Community > Posts By > Robm248

Robm248's photo
Wed 05/14/08 04:13 PM
Nice coat:tongue:

Robm248's photo
Wed 05/14/08 04:10 PM

Well, I've recently come to realize that "love" as most people think of it, doesn't really exist. So just have fun with your life.

Sure it does... most people think of love as lust. They get all confused, fall in love with about 20 people, and still don't get it.

Real love, however, does exist... it's just friggen rare!

Robm248's photo
Wed 05/14/08 04:08 PM

what is fuond mean???

oh shut up.

Maybe "What does fuond mean???" At least get your grammar right before you post about someone's typo!

Robm248's photo
Wed 05/14/08 04:07 PM
Health issue: My Doctor, assuming they don't already know! After that my family and friends.
Cheating mate: If I knew who she was cheating with, that person. Otherwise probably not going to worry about it. She's history as far as I'm concerned.

Other issues, depends on the issue... but most likely Family and friends.

Robm248's photo
Wed 05/14/08 03:53 PM

Glad to see people are stopping and using their heads finally....

Wait, you aren't supposed to brake with your head.

Robm248's photo
Wed 05/14/08 03:51 PM

heck,,you ant in luv,,,,your in heat,,,,,take a cold shower,,,wack off,,,,,,take a asprin,,you be ok tommrow
laugh I wish but I just deep down wnat to be with the 2ed girl and not the 1st girl brokenheart

The other night you claim everyone after you is a gold digger. So how about these two? Gold Diggers?
oh yeh this is the guy who earns 5 million a year or something

Riiiiiiight!!!! And I'm the next lottery winner grumble
pigs fly toooooooooooooooooolaugh laugh

They don't. Pigs just leap so hard that they look like they are flying!
nope i saw one honest lol..right when he said i earn 5 million:tongue: laugh

No, that was just one unlucky pig who got sold to a farmer in Germany... he was going trans-atlantic.

Robm248's photo
Wed 05/14/08 03:50 PM

I just popped in --- forgive me I am not getting this right --- if you know deep down you want to be with the second girl and not the first one why not just be with her then??huh
not sure if she wants to be with me

Grow up and ask her!grumble

Robm248's photo
Wed 05/14/08 03:49 PM

heck,,you ant in luv,,,,your in heat,,,,,take a cold shower,,,wack off,,,,,,take a asprin,,you be ok tommrow
laugh I wish but I just deep down wnat to be with the 2ed girl and not the 1st girl brokenheart

The other night you claim everyone after you is a gold digger. So how about these two? Gold Diggers?
oh yeh this is the guy who earns 5 million a year or something

Riiiiiiight!!!! And I'm the next lottery winner grumble
pigs fly toooooooooooooooooolaugh laugh

They don't. Pigs just leap so hard that they look like they are flying!

Robm248's photo
Wed 05/14/08 03:48 PM


Keep them both, but don't lie to either one of them. The one that stays by you, keep her. The one who has a temper tantrum, let her go.

Just don't lie to either one of them and you are in the clear.

okay thanks that sounds to be the best

Well, obviously he doesn't really have a preference... or he'd be talking to her. Don't think you're really in love here, because if you were you would be so into one woman you wouldn't be bothering worrying about the other.

Robm248's photo
Wed 05/14/08 03:44 PM

heck,,you ant in luv,,,,your in heat,,,,,take a cold shower,,,wack off,,,,,,take a asprin,,you be ok tommrow
laugh I wish but I just deep down wnat to be with the 2ed girl and not the 1st girl brokenheart

Then what's the issue. Ask her if she's interested! If not get on with life and take that cold shower!

Robm248's photo
Wed 05/14/08 03:37 PM

You just started dating one "a bit ago" and you are in "love"?
im stil banging my head here hunlaugh

Wow, it's like lightning, huh? Ever spent a week with them, day in and out? If not you have no clue!:tongue:

Robm248's photo
Wed 05/14/08 03:36 PM
Take the time to really look at the situation, and at your feelings for each woman. If you are really in love with both of them then you have a very hard choice ahead, but if it is lust or merely liking one a lot then it becomes much less complicated. If you really love them both, which would be very hard... since love expects to give fully of oneself to another... then you need to decide which one you really want to live with the rest of your life.

Robm248's photo
Wed 05/14/08 02:25 PM

deal breaker for me is B.O. and bad breath and stupidity.

That eliminates about 99.99875% of the population... good luck! You're gonna need it!
i guess if it is between going out with someone that draws flies and picks up steak covered in ketchup with their hands, i would have to say i would rather stay single.

Not quite... you just will have to look carefully. There are some guys who take care of themselves, use deodorant, brush their teeth, etc... who are usually not stupid. (We are all stupid on occasionlaugh )

Robm248's photo
Wed 05/14/08 02:18 PM
He went after Bin Laden first. He went after Saddam later. As for reasons... none of us can prove his real intent. We may speculate, but we lack facts. However, I can say that Saddam was a menace to his own people, and that his removal from power isn't bad in and of itself.

Robm248's photo
Wed 05/14/08 02:14 PM
Yep, she's gone. I can and deserve to find someone better than that. As for the guy... I pity him, because he just got a bum deal.

Robm248's photo
Wed 05/14/08 02:13 PM

all i am trying to say we arent here to judge someone because we may not agree..
and i agree upon this...not every one will agree and there is always 2 sides to a story..i always way them both..obviously not in that thread because i totaly miss read it...

Sorry, hobby novelist coming out in me again... You weigh both sides equally. Way is a path, not a system of measure. :smile:

Robm248's photo
Wed 05/14/08 02:06 PM
Biggest issue with that part of the country is the same issue we have here in the U.S. Too many people just believe whatever they are told by the local media.

Robm248's photo
Wed 05/14/08 02:02 PM
Best solution to being ill... rest up and make stupid, super silly jokes with a friend. You may not feel great, but at least you will feel better!

Robm248's photo
Wed 05/14/08 01:59 PM

They are saying it to their faces, they just aren't making much of a point on the ones they really want to.
did you read my does break it down

Hmm... did you read their explanations of what they really meant... don't think so, you were too far on the defensive.

Robm248's photo
Wed 05/14/08 01:58 PM
Edited by Robm248 on Wed 05/14/08 01:59 PM

i am buddist and without suffering you will never undstand the religion....

Buddhist don't use their religion to alienate others...didn't they teach you that in Buddhist school?

From what I've read, you need to study more.

Actually, in almost every religion they teach tolerance and acceptance, even love, of others. Now... religion bashing has become popular:\noway (in no way saying lily was bashing).

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