Community > Posts By > Britty

Britty's photo
Sun 12/28/08 01:45 PM

Answer to the question: No

Britty's photo
Sun 12/28/08 01:43 PM

Merry Christmas y'all from very snowy Jackson

Wishing you a very happy New Year.


"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." - 2 Corinthians 3:17

"I will walk at liberty and at ease, for I have sought and inquired for [and desperately required] Your Truth and Your Wisdom." - Psalm 119:45

"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed." - Luke 4:18

"Be careful, however, that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak." - 1 Corinthians 8:9

flowerforyou :heart:

Britty's photo
Sun 12/28/08 01:36 PM

Psalm 100
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.

This is one of my most favourite songs. Lets thank God for the past year (good and bad)and all the goodness He has prepared for us in this 2009 to come.

Amen to that.

flowerforyou flowers

Britty's photo
Sun 12/28/08 01:33 PM
flowerforyou :heart:

Welcome Icyskies, hope you enjoy being here.

Christmas was wonderful. I hope yours was blessed also.

Philippians 4:4-7
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

flowerforyou :heart:

Britty's photo
Sun 12/28/08 05:53 AM

Welcome Allen, I hope you enjoy being here and feel free to share what is on your heart.

Hello to Rapunzel also.

Hope you all have a blessed day.


Britty's photo
Sun 12/28/08 05:48 AM

I believe there are many areas of society where one can feel that.

Britty's photo
Sat 12/27/08 06:48 AM

Dont'cha just love it????


I hope everyone enjoyed a blessed Christmas, with a time to reflect on the gift our savior gave us.

Britty's photo
Thu 12/25/08 08:16 AM

Happy Christmas to all.

I can Only Imagine - Mercy Me

Britty's photo
Thu 12/25/08 08:10 AM

This my 2000th post and I am posting it to praise God.

Not to flirt.
Not to argue.

But to tell everyone I love Jesus.

To praise my Creator and live this day in peace.

To spend my 2000th post loving Jesus.

I wanna be like my Jesus.........................


Britty's photo
Thu 12/25/08 08:01 AM

One of my most favs....
The only video I've ever seen that can invoke chills, tears and lust simultaneously.

If you want to see it without the advertisement and the lyrics overlay, try this one

There is another version - It's a "bigger production" with a bit more orchestration and with a choir added.

Personally, I like the more "angelic" feel of the first one, but the second one is extremely powerful in it's own right.

Thanks for sharing, I have the 2nd one on a DVD, but I agree the first one is 'angelic'. Chloe has a beautiful voice. I saw them live a few months ago. It was a fabulous show.

Happy Holidays.


Britty's photo
Thu 12/25/08 07:57 AM

Merry Christmas to everyone.

drinker flowerforyou :heart:

"Give Us Clean Hands" Christ tomlin

Britty's photo
Tue 12/23/08 06:19 PM

Very cute.

Happy Christmas.

flowers waving

Britty's photo
Tue 12/23/08 06:17 PM

Thanks for sharing doll...I will now go look....

Remember when you wake up on Christmas Morning to say Happy Birthday Dear Sweet Jesus...And thank you for all that you have done for us...

amen to that.


Britty's photo
Tue 12/23/08 06:16 PM

Hi Debs. Happy Christmas.
flowerforyou :smile:

JB - Hope you enjoy the Holiday season.



I really enjoy listening to this song. There is a link to a video below, well put together I thought.

THANKFUL - Josh Groban

Somedays, we forget to look around us,
Somedays, we can't see the joy that surrounds us,
so caught up inside ourselves,
we take when we should give,
so for tonight we pray for,
what we know can be,
and on this day we hope for,
what we still can't see,
It's up to us, to be the change,
and even though we all can still do more,
there's so much to be thankful for,
look beyond ourselves,
there's so much sorrow,
it's way to late to say, I'll cry tomorrow
each of us must find our truth,
it's so long overdue,
so for tonight we pray for,
what we know can be,
and everyday, we hope for,
what we still can't see,
it's up to us, to be the change,
and even though we all can still do more,
there's so much to be thankful for,
even with our differences,
there is a place WE'RE all connected,
each of us can find each others light,
So for tonight, we pray for
what we know can be,
and on this day, we hope for,
what we still can't see,
it's up to us, to be the change,
and even though this world NEEDS so much more
there's so much to be thankful for.

flowerforyou :heart:

Britty's photo
Tue 12/23/08 06:09 PM

Mark Harris - One True God
From the album Windows And Walls

I don't have a God I can put on a stand
Or a God I hold in the palm of my hand
I have a God that's holding me
And I don't have a God that I can create
In the place I live with the money I make
I have a God, He made everything
So I don't need a temporary man made deity
When I got the real thing
I got the real thing

He's the Lord of all the earth
The maker of all things
He alone is the one true God
Kingdoms rise and fall
But even through it all
He remains
The one true God

I don't have a thing that I got on my own
I don't have a care that I carry alone
But I have a God who's carrying me
I don't have sin that He doesn't forgive
And I don't have a heart that is worthy of His
But I have a God who still loves me
So I don't need a temporary man made deity
When I got the real thing
I got the real thing

Who is this King of Glory
The Lord strong and mighty
Who is this King of Glory
The Lord strong and mighty
Who is this King of Glory
Who is this King of Glory

flowerforyou :heart:

Britty's photo
Tue 12/23/08 05:32 PM

Happy Holidays to all.

Both the videos have lovely winter scenery.

White Christmas – Frank sinatra

Doris Day – Winter Wonderland


Britty's photo
Tue 12/23/08 05:13 PM

Psalm 145:2
Every day will I bless thee; and I will
praise thy name forever and ever.

Every day is new with Christ Jesus. With every passing day we learn something more about His great love for us. And we should cherish every single day that God gives us. What is the purpose
of life-- if not to glorify the Heavenly Father in every thing that we do? Allowing the Holy Spirit to work in us and through us to accomplish the purpose of God in our every day lives?

2 Corinthians 9:11
Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God.

The Bible tells us that in everything, we should give thanks.
And what a priviledge it is to know our Creator in a very personal way. His mercies are new every morning-- and He gives us grace for every day. May we all remember that every day is a gift
from the Lord in which to know Him more and to live in His love!

1Thess 5:18
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will
of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Psalm 150:6
Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.
Praise ye the LORD.

flowerforyou :heart:

Britty's photo
Tue 12/23/08 05:11 PM

The Whisper of Love

I cannot be sad if my Savior is near,
He bids all my sadness depart;
I cannot be lonely, if gently I hear
His whisper of Love in my heart.

The whisper of love, soft whisper of love,
How oft like the poor wandering dove,.
I fly to the ark with my Savior to rest,
and hear His soft whisper of love.

I cannot be weary, the days are not long,
If onward I trustingly move;.
And oft on my journey I pause in my song,
To hear the soft whisper of love.

And when, from the path He has taught me to tread,
My footsteps forgetfully rove;
How kindly again to that path I am led,
And cheered by the whisper of love.

No voice in the world is so tenderly sweet,
No charm can my sorrow remove;
No accents in glory my joy would complete,
Without the soft whisper of love.

Written By Fanny Crosby

flowerforyou :heart:

Britty's photo
Tue 12/23/08 05:05 PM

Not to worry, I copied it and I shall just run through it to reformat it and I can re-read it.

Thanks for sharing that.

Happy Christmas.

flowerforyou :heart:

Britty's photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:01 AM

Thank you for the inspirational message KoolAidWoman.

Good morning MS. Mind passing some of that eggnog? :smile: drinker

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