no photo
Mon 12/15/08 03:17 PM

I've eaten possum.

You have NOT!! Have you????? sick sick

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 03:16 PM

Hey hey how is everyone today?

Hope that the day is going great for ya'll!!bigsmile

heyyyyyyy stranger! Yep, hip hip hoorayyyyyy and they're right, the new pic looks great. Now pay me! :wink: flowerforyou

Shshs pay ya for what lmao noway noway noway :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

you think I just toss out compliments for nothing? This economy has got me trying to make money in several different ways. It was so cold on the corner this a.m., I had to reduce my rate from 75cents to 50.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Well hell quit using the corner and get in the middle of the intersection they will pay a $1.00 just to get you to move.:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

rofl rofl

dayumn, I should have thought about that, you're right! They wouldn't want to hurt their automobiles! whoopeeeee, I'm gonna be rich! shudddddddd uppppppppppp Kristi! flowers

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 03:13 PM
Hugs to you for sharing! flowerforyou flowerforyou

Sending you prayers!!

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 01:51 PM

Hey hey how is everyone today?

Hope that the day is going great for ya'll!!bigsmile

heyyyyyyy stranger! Yep, hip hip hoorayyyyyy and they're right, the new pic looks great. Now pay me! :wink: flowerforyou

Shshs pay ya for what lmao noway noway noway :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

you think I just toss out compliments for nothing? This economy has got me trying to make money in several different ways. It was so cold on the corner this a.m., I had to reduce my rate from 75cents to 50.

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 01:47 PM

:laughing: ahemmm sure the phone :laughing:

can I trade in my 100 pts for Jimmy???? devil

Just wait till Jimmy sees that YOU think he's worth only a 100 points. I'd give a 1000! devil

sure!!! winking


did uping the ante so much make me sound desperate?

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 01:42 PM
No, I wouldn't think less of him. Verbal & physical abuse takes it's toll on any gender.

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 01:34 PM

And all that sand. It gets in your shoes, socks, and in the car. grumble

It'll get in other places too!devil

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 01:26 PM

:laughing: ahemmm sure the phone :laughing:

can I trade in my 100 pts for Jimmy???? devil

Just wait till Jimmy sees that YOU think he's worth only a 100 points. I'd give a 1000! devil

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 01:25 PM

Hey hey how is everyone today?

Hope that the day is going great for ya'll!!bigsmile

heyyyyyyy stranger! Yep, hip hip hoorayyyyyy and they're right, the new pic looks great. Now pay me! :wink: flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 01:22 PM
<<<stalker not a blocker

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 01:13 PM

So, you're meeting someone for the first time over coffee, a quick lunch, or a bite to eat. Who Pays?
Do you consider it a "first date" and expect the man to cover all the expenses, or do you look at it as a "pre dating interview" and plan on going dutch?
Would you press the issue or just let it slide?
Would it make any difference if he/she was good looking and pleasant, or ugly and unpersonable?
Would it make any difference if the meeting place was a greasy spoon or a nice sit down resturant?

For me, I'd be happy to go dutch for the first meeting, but it would speak something about him if he offered to pay.

His "looks" might not make a difference, but if he were unpersonable it would. I've been on a couple dates where after awhile, I ran out of questions to ask or subjects to bring up, where the guy wouldn't carry on a conversation, that was uncomfortable so the date didn't last long.

Again, being the first date, I don't know that I'd want a "greasy spoon" to be the meeting place, but something with a nice atmosphere.

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 12:56 PM
Edited by OneMoreTimeAround on Mon 12/15/08 12:58 PM

live ones - shocked nooooooooo

I come from the concrete jungle, told you I jumped first time I saw a pig up close. rofl

:laughing: :laughing:

oh dayumn, ok, Tyson has huge chicken farms around here, they have to hire people to catch these thousands of chickens. I'll sign you up for 3 or 4 days. I'm sure you wouldn't mind the extra money!

Tyson - ain't that the boxer from Brooklyn NY that bit his opponents ear, beat his former wife, Robin Givens :laughing:

and here I thought I was being invited on vacation not a job expedition :laughing:

psssst, Fran, I'm gettin the feeling that Ruth doesn't know much about possums or persimmons or other critters. Maybe if the two of y'all came here at the same time, you both could be initiated.

laugh oh don't think of it as a job expedition, think of it as an adventure and exercise! Chasing chickens, you wouldn't ever have to pay a gym membership again! Who produces the chickens you buy in the supermarket's in FL?

duh!!!! even I know this one!!!!!!! another chicken, ha!!!!!!!! you probably thought I didn't know this one :laughing:

dontcha know running is bad on the knees - so no running for me winking

hey Ruth - how bout it, at least you know what possum looks like :thumbsup:

laugh laugh

gawd, 100 points Fran. I knew after I hit reply that I should have used another word other then produce, like supply or something???? But this phone here has an uncanny way of ringing when I'm trying to post something really intelligent! (MY STORY)!!!!

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 12:53 PM

I once tried to chase a possum off my patio with a broom. He wasn't scared, but I was so I let him stay. laugh

That's all I know about them.


