Community > Posts By > Unknow

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Mon 10/04/10 04:08 AM
Suzanne20, it sounds like I wrote that posting myself! The only difference are the genders of the people involved. I can deal with rejection, but the not knowing of why it ended, that's what gets me. This sort of thing must happen all the time.

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Mon 10/04/10 04:03 AM
Dating websites should also be known as Human Nature 101. I have responded to profiles that sought nice and ethical men. I have gotten some replies, but I can't help but wonder if the others weren't really seeking troublemakers or had become so cynical that they didn't believe good guys exist anymore. I keep learning new things all the time.

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Mon 10/04/10 03:48 AM
I am looking for information from people who have been scammed by people they have met online. I am not talking about people using dating sites for business purposes. I will be the first to admit I am a greenhorn at online dating. A connection I thought was going well suddenly headed into suspicious territory. I would like to get some feedback from people who have been down that road. I want to believe this person, but all of a sudden things aren't adding up and money has come into play. I will be grateful for any information I could get, or if anyone has had similar experiences.

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Sun 10/03/10 03:14 PM
Awesome responses. Real liars, cheaters, and jerks will lie their way in, or in denial of what they truly are. But there are so many people (both male and female) who for some unknown reason are attracted to the worst type of people.

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Sun 10/03/10 03:00 PM
As always, interesting replies! Keep 'em coming! Grneyeyldy, I agree totally. I am grateful that those never were connections ended there and not somewhere farther down the road. Lex, if the next eight ladies you dated were worse than the arsonist, you are lucky you still walk this Earth! Thank God you still do, as your blogs are very enlightening!

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Sun 10/03/10 10:16 AM
Did you ever wonder when you see profiles saying "liars, cheaters, and jerks" need not respond, if the poster doesn't actually want such people, deep down?

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Sun 10/03/10 10:08 AM
Online dating, like most everything else in life, has its ups and downs. For this thread, I would like to focus on the downside, the frustrations experienced in the quest for someone special. As I have found out, the road to a good match is paved with unpleasant experiences and unsavory individuals. My most frustrating experience, and it has happened on more than one occasion, is when a seemingly serious connection develops, with frequent emails, IM's, and phone calls. Then, out of the blue, for no known reason, it stops cold and I never hear from the person again and I'm left wondering what I said or did wrong.frustrated I am currently involved in something I hope and pray blossoms into a lasting and meaningful relationship. However, I know what it feels like to be led to believe things are going in a positive direction, then be left twisting in the wind. All I know is that if I were ever to break off an online connection (and I have), I would let the other person know in a timely fashion and not burn any bridges.
I am interested in hearing of the frustrations encountered by others in the endeavor of online dating.

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Sat 09/25/10 03:40 PM
For the longest time, I had my mind made up that I would remain single for life and never get involved with anyone. Then, for some reason, I decided to try online dating just over two months ago. Now, a mindset I once thought was etched in stone is now crumbling away. I am now viewing the idea of relationships and marriage in a much more positive light. There may be some truth to all this destiny business. My original desire to remain alone was totally self imposed. As for my change of heart, I have no idea where it came from.

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Sat 09/25/10 03:23 PM
Great responses, ladies and gents! I understand people wanting to be cautious, but putting up a rancorous profile might scare some GOOD people away. Also, people who like to do harm will try even though the person specifies in his or her profile that they don't want liars, cheaters, etc. I feel that it would be better to phrase it like this: "Honest, loyal person seeking the same..."

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Fri 09/24/10 04:44 PM
On dating sites in general, some women tend to demonize men in their profiles, making them out to be liars, cheaters, and game players, as well as accuses them of being interested in onle one thing (I'll let you fill in the blank). I want to know what women are accused of in men's profiles. For relationships to fail, it often takes two to tango.

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Tue 09/21/10 07:36 PM
Interesting responses: MelodyGirl, I agree that anyone can have whatever preferences they want, and they should be upfront about the type of person they are seeking. However, I still think that this woman's email was an example of venomous bigotry. All she needed to say in her email to me was that she preferred a man of her own ethnic background. I would not have been offended in the least by that. She also could have simply not responded. As for her not knowing about text etiquette, this woman claimed to be college educated and a teacher. She had to be living under a rock not to know that all caps conveys anger. With all of this in mind, I truly believe that this woman had an axe to grind. I would like to see if anyone else had a similar experience, whether it be because of ethnicity, religion, gender, or any other characteristic.
On a lighter note, kudos to Dodo_David! Your reply was hilarious! It would have sounded even funnier in Alf's voice!

