Topic: Would you...
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Wed 09/26/07 07:47 AM
Dump someone if you didnt like them and they were going through hard times in there life? Or would you wait until they were out of the hard times to dump them?

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Wed 09/26/07 07:51 AM
I can understand this dilemma but in the long run, it would be far crueler to pretend something you don't really feel. Just try to be gentle :smile:

unsure's photo
Wed 09/26/07 07:51 AM
I think everyone has hard times in their lives. I don't think if you are unhappy you should stick around. You have to remember that if you are not happy then no-one is going to be can't control anyones life but your own.

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Wed 09/26/07 07:57 AM
If you don't like them then why do you care?

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Wed 09/26/07 08:02 AM
What kinda hard times are they having Bill?

no photo
Wed 09/26/07 08:04 AM
Medical problems

jamiepartap's photo
Wed 09/26/07 08:05 AM
say to them that u can be there for them as much as they need but just not romantically.

unsure's photo
Wed 09/26/07 08:09 AM
Bill...if they are having lots of medical problems, the last thing they want is for you to feel sorry for them and to stay with them. I know this because I am going through lots of issues and this is why I don't date much at all.
Trust me, if she is having medical problems and you just don't have the might as well get out now. Who knows how long the problems will last. Some people cure one problem but then another problem comes up. Never stay with someone because you feel sorry for them. Only stay with them because you care about them or in the end, you are going to end up hurting them any way!!

no photo
Wed 09/26/07 08:10 AM
If I don't like someone then what would it matter. But if I like them as just frinnds I would just say so. And tell them that you still care and want to be friend and that you would help just as friends tho.

Nickinolosers's photo
Wed 09/26/07 08:16 AM
Exam the reasons you want to "dump" them. Is it because they are going through hard times or are you just done with them.

s1owhand's photo
Wed 09/26/07 08:23 AM
i have a friend - woman - who had a very serious - life threatening illness - something that had developed suddenly
and she had just broken up with a very nice guy who she had
been with very closely for the previous 1 1/2 years...when
it happened.

to his credit he was very much there for her initially in
the critical phase of her illness. not romantically, but as
a friend, visiting her, running errands for her and advising
her. it was a very moving thing. although they were clear
that the romantic relationship was over - and he gradually
became less and less involved as she convalesced, it was as
touching and laudable a show of support as i have ever seen.

the man has class and character and i was proud to see
it...he showed a lot of character and he did help her
when she needed it most....

pkh's photo
Wed 09/26/07 08:41 AM
Love is unconditional you stand by them no matter what

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Wed 09/26/07 11:57 AM
You don't dump someone...

You let them go gentlely...

If they are going through hard times-
Be a friend, be there for them..
(NOT a reason to be fake and stick it out, be honest)

But be honest if you don't want a relationship with them...

no photo
Wed 09/26/07 12:41 PM
Hi Bill,

If you think she's having "Hard Times" now, why wait until she's over these times. I mean, you want to continue to lead this person on, until she's feeling better, or over her hard times. Than you want to "Break-Up", well now she's going to have bad times all over again, or least a broken heart. She's a "Real Person", with emotions and feelings.....don't play with them.

There’s no need to protect her from the truth that you want out, she can handle it. She may be hurt or disappointed, but you aren’t so awesome that she won’t be able to live without you.

You owe it to her, and to you, to not let it drag on forever. Don’t take the "Weenie Way" out tell her how you feel. In the long run she’ll respect you more, won’t slash your tires, and hopefully find it in her heart to salvage a friendship out of it.

Good Luck..................Benz !!!