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Tue 12/16/08 04:00 PM

All this sex talk is making me devil


apparently, all you need is a sucker to solve that problem!

You mean like the candy kind or the male kind? :wink:


They showed pictures, but I think it was all a subliminal message! I could be wrong tho, maybe they just really like sucking on suckers. I'm innocent in all of this and have no idea! :angel: :angel:

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Tue 12/16/08 03:44 PM

All this sex talk is making me devil


apparently, all you need is a sucker to solve that problem!

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Tue 12/16/08 03:36 PM
Edited by OneMoreTimeAround on Tue 12/16/08 03:41 PM
what the hEck is going on in here? Why weren't you ladies this active when the brothel was open? grumble grumble

If suckers where what you wanted, I could have bought 150x as many of those for what I was paying for batteries and generators! Dum-Dums were on sale even!!

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Tue 12/16/08 01:36 PM

Afternoon Cathyflowerforyou

Merleeeeeeeee. Where you been hiding out? Please type in English! :wink:

ezz dat eh rasi rimark??? gway speekeee eenn inglich


huh? I 'spose I could start typin in suthern but that takes too much concentration!

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Tue 12/16/08 01:20 PM
Good thing I'm wearing my glasses or I'd think Sam and Jimmy were stripping in here again! All this mastication going on!

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Tue 12/16/08 01:18 PM

Afternoon Cathyflowerforyou

Merleeeeeeeee. Where you been hiding out? Please type in English! :wink:

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Tue 12/16/08 12:47 PM
listen up, I wreak havoc with English, stop this weird typing now! I can't understand a thing y'all are typing!!!! :tongue: :tongue: :wink: :smile:

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Tue 12/16/08 12:27 PM
Yes, Ruth, Sam incensed me earlier!! I'm still not over it! pitchfork

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Tue 12/16/08 12:26 PM

Good morning fellow "I betters" how is everyone's day so far? waving

Good Morning to our lovely UK transplant.flowerforyou

Sorry folks, I went off line........... I had Frenchman in my room...................... Fixing my computer! What did you think? laugh laugh laugh laugh

Your STILL having computer problems? Tell us what these guys looked like, I think you're having problems on purpose! :wink: flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 12/16/08 10:31 AM

oh oh oh Sammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....a side of you the rest of us have never seen! No wonder Ruth gets a little nutty! I'll have a Payday please! :wink: devil

I guess you liked it.devil

bigsmile well yeah, but dang, I just started enjoying it and there runs Dipstick into the pic. That is his name right? I think I saw you call him that earlier in the thread.

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Tue 12/16/08 10:29 AM

jail? Ok Jimmy, are you turning us in for solicitaion????

laugh You can't help it I know.:wink:

we women have our weaknesses too ya know! :wink: biggrin

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Tue 12/16/08 10:24 AM
Edited by OneMoreTimeAround on Tue 12/16/08 10:26 AM

I have a topless shot too, but everytime I put it up Ruth goes nuts.:wink:


Sam, Ruth isn't here right now and we won't tell!

For you:wink:

oh oh oh Sammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....a side of you the rest of us have never seen! No wonder Ruth gets a little nutty! I'll have a Payday please! :wink: devil

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Tue 12/16/08 10:22 AM
jail? Ok Jimmy, are you turning us in for solicitaion????

no photo
Tue 12/16/08 10:20 AM

I have a topless shot too, but everytime I put it up Ruth goes nuts.:wink:


Sam, Ruth isn't here right now and we won't tell!

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Tue 12/16/08 10:19 AM

Is there any way to rearrange the order of the picture on my profile or do I have to delete them and upload in a different order??

admin said they would look into making it so we could drag them to arrange them but for right now, the only way I know how to rearrange is to make one the main image, then change it to another, over & over until they're like I want them. Someone else might know a different way.

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Tue 12/16/08 10:13 AM
oh my, oh my, which way do I go, which way do I go?

I just "luv" guys that do as I say! flowerforyou flowerforyou

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Tue 12/16/08 09:58 AM
I want to see some of these visions you're having!!

Jimmy, I'll start with you. Show me your a$$...I mean your vision! devil

no photo
Tue 12/16/08 09:25 AM

hello and welcome Torance waving

hmmm hear ya gots sum cowboys??? devil

lol sure do!
& plenty to go around

Then would you drag them to this site and tell them to post in THIS thread only?

no photo
Tue 12/16/08 09:17 AM

You know ladies I've been doing pretty good about learning new things I took up learning how to play the violin and now I'm learning how to play the piano.

Why? You may ask well why not.happy

Anything Jimmy, you find an interest in, learn all you can, or want to know. No one can ever take anything you've learned away from you. I don't know about you, but music is a MUST in my life. I can be in a bad mood and turn the stereo on and my feelings can actually change just from listening to it. Btw, I know how to play piano, so come to NC and we'll play the keys. :wink:

no photo
Tue 12/16/08 09:15 AM

i bet you things are better in texas


Hi Torance, then send us a cowboy! I hear you have plenty of 'em!