Topic: money
EquusDancer's photo
Sun 06/21/09 10:05 AM
Is it just me or are there more people bragging about how much money they spend? I have an acquaintance who essentially only writes when he wants to tell me how much was spent at a store or on a gal or whatever. He's not the only one, either. I've had total strangers tell me how much they've spent on a new dog, car or piece of jewelry. And I never asked to begin with.

grneyedldy1967's photo
Sun 06/21/09 10:25 AM
I think people do that just to try and impress a person. To me it just proves how stupid they were for spending that much money on something in the first place. Stupid is as stupid does.

PATSFAN's photo
Sun 06/21/09 10:25 AM
laugh Not me, i have nonelaugh

no photo
Sun 06/21/09 10:28 AM
Bragging about money is never something that will impress me.

ashinaustin's photo
Sun 06/21/09 10:29 AM

I think people do that just to try and impress a person. To me it just proves how stupid they were for spending that much money on something in the first place. Stupid is as stupid does.

It drives me crazy when people talk about how much money they have/spend, as if I really care. Who cares if you drive the brand new mercedes if you don't have enough money to get you through retirement?

earthytaurus76's photo
Sun 06/21/09 10:35 AM
New money, bad art, blah blah blah.

This reminds me of the show "sweet 16" on mtv where the little girls and boys parents throw them miliion dollar bday parties, and get them luxury, and expensive sports cars.

Also, the bling bling factor. Everyone was supposed to be dripping in diamonds.

Elitisim is everywhere.

The "real housewives" shows.

There was that woman named "new york" who was even shown as someone with money.

New money, old money.

Less of a sense of reality.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sun 06/21/09 10:38 AM

Is it just me or are there more people bragging about how much money they spend? I have an acquaintance who essentially only writes when he wants to tell me how much was spent at a store or on a gal or whatever. He's not the only one, either. I've had total strangers tell me how much they've spent on a new dog, car or piece of jewelry. And I never asked to begin with.

I have actually had more people complaining about lack of money lately, not having more money.

I have had people brag in the past and it is annoying but c'est la vie.

GG2's photo
Sun 06/21/09 10:56 AM

This reminds me of the show "sweet 16" on mtv where the little girls and boys parents throw them miliion dollar bday parties, and get them luxury, and expensive sports cars.

There was that woman named "new york" who was even shown as someone with money.

Those little brats!And to hear them backtalk their parents cuz they couldn't get the car they really wanted. But if that's how society is raised then we've no one to blame but ourselves.

Since when has "New York" become wealthy? From celebrity I guess...

no photo
Sun 06/21/09 11:11 AM
Actually......I only brag about the fact that I bought that outfit at a value village......and people cant believe it. I brag that I only spent $1 on something that should have been $50.

Riding_Dubz's photo
Sun 06/21/09 11:13 AM

PATSFAN's photo
Sun 06/21/09 11:15 AM

laugh laugh

ReddBeans's photo
Sun 06/21/09 11:22 AM
Money can go just as quickly as ya get it. Ain't no point on braggin on it. Now u wanna brag about ur kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, or anyone else in ur family brag away!! Cause that's what really matters!!drinker

Riding_Dubz's photo
Sun 06/21/09 11:22 AM
it aian't trickin if ya got it drinker

earthytaurus76's photo
Sun 06/21/09 11:32 AM

This reminds me of the show "sweet 16" on mtv where the little girls and boys parents throw them miliion dollar bday parties, and get them luxury, and expensive sports cars.

There was that woman named "new york" who was even shown as someone with money.

Those little brats!And to hear them backtalk their parents cuz they couldn't get the car they really wanted. But if that's how society is raised then we've no one to blame but ourselves.

Since when has "New York" become wealthy? From celebrity I guess...

Oh girl! You should have seen it! They came out with a show called "exiled" after the sixteen show blowups..

They sent their kids to third world countries to live amongst the natives, they were whining, and crying, and pouting, and brooding, HILARIOUS!

New York from the best of my knowledge was a stripper to begin with, I just thought it was funny how she was even portrayed as someone who had some sort of money to build up her diva character.

Im pretty sure noone was fooled.

I have no idea why I have patronised these freakshows. LOL

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 06/21/09 11:39 AM
I haven't noticed anyone talking about spending money, having less or trying to conserve through our economic crisis yes..

Earthy as far as New York, OMG she is a skank, I think the only reason she gets all the different shows she does is b/c she's classless and a ticking bomb that they never know when is going to go off, makes for great reality tv.. I personally can't watch those shows...