Community > Posts By > BenzJaguar
Guy Going To The Army.
Support Your Troops !
Please Check Out My Page At: Please Also View The "You Tube" Video ! Thanks !..................Benz !! |
YES........., That's ......"TRUE"!!! The "5 YEARS" are almost up and you need to "RE-REGISTER". By the way, if you add your "CELL PHONE" let's say today, you will also have to "RE-REGISTER" it in a couple of months. READ MORE: |
Calling and adding your "Cell Phone Number", to the National Don't Call Registry is a "Good Small Measure Of Protection". But, these "Rumors" about a "Deadline" is completely "FALSE". These rumors have been going out via email Since 2003, about "Telemarketers" and the so call "Dead-Line-Date". So there is "No Need" to register your cell number, you want to read more........, than just go to the link below. .......................Benz !!! |
Interesting facts.........., but try this one, on the "911 Attacks" !!!
1) New York City has 11 letters 2) Afghanistan has 11 letters. 3) Ramsin Yuseb (The terrorist who threatened to destroy the Twin Towers in 1993) has 11 letters. 4) George W Bush has 11 letters. This could be a mere coincidence, but this gets more interesting: 1) New York is the 11th state. 2) The first plane crashing against the Twin Towers was flight number 11. 3) Flight 11 was carrying 92 passengers. 9 + 2 = 11 4) Flight 77 which also hit Twin Towers, was carrying 65 passengers. 6+5=11 5) The tragedy was on September 11, or 9/11 as it is now known. 9+1+1=11 6) The date is equal to the US emergency services telephone number 911. 9+1+1=11. Sheer coincidence..?! Read on and make up your own mind: 1) The total number of victims inside all the hi-jacked planes was 254. 2+5+4=11. 2) September 11 is day number 254 of the calendar year. Again 2+5+4=11. 3) The Madrid bombing took place on 3/11/2004. 3+1+1+2+4 =11. 4) The tragedy of Madrid happened 911 days after the Twin Towers incident. Now this is where things get totally eerie: The most recognized symbol for the US, after the Stars & Stripes, is the Eagle. The following verse is taken from the Quran, the Islamic holy book: ''For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allahand lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced: for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah and there was peace." That verse is number 9.11 of the Quran. Still unconvinced about all of this..?! Try this and see how you feel afterwards, it made my hair stand on end: Open Microsoft Word and do the following: 1. Type in capitals Q33 NY. This is the flight number of the first plane to hit one of the Twin Towers. 2. Highlight the Q33 NY. 3. Change the font size to 48. 4. Change the actual font to WINGDINGS It will look like this: Q33 NY Somethings are just a "Mystery" that leaves us, "THINKING" !!! ....................Benz.....................!!! |
If you were to...
Funny........."littlewriter" !
I majored in "Music"........, and if I were to go back to grad-school, I would without a doubt enter the fields of "Sociology" and "Psychology" !!! |
A Second Opinion Needed
Hi Becky & uk1971,
You've received some pretty good advice on this post from some of the other writers. I've even learned a thing or two myself. I read your story, and I think you are a very intelligent person, I'm sure there's a lot more to your story, that you left out, but here is my advice to you on this subject. Your "Self Esteem" was implanted in you during your youth years. Being constantly criticized by parents and family members tends to slowly strip us of our feelings of "Self Worth". Becky I don't have to tell you, "Low Self Esteem" destroys our "Self Confidence" to make even the smallest of "Decisions". We think little of ourselves, and feel we do not deserve to be happy. Improving your self esteem increases your confidence and is a "First Step" towards finding happiness and a better life. You gain this confidence by believing that you are "Unique", you are "Special", and that you "Deserve" to be "Happy". You must first "Believe In YOU", and all that you have to "Share" or "Give" to others. Try going out and "Volunteer" your time to organizations in your community/school and so on. Help someone else. Nothing makes you feel better about yourself than seeing how your help made someone else's load a little lighter. Being accomplished will with no doubt..., raise your "Self Esteem". This may sound a little "Selfish", but you need to be "Aggressive". Getting your self esteem in order, is all about getting what you... "Need & Want" ... So do things for your own sake. Remember, you must help "Yourself First" before you can "Help Others". You can't lose or give away what you don't have so be selfish and when you come to a higher level to yourself you can start helping others with lower self-esteem. And at the end only you will recollect what you have done and define who you are and what you're about. Good Luck To You...............Benz !!!! |