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Tue 09/21/10 04:29 PM
Here is another weird experience: I messaged a lady who was of a different ethnicity. She had no specifications in her profile as to which ethnicities could or could not email her. She responded with I AM NOT ATTRACTED TO CAUCASIANS. The rejection didn't bother me, as she was no great shakes to begin with. It was the way she said what she said --in caps. This lady was not only prejudiced (unlike me), but she also thought I should be able to read minds (if I could, I would read something more substantial). If someone prefers to date within their own ethnicity or religion, so be it, but specify in your profile. Just don't wait for someone of a different background to email you, and then get nasty with him or her. By the way, I responded to her with courtesy, as I wouldn't stoop to her level.

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Sun 09/19/10 03:53 PM
Keep these stories coming! With all the weirdos out there (both male and female) I expect this thread to go on forever! What about a time when a lead looked promising, then for some unknown reason, the person seemingly dropped off the face of the earth? This happened to me. We emailed eachother hot and heavy for a few days, phone numbers were exchanged (at her request) and we talked several times, sometimes for over 2 hours at a time, and then she stopped all contact with me. She remained on the site, however, and is still active. I can honestly say that I said nothing inappropriate, was never aggressive, and was nothing but polite with her. We shared a lot of laughs and agreed on most everything. To this day, I haven't the foggiest idea what happened.noway I sent the last email, but it was read and not responded to. I had told her that I hoped she felt better because she said she wasn't feeling well. I never emailed her again, because I am not one to beg, plead, or grovel. All I know is that I have a clear conscience in the matter.

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Sat 09/18/10 07:01 PM
I don't blame you one bit. What he did was disgusting and inappropriate!

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Sat 09/18/10 06:53 PM
What was your weirdest experience on this or another dating website? It could be funny, sad, creepy, or downright crazy. I will start this one out. The first and only time I got blocked was when I emailed someone I just started chatting with and wished her a nice day at a family barbecue and suggested that in our next chat we share interesting experiences we had on the job. The next time I tried to email her BOOM I was blocked. I was shocked and grateful at the same time: shocked because I was nothing but polite, respectful, and totally appropriate in what I said to her; grateful that I didn't hook up with a flake!noway

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Wed 09/15/10 03:42 PM
My last thread dealt with dealbreakers, things that would make someone undateable.
What are some things that you wouldn't necessary look for in another person, but are willing to overlook if the other person's better qualities outweigh their flaws, habits, or idiosyncrasies?

Here are some things I am willing to accept in an otherwise compatible person: extra weight (within reason), smoking (cigarettes, maybe cigars, but nothing else), tattoos and piercings, bizarre hairstyles, religious and political differences (nothing too extreme), light responsible drinking (as long as I am not expected or brow-beaten into participating), lower education level,and low English-speaking skills.

I look forward to reading your responses!

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Tue 09/14/10 06:57 PM
I often wonder what percentage of online profiles are really genuine. I'm not talking about someone who is a few years older, a few pounds heavier, a few inches shorter, or a little poorer than they say they are. I'm talking about underaged youths fooling around, men pretending to be women and women pretending to be men, scammers, or bored married men and women creating alteregoes in order to live a fantasy life. There is no way of really knowing for sure.

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Mon 09/13/10 08:16 PM
Great point Guitar_Hero_2000. I can't stand loud and obnoxious people. I guess I should add that to my list of dealbreakers.

Keep these posts coming! They're great!happy

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Sat 09/11/10 06:59 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 09/11/10 07:01 PM
What a great, lively discussion. I am impressed with all the thoughtful responses. It's too bad that most of the profiles in my area either fall into some of my dealbreakers (mainly kids and distance) or haven't been on line in over a month! I should probably add being an inactive user to my list of dealbreakers!laugh

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Sat 09/11/10 04:57 PM
Interesting post, Thorb. Diva, like many words in our collective lexicon, may have once had a positive connotation, but thanks to some spoiled, selfish egotistical female music "stars" and some dating service members, it now has a very negative connotation, like princess, prima donna, etc. Some people don't mind these types, but as for me, life's too short to walk on egg shells or bow down to a diva.