Topic: "Holy Wars" and Inter-Faith Exchange
CatsLoveMe's photo
Thu 03/18/10 10:32 AM
Why do so many people need to casatigate others for their religious beliefs? What ever happened to love thy neighbor as yourself? And especially love thy Christian neighbor as yourself? I find every day, people saying unkind words about different sects/fundamental beliefs of Christianity, and between Christians and other religions, and between Christians and those with no religion.

I respect all practises in Christianity, whether they be Baptist, Presbyterian, Mormon, Methodist, Evangelical, Episcopal, etc. We all love the same Christ, why is that so hard for some people? I do not like to see the walls put up by some churches and their elitist country club views about "we" are better than "them." Seriously, enough with the elitism and Holy Wars. Lets tear down the walls and embrace all regardless of how they believe. We can love and learn from each other.

Regarding inter-faith. I think we could all stand to learn something through attending a service or at least reading about a religion or practise different than our own. Many churches will send volunteers to another church or temple, or mosque to learn about the other religion, which would through learning quell any ignorance or intolerance of the other religions. Be strong in your faith, true, but do not be ignorant or intolerant of those that believe differently than you.

Nerdy's photo
Thu 03/18/10 11:40 AM
Couldnt have said it better!

no photo
Thu 03/18/10 12:12 PM

Why do so many people need to casatigate others for their religious beliefs? What ever happened to love thy neighbor as yourself? And especially love thy Christian neighbor as yourself? I find every day, people saying unkind words about different sects/fundamental beliefs of Christianity, and between Christians and other religions, and between Christians and those with no religion.

I respect all practises in Christianity, whether they be Baptist, Presbyterian, Mormon, Methodist, Evangelical, Episcopal, etc. We all love the same Christ, why is that so hard for some people? I do not like to see the walls put up by some churches and their elitist country club views about "we" are better than "them." Seriously, enough with the elitism and Holy Wars. Lets tear down the walls and embrace all regardless of how they believe. We can love and learn from each other.

Regarding inter-faith. I think we could all stand to learn something through attending a service or at least reading about a religion or practise different than our own. Many churches will send volunteers to another church or temple, or mosque to learn about the other religion, which would through learning quell any ignorance or intolerance of the other religions. Be strong in your faith, true, but do not be ignorant or intolerant of those that believe differently than you.

shoesmonkey's photo
Thu 03/18/10 12:47 PM
Elitist, moronic,ridged boobs perhaps?

no photo
Thu 03/18/10 12:49 PM
Edited by 35TOO on Thu 03/18/10 12:49 PM

Elitist, moronic,ridged boobs:banana: drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool :banana: flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers smitten smitten smitten smitten smitten smitten smitten :thumbsup: :thumbsup: winking winking perhaps?BIG BOOBS TOO..........

no photo
Sat 03/20/10 12:30 AM
The semi,as some bank posted propositions-"promo",but maybe we will find some needs..different visions,like upgrade for old sys.fl,lol.....

no photo
Tue 04/13/10 07:17 AM
The minute you say you are the only one that belongs you have been cast out, because you are not God to decide this. Christ said hookers and tax collectors would enter the kingdom of God before the religious leaders of his day.

It is almost impossible to follow Christ without offending someone. However, I will never stop anyone from following their religious beliefs whatever religion they are. They can indeed impede on mine but I cannot judge them; I am unworthy to judge anyone. God is the one who judges and chooses.

"Let he who is filthy be filthy still, let he who is holy be holy still."

"Many will be called but few will be chosen."

"A righteous man is barely saved, imagine what will happen to the unbeliever and sinner."

no photo
Tue 04/13/10 08:25 AM

The minute you say you are the only one that belongs you have been cast out, because you are not God to decide this. Christ said hookers and tax collectors would enter the kingdom of God before the religious leaders of his day.

It is almost impossible to follow Christ without offending someone. However, I will never stop anyone from following their religious beliefs whatever religion they are. They can indeed impede on mine but I cannot judge them; I am unworthy to judge anyone. God is the one who judges and chooses.

"Let he who is filthy be filthy still, let he who is holy be holy still."

"Many will be called but few will be chosen."

"A righteous man is barely saved, imagine what will happen to the unbeliever and sinner."

Thomas3474's photo
Thu 04/15/10 01:50 AM

Why do so many people need to casatigate others for their religious beliefs? What ever happened to love thy neighbor as yourself? And especially love thy Christian neighbor as yourself? I find every day, people saying unkind words about different sects/fundamental beliefs of Christianity, and between Christians and other religions, and between Christians and those with no religion.

I respect all practises in Christianity, whether they be Baptist, Presbyterian, Mormon, Methodist, Evangelical, Episcopal, etc. We all love the same Christ, why is that so hard for some people? I do not like to see the walls put up by some churches and their elitist country club views about "we" are better than "them." Seriously, enough with the elitism and Holy Wars. Lets tear down the walls and embrace all regardless of how they believe. We can love and learn from each other.

Regarding inter-faith. I think we could all stand to learn something through attending a service or at least reading about a religion or practise different than our own. Many churches will send volunteers to another church or temple, or mosque to learn about the other religion, which would through learning quell any ignorance or intolerance of the other religions. Be strong in your faith, true, but do not be ignorant or intolerant of those that believe differently than you.

Your concept of embracing and accepting all religions and the people who follow them maybe fine for the "spiritual" crowd but it isn't for Christians who follow the bible.Jesus and God both specifically warned us not to mingle with other religions or to worship their idols.They both also warned us to stay away from non Christians and those who would try to talk us out of believing the bible.Is there anywhere in the bible that says we need to learn and be tolerant of other religions?If you are in other churches with people of other religions you are only wasting time with them and they will also be a bad influence as they will surely try to convince you to switch religions.

As far as the many different congregations of Christianity I do think it is important which one you choose.

Catholicism-They are constantly praying to the virgin Mary.The bible does not state anywhere where you should pray to the virgin Mary.Not for me.

Anglicanism-Supports homosexuality as natural and not a sin.Not for me.

Mormon-Joseph smith added,twisted and re-wrote bible verses.Not for me.

If you love Christ you will do what the bible tells you to do.I do not worry about lack of knowledge concerning other religions because to me they are nothing but fables.Everyday I try to better my relationship with God and less with the human race.I get much more satisfaction with the approval of God then the approval of man.

msharmony's photo
Thu 04/15/10 02:01 AM
1 Corinthians 15:33 (NIV)
But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them. 2 Timothy 3:1-5

I take this passage to refer to peoples CHARACTER in regards to God,, not as their specific religious label.