I hear you...,It is not "Chemistry" that we are really looking for in a relationship..., I think it's more of an "Attraction", that leads to the "Chemistry" over a period of time. Often people try too hard to find the right person and in doing this they miss noticing whom the right person is, even when they are in front of them. Sometimes it is necessary to simply be yourself and go about your business. It seems that only when we stop looking, do we often find what we are looking for. There is something about being in a state of search, which tends to distract a person from what really is. By being yourself and by doing things that make you happy as an individual, you shine with a luring charisma, which attracts your true love to you without looking for them. This is a sort of effortless and magical experience when it happens to you. Which later on in the relationship, can become "Chemistry"..!!! Take Care & Welcome......Good Luck..........Benz !!! |
Chemistry is not needed to be in love, but if you have it, it is often a very powerful love that will take you to emotional levels that exceed anything imaginable. The key is to be open to feel and experience your true emotions. Sometimes people are so stressed and worried about so many things that they don’t loosen up enough to feel a chemistry that could be there. Release your inhibitions and feel whatever attractions are there to feel. You may be suddenly surprised by the fact that the person, who was only your friend for so long, is actually your soul mate and the "Chemistry" between you.....,takes you through the roof! Don’t be so distracted that you overlook the obvious. Sometimes what you are looking for is right in front of you! Keep the................."Goatee", you wear it well !!! Good Luck...................Benz !!! |
Gambling addiction
Hi Steve,
I play "Poker" on a professional level, and I see many who are addicted, not just to Poker, but to many forms of gaming. A close friend of mine, is so addicted, that one day in Vegas, while crossing the street, he bet me $100.00, that the person in front of us at the cross walk would look to the left before crossing. The fact is, no addict wants to admit they have a problem. A person who has a "Gambling Addiction" will eventually stop gambling when they have nothing left to spend or sell. They will not want to stop unless they admit first that they have a problem. They need to want to stop for "Themselves" not just because "Someone Else" wants them to stop. A gambling addict often needs to enter some kind of "Support Group". Steve, before you become a "Victim" of your friend's addiction, you might need to begin taking a "Tough Love" approach. Good Luck To You & Your Friend.............Benz !!! |
relationship advice
"Trust can take years to build, and only a second to break."
To Quit.. or not to quit...
Hi SexySari !
Why would you want to work for an employer, who has no "Common Sense" ? Plus, it's obvious they don't give a dime about your future. So what kind of a future do you have there ? That also explains why Winn-Dixie, is closing down stores like crazy, and under "Bankruptcy" !!! Sooner or later, everyone employed by Winn-Dixie is going to be out of employment...., just something to think about. Getting "Fire" does not look good on "Resumes", leave.....wait, "RUN-RUN-RUN" !!! I would not even give them an "Exit Interview", I would just give notice and resign. I'm sure you can find employment in the same industry, if need be. Good Luck To You & Your Mother !........Benz !!! |
I know you stated, that you do have the money for a doctor, but there is a "Self Help Quiz", that you can take for "Free", to see if what you are going through is are signs of, Depression or not. Check out the site below for the "Free Help Quiz" !!! Good Luck....................Benz !! |
Would you...
