. If the comment was about something else, say her shoes or makeup or a new do, that would not be improper. Likewise with a handicap, all depends on what the comment is. Why do people often take something and try to turn it into harassment?? No wonder we just ignore most women totally as their own insecurities determine how they perceive anything we might say!!!!!!!!

oldkid46's photo
Tue 10/15/19 07:40 AM
The real problem is what is considered sexual harassment! When someone can be accused because of only looking or looking and commenting, then there is a real problem with our expectations. You can wear anything you want and expect not to be touched. You cannot wear anything you want and expect no one is going to look or make a comment to you or about you.

oldkid46's photo
Sun 10/13/19 12:24 PM
I would prefer company sometimes but finding another single to travel with is nearly impossible!!

oldkid46's photo
Sat 10/12/19 07:12 AM
At 72 I still drive a lot of miles. I have gotten to where I limit my long distance trips to under 12 hours a day; usually 600 - 700 miles. I'm not fond of some of the big cities but still have to go through them. I think Dallas is the worst one I usually go through.