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Topic: I'm thinking of
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Sun 06/21/09 04:00 PM
changing my screen name to threadkiller. Whaddya say?

PATSFAN's photo
Sun 06/21/09 04:01 PM
flowerforyou Don't let anything hold you back from what you wantflowerforyou

auburngirl's photo
Sun 06/21/09 04:02 PM
No. I can think of at least TWO here that already hold that title!

no photo
Sun 06/21/09 04:03 PM

flowerforyou Don't let anything hold you back from what you wantflowerforyou

I knew I could count on you for support. I sent you an e-mail this morning. Did you ever get it?

no photo
Sun 06/21/09 04:03 PM

No. I can think of at least TWO here that already hold that title!


GG2's photo
Sun 06/21/09 04:03 PM
What about Ogre? "NERRRRRRRRDS!" rofl

no photo
Sun 06/21/09 04:06 PM

What about Ogre? "NERRRRRRRRDS!" rofl

Ogre_the_threadkiller. Not bad...

GG2's photo
Sun 06/21/09 04:11 PM
Look I HAD to buy that last week! My daughter loved it! laugh

no photo
Sun 06/21/09 04:15 PM

wannacuddlewthme's photo
Sun 06/21/09 04:15 PM

auburngirl's photo
Sun 06/21/09 04:17 PM

GG2's photo
Sun 06/21/09 04:19 PM

rofl rofl So happy that Poindexter's practicing paid off! rofl

krupa's photo
Sun 06/21/09 04:20 PM
"Given your name alot of thought...from now on..your name is "Flounder"

hehehehehehehe I know that you KNOW!

littleike's photo
Sun 06/21/09 04:20 PM

No. I can think of at least TWO here that already hold that title!
are you talking about me again?laugh laugh

littleike's photo
Sun 06/21/09 04:21 PM

flowerforyou Don't let anything hold you back from what you wantflowerforyou

I knew I could count on you for support. I sent you an e-mail this morning. Did you ever get it?
go for it mich but your a good guy

MeChrissy2's photo
Sun 06/21/09 04:21 PM
Only if you add "the artist formerly known as Waterloosunset" after it.

krupa's photo
Sun 06/21/09 04:24 PM

Only if you add "the artist formerly known as Waterloosunset" after it.

Naw...lets face it water....if some newbie came on with the handle "thread Killer"...we would laugh and treat them like a used douchebag. Just being honest bro.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 06/21/09 04:25 PM
Shshshsh when you have killed as many threads as I have then you might be able to hold that title. I seem to have that special touch that when I speak they all run offnoway :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: slaphead

krupa's photo
Sun 06/21/09 04:27 PM

Shshshsh when you have killed as many threads as I have then you might be able to hold that title. I seem to have that special touch that when I speak they all run offnoway :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: slaphead

Yeah...but you wear latex undies and feed me tic it is different with you!!!!

no photo
Sun 06/21/09 04:28 PM

Only if you add "the artist formerly known as Waterloosunset" after it.

Naw...lets face it water....if some newbie came on with the handle "thread Killer"...we would laugh and treat them like a used douchebag. Just being honest bro.

grumble sad2 Oh well, it was only a thought. I have them now and then. Sometimes I don't know what to do with them. I'll let it pass like the fart I'm working on.

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