I was staying with the grandkids overnight one time, I went out on their front porch about 3 a.m. to smoke. The cat food was sitting in a chair and I noticed the cat dish was empty so I went to reach into the bag...I thought it was the cat in the food. Nope, it was a possum, I screamed loud enough that son-in-law came running to see what was wrong with me!

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 12:49 PM
Edited by OneMoreTimeAround on Mon 12/15/08 12:50 PM

live ones - shocked nooooooooo

I come from the concrete jungle, told you I jumped first time I saw a pig up close. rofl

:laughing: :laughing:

oh dayumn, ok, Tyson has huge chicken farms around here, they have to hire people to catch these thousands of chickens. I'll sign you up for 3 or 4 days. I'm sure you wouldn't mind the extra money!

Tyson - ain't that the boxer from Brooklyn NY that bit his opponents ear, beat his former wife, Robin Givens :laughing:

and here I thought I was being invited on vacation not a job expedition :laughing:

psssst, Fran, I'm gettin the feeling that Ruth doesn't know much about possums or persimmons or other critters. Maybe if the two of y'all came here at the same time, you both could be initiated.

laugh oh don't think of it as a job expedition, think of it as an adventure and exercise! Chasing chickens, you wouldn't ever have to pay a gym membership again! Who produces the chickens you buy in the supermarket's in FL?

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 12:45 PM

The real beauty comes from the heart and soul. even as we age, our beauty and youth fade, but our hearts and souls remain the same.

And some people will never realize it until they have met and lost one who possesses this inner beauty.

Others, with the help of grace, will only know what is missing within themselves after having experienced such a person in their lives.
and what a world it would be if we were to all experience these kind of folks and decided to do uonto others as you would have them do unto you?!!

Do Unto others as you would have them to unto you!

We, as adults, have the ability to understand those words Woody, so for me, adults who "bully" have a need to constantly put others down simply to cover their own feelings of inadequacy. What, again, IMO, that makes it even more unacceptable, ADULTS can examine themselves to understand the why of their behavior and change, if change is warranted. Most simply choose not to change because being a "bully" gives them a false sense of power and/or control. Life isn't always fair, so, regardless of all the help afforded us, there will always unfairness.
self examination is something few people seem to do and yet, they complain about shortcomings in their own lives. Always blaming others and condemming. it is so simply stated in this...."if you keep doing what you have always done, you will always get what you got". again, my opinion.

I agree with you. It seems some people are afraid to admit their own shortcomings so they try to project them onto other people. Some even know deep down inside they have a problem, almost like an addiction, but for whatever reason, they won't seek help.

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 12:31 PM

live ones - shocked nooooooooo

I come from the concrete jungle, told you I jumped first time I saw a pig up close. rofl

:laughing: :laughing:

oh dayumn, ok, Tyson has huge chicken farms around here, they have to hire people to catch these thousands of chickens. I'll sign you up for 3 or 4 days. I'm sure you wouldn't mind the extra money!

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 12:29 PM

It is cold and rainy here and it snowed on the surrounding hills last night. :banana:

is cold like 43 now? :wink: Just kiddin with you, since you ran this a.m. when I wanted someone to aggrevate. Do you get snow often?

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 12:23 PM

i leave for the army in 22 days
im gone for 5 months
just got over a relationship about a week ago

should i try to look again while im here or no
i dont want to get cheated on
and i want some one to stay faithful to me until may
but i dont think they can do that because i wouldnt of known her for that long

or is it just best for me to look while im there

If you just got out of a relationship and you're going to be gone for 5 months, why not wait? Who knows who YOU might meet while you're away. Enjoy not being "tied down" to someone else so soon!

what if its some one you know like someone you knew from school and you both liked eachother

its just so dang confusing

Have you talked to this person about your situation? Even so, give yourself MORE time between relationships! Don't jump out of one into another, regardless of the situation. JMO.

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 12:20 PM

Clearwater is like 4 hrs away, but if I knew someone was cominggggggggggg

Maybe we could like visit the festival for 5 min and then chase men for like 4 days? I could carry some strawberries with me! :wink: biggrin

imagine you with strawberries rofl
ya can't handle grapes imagine strawberries

it can be our lil adventure, never been to Clearwater


maybe some guy would like it if I had a strawberry behind! Hell, I have to get you up here to these mountains first. I've been all over FL, it's YOUR time to experience things like persimmons, possums, grits, red-eye gravy, good ol 'shine, I know you need to stay about 5 days to truly experience "country" living! You ever been around chickens? biggrin

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 12:14 PM

i leave for the army in 22 days
im gone for 5 months
just got over a relationship about a week ago

should i try to look again while im here or no
i dont want to get cheated on
and i want some one to stay faithful to me until may
but i dont think they can do that because i wouldnt of known her for that long

or is it just best for me to look while im there

If you just got out of a relationship and you're going to be gone for 5 months, why not wait? Who knows who YOU might meet while you're away. Enjoy not being "tied down" to someone else so soon!

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