cool_guy_incognito's photo
Fri 06/20/08 03:47 PM

dont do men

you've got that right...


loves pork brains

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Fri 06/20/08 03:44 PM
cleans bathrooms!....?


cool_guy_incognito's photo
Fri 06/20/08 03:43 PM
super cool blonde!!!


actually, i have no idea how cool you are...but i believe my assumptions are strong this time!



cool_guy_incognito's photo
Fri 06/20/08 03:39 PM

My first day of summer kiss won't happen until the 1st of July:cry:

Not if i can do something about that!!!, i can't!.....



cool_guy_incognito's photo
Fri 06/20/08 03:37 PM

Ate all of his friends....

Taste like chicken sick

are you sure your friend aren't just chickens?

showers by licking oneself...!

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Fri 06/20/08 03:34 PM
you know, doing stuff....thats cool! yeah, cool stuff!

smokin and smoking is not one of them! kids, smoking is not cool!

REMEMBER: say not to drugs...and anything rosie o' donnell has to say!

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Fri 06/20/08 03:30 PM
likes to ask people to ask for his/her photo!

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Fri 06/20/08 01:01 PM
dear lord, what will slash and bucket head ever do without their free cans of dr. pepper. but yeah, it sounds cool! do you know what site it was leaked on? i'm curious what the outcome of this release would be. who knows, who knows?


cool_guy_incognito's photo
Fri 06/20/08 11:56 AM
my point exactly...thank you! people are way too focused on seeing whos on top. michael bay? are you serious!?!?! but you have to agree...its truely the names of the actors who carried the movie. like i asked before, would you have watched and enjoy it if it were made from complete unknowns? and thats how hollywood works....lets give it to this guy...he knows nothing about batman but he made blade! i do not oppose hollywood, but i disagree with some of their actions. its all about box-office hits! where's the art? wheres the loyalty? if there were any, nolan should've gone to miller...not goyer.

and of course, nolan wanted to do it right! who wouldn't want to hit it big with their film. i give him props for doing it and trying to keep it as real as possible but i have yet seen anything remotely close to what a true batman movie could be. and how could miller not write a good script to batman...he was the writer for the dark knight series. c'mon, its all in his creative mind! you can't really debate that. but you're right, people don't want art and honesty, they want big names and box office hits!

i'm not one to see a full action packed movie...i prefer a movie with a good story. begins was good because it was about batman's origin. but that was all given already, thats the story to begin wih. after that....anything interesting. not really. a deadly gas in gothams sewer pipes? not so dark when it comes to Ra's Al Ghul and the Scarecrow!

i'm not saying lets just hand this project over to complete unknowns...that would merely be a test of loyalty to the batman franchise. but i am saying, reach out and look for the most compatible artists.

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Fri 06/20/08 11:09 AM
thanks for the suggestive're a sweet man!


cool_guy_incognito's photo
Fri 06/20/08 10:59 AM

im walkin i dont have nothing to do with that flick...............but its the gonna watch it again least i got that to look forward to.................................ur all dead anyway......glasses



cool_guy_incognito's photo
Fri 06/20/08 10:51 AM
Edited by cool_guy_incognito on Fri 06/20/08 10:58 AM
i never said i didn't enjoy it. i was clearly stating that the franchise can be in a better position. and in my opinion, its not. two of my favorite films from nolan are "following" and "momento." these are films that nolan actually created and wrote. nolan has a great way of developing characters, hence, momento...a character who needs to rediscover himself. another thing i like about nolan is his film noir take on his films. but i feel nolan wants to concentrate way too much on bruce waynes anguish, which there is nothing wrong about that, but can he control the batman? i think not!

now getting goyer, was not exactly a great idea. i don't know about his knowledge of the batman, but other than the blade series, he doesn't have much to represent. with so many live-action batman movies made, i think its time to give batman to the knowledgeable. i'm not degrading nolan or goyer or burton or schumacher. they took their turns, but is it wrong to find people who knows the ideology of batman? that is why i mentioned frank miller. a source creator of batman, now, a hollywood director. one of the few artist in hollywood at the moment who seems true to his art. take a look at his comic book sin city and then watch sin city.

