Community > Posts By > GG2

GG2's photo
Mon 06/22/09 04:05 PM
I smell a rat here.... spock

GG2's photo
Mon 06/22/09 03:56 PM
I did the mutual match once. scared eepy-cray!! scared

GG2's photo
Mon 06/22/09 03:40 PM
"Attractive male & gorgeous female looking for an attractive female to share in passionate moments together. Its not just about sex, its about three people coming together to satisfy each others physical and emotional needs to feel pure extacy"

rofl Sounds like just about sex to me! rofl Freakydeaky!devil

GG2's photo
Sun 06/21/09 10:30 PM

I know there is and even if I stand alone, I can still bang as well as I could when I was "normal" so that stigmatism is a bunch of least when it comes to me, I can't speak for others; everyone is effected differently:wink:

So what's the problem here? Sounds like you don't really have one. You're young and attractive, get down to bidness!!

GG2's photo
Sun 06/21/09 10:26 PM
So does yours P-A-M!! ^

GG2's photo
Sun 06/21/09 10:22 PM
Been seein alot of blokes from England. One of em needs to abduct David Gilmour and bring him to my house.

GG2's photo
Sun 06/21/09 10:21 PM

GG2's photo
Sun 06/21/09 04:19 PM

rofl rofl So happy that Poindexter's practicing paid off! rofl

GG2's photo
Sun 06/21/09 04:11 PM
Look I HAD to buy that last week! My daughter loved it! laugh

GG2's photo
Sun 06/21/09 04:03 PM
What about Ogre? "NERRRRRRRRDS!" rofl

GG2's photo
Sun 06/21/09 01:45 PM
You're a cute yung'n. Go get em! :wink:

GG2's photo
Sun 06/21/09 01:34 PM
You have awesome cheekbones!!

GG2's photo
Sun 06/21/09 12:58 PM
Hmmm the reason its gotten so expensive here is because everyone is running to the ER with a hangnail and stuffing their faces to the point where they're having to double the size of MRI machines and such.

England guy, you just have to take baby steps. Start with looking into what you could have provided medically by talking with various insurance companies. Hell, your brother has a legitimate reason. If the welfare moms with 10 kids can get it you should be able to as well. Research.

GG2's photo
Sun 06/21/09 12:51 PM

Fifer might have a new friend....

fife ain't femme. He wants Adam Lambert sweet.

GG2's photo
Sun 06/21/09 12:38 PM
Soooooo the socialized health-care system isn't all Obama's making it out to be, here's proof. Look out, America.

GG2's photo
Sun 06/21/09 12:33 PM
Thank goodness we aren't socialized (yet). But I hear England's just as bad. Do you have relatives already here?

GG2's photo
Sun 06/21/09 10:58 AM
laugh I figured he left the site. Either way some good music!

GG2's photo
Sun 06/21/09 10:56 AM

This reminds me of the show "sweet 16" on mtv where the little girls and boys parents throw them miliion dollar bday parties, and get them luxury, and expensive sports cars.

There was that woman named "new york" who was even shown as someone with money.

Those little brats!And to hear them backtalk their parents cuz they couldn't get the car they really wanted. But if that's how society is raised then we've no one to blame but ourselves.

Since when has "New York" become wealthy? From celebrity I guess...

GG2's photo
Sun 06/21/09 10:48 AM
I think he left us Lily.... bummer when the cool ones go...

GG2's photo
Sun 06/21/09 10:47 AM
Of course it's a cloak. But you put yourself out there with ur band and what not so at least we get to see the real you. And it's delicious, btw.

Alot of people feel secure behind the pc, they can make themselves out to be anything they want because most of the time they know they'll never meet those they are chatting with. You can't take it personally, how can you? Everyone's a stranger. Meeting up would take the allure out of internet chatting. They get nervous at the thought of it, most do. To me meeting is the most exciting part of the whole experience. Then we can see the real deal.

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