Hi Bill,
If you think she's having "Hard Times" now, why wait until she's over these times. I mean, you want to continue to lead this person on, until she's feeling better, or over her hard times. Than you want to "Break-Up", well now she's going to have bad times all over again, or least a broken heart. She's a "Real Person", with emotions and feelings.....don't play with them. There’s no need to protect her from the truth that you want out, she can handle it. She may be hurt or disappointed, but you aren’t so awesome that she won’t be able to live without you. You owe it to her, and to you, to not let it drag on forever. Don’t take the "Weenie Way" out tell her how you feel. In the long run she’ll respect you more, won’t slash your tires, and hopefully find it in her heart to salvage a friendship out of it. Good Luck..................Benz !!! |
Hi ak0,
The death of someone we love, a close friend or family member, is an event we all have to face sometime. Learning to survive the feelings of sadness and loss is a process that is normal and usually time-limited. The process Involves both emotional and behavioral reactions. It takes us through the initial response of shock and sadness, through acceptance and understanding, and eventually to the rebuilding of our lives. Here are some "Do's & Don't's" that may help you a little bit, Do: * Talk to others who have experienced loss. * Speak of the meaning of the loss to you, the ways in which you will miss the deceased. * Seek support directly from those that are able to give it. A hug may be important. * Stay with a routine, stick to a schedule, even if you feel you are just going through the motions. * Recognize the feelings for what they are rather than why they are. Knowing what the feeling is can help in dealing with it. * Use writing, art, and music to let out your feelings and thoughts. * Be forgiving and patient with yourself. It is all right to make mistakes or lose your concentration. * Be good to yourself. Take the rest you need, the walk you enjoy, the gift you would like. * Give yourself time. Time does heal, but how long it takes is an individual thing. * I know you don't want to spend $160.00 Per Hour, but seek guidance from a source that can offer you both wisdom and empathy. Do not: * Try to make major life decisions too quickly. * Numb your pain with depressive chemicals such as alcohol or other drugs. * Deny your feelings. * Isolate or hide out from yourself and others * Expect every day to get better. Accept ups and downs. Sorry about the loss of your brother, and Good Luck to you !!! Benz !!! |
confused...and still in love
OP !!!!
From reading your profile, I guessing he's 36 years old, while you are 18 years old. First, I'm under the impression that he posses "No Maturity" at all, second I feel you are to young for marriage, especially with someone like him. At your age, he and you have nothing in common, you really need to "Re-Visit", your feelings for him. Yes, we all make our "Choices" in life, some with excellent outcomes and others.......well !!! At your age, "Marriage" should be one choice that you should put off for the moment. Try thinking of your future, like "Collage", meeting "New People", "Employment", and so on for now. I hope you are a good swimmer, because the water is getting to deep, and the sharks are looking for dinner !!!! Good Luck...............Benz !!! |
When you are not honest with yourself, something just does not feel right. You may feel disconnected, frustrated, or apathetic, and you are not sure why. Maybe you avoid being honest about little things, hide from the reality of important matters, or maybe you even avoid the truth when your life depends on it. You may feel like you are just trying to get by, and wonder when life will be fun again. Inside you feel one way, but you ignore it, rationalize it away, or avoid accepting the truth. So..., my hat is off to you, for being "Honest", most important with "Your-Self". Good Luck with your program, and "Yes" they are still "Honest People", just look around !!! Benz !!! |
Are you affraid of this?
Hey ..Bob..!!!
I'm not afraid of a "Romantic Relationship", but I might be afraid of just a "Sexual Relationship". This is not to say, that having friends with "Benefits" does not workout for some people, but it won't work out for me. In a way, we are all attracted to the "Sexual" side of the other person, when we first meet. Maybe we should be looking at the other person's values just as hard. So...Bob..., I think those that "Do Not Fear" the kind of relationship you mention, "Do Fear"... commitments in any life "Real"...relationships. By the the way, I don't consider a "Sex Only Relationship", a real relationship, I do consider it a "Consenting Mutual Adult Relationship" !!! Good Luck....................Benz !!! |
dose she really love me?
^ ^ ^ ^ Thumbs Up..........Shadow !!! ![]() |
is race a factor...
Race is only a factor........if you let it become one !!!
Benz !!! |
I like all kinds of music with "Salsa" and Jazz" being on the very top of my list.
Benz !! |