the cast for begins was a great choice. one of my all time favorite actor is gary oldman. he can have the smallest role in a film, i'd still enjoy watching him. although, i don't really like the choice for the man himself. bale is great actor and seeing him as a deprived hero i believe he plays bruce wayne well. although, i also believe any good actor could've portrayed bruce wayne. i'd like to see an actor who can portray both bruce and batman. i understand bruce is a very troubled man, anyone who has heard of batman knows that. so, theres no need of explaining how troubled bruce wayne is. its a matter of finding the correct actor to play the character. remember, the movie isn't called "bruce wayne," it's called "BATMAN!"

i saw this fan-made amateur batman short. the whole 8mins of that film was more gripping and darker than any feature length batman film i have ever seen. my point is that there are great directors, writers, and actors out there, who hollywood has no knowledge of and would care less about. truthfully, all they care about is throwing celebrity names in your faces. sadly, you guys take it! did morgan freeman really need to be in Begins? and don't get me wrong, i appreciate hollywood actors, they can just be miscast sometimes. i understand you guys enjoy it because of the hollywood status. would you really like the film if the entire cast were unknown actors?

oh, and thanks for "giving" me the pointer on the scarecrow. yes, i understand its supposed to be the origin of the scarecrow...its pretty much the origin of most characters. but the scarecrow seems so comfortable in what he was doing its hard to believe he has never terrorized before. you don't just one day say i'm gonna be this freaky goon who's gonna terrorize society. no! surely, he's planned to do this...and surely he has an origin of his own. so, i think this was an introduction to the scarecrow. also, at the end, there was an introduction to the joker. meaning, he exist! dun dun dunnnnn!!!

heath's take on the joker looks freak'n amazing!


p.s. i may rock! but i'm not made of stone...i will be in line for this one!

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:47 AM
Edited by cool_guy_incognito on Fri 06/20/08 12:49 AM

unanswered prayers..garth brooks

i cant think of anymore..

who the hell is garth brooks?!?!

oh, you mean Chris Gaines!

yes, you did...right?



huh huh huh who the heck is chris gaines??

hahah....i was only joking, i know who garth brooks is. chris gaines, however is someone you and i and everyone alive should know!!! he is garth brook's alter ego! its true. back in the day, garth went nuts and decided to be in a tv movie based on a character named chris motha fuk'n gaines...he did it, and wow...what a flop. thats why you didn't know him. he even released an album as chris gaines...i believe he also toured as chris gaines! fuking crazy huh? so all and all, thats how garth brooks stole christmas!!!

the end


cool_guy_incognito's photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:40 AM
Edited by cool_guy_incognito on Fri 06/20/08 12:41 AM
the hair on gypsy41's arm pits!


cool_guy_incognito's photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:37 AM
Edited by cool_guy_incognito on Fri 06/20/08 12:38 AM
you're so damn charming, i can't help but fall for you too!

thanks chief!

you the man, you the man!


cool_guy_incognito's photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:35 AM

unanswered prayers..garth brooks

i cant think of anymore..

who the hell is garth brooks?!?!

oh, you mean Chris Gaines!

yes, you did...right?



cool_guy_incognito's photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:31 AM
Edited by cool_guy_incognito on Fri 06/20/08 12:32 AM
yeah, i was just testing you...i wanted to check if you were stealing great comedy!

booyah! you passed!


cool_guy_incognito's photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:28 AM

c'mon folks! acky breaky heart should be the ULTIMATE breakup song! its about breaking someones heart. and we all know that breaking up is hard to do. it has everything to do with breaking up!

i salute you billy ray...i salute you!


billy ray is beat by Hank williams I, II, & III for ultimate break up songs...I mean "Im so lonesome I could cry"

indeed, hank williams' "i'm so lonesome i could cry" is a great song. have you heard the johnny cash and nick cave version of it. its got soft touch to it.

p.s. don't break my heart, my achy breaky heart!

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:22 AM

c'mon folks! acky breaky heart should be the ULTIMATE breakup song! its about breaking someones heart. and we all know that breaking up is hard to do. it has everything to do with breaking up!

i salute you billy ray...i salute you!


Except that it's a HORRIBLE song... just sayin.

yesss...thats you just sayin....

i bet ka-zillions of people from across the world would beg to differ...

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:20 AM
remember the dance of joy from TGIF's line-up sitcom Perfect Strangers?


balki and larry doing the dance of joy!!!


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