Community > Posts By > shadow_princess

shadow_princess's photo
Mon 11/19/07 10:39 AM
happy birthday!!!

shadow_princess's photo
Mon 11/19/07 08:12 AM
well happy birthday celtic

shadow_princess's photo
Mon 11/19/07 08:09 AM
well enjoy it then

shadow_princess's photo
Mon 11/19/07 08:07 AM
how is it i totally forgot that thanksgiving is thursday? maybe im losin it after all lol

shadow_princess's photo
Mon 11/19/07 08:00 AM
usually my mondays arent happy but my mans comin back from his mission tomarrow soooo im excitedbigsmile

shadow_princess's photo
Mon 11/19/07 07:56 AM
aww well thats cool

shadow_princess's photo
Mon 11/19/07 07:53 AM
hope yall had a good weekend mine was crazy but its monday how goes it for everybody?

shadow_princess's photo
Sun 11/18/07 10:15 PM
i dont like any of tryin to get off of that but i dont have any friends who are one of them so im still not too cozy with them

shadow_princess's photo
Sun 11/18/07 10:11 PM
thanksgiving sucks for me 9-14-01 i lost my uncle in an accident at the track cuz the stupid firefighters and ambulance guys didnt do their job n get him outta the race car in time he was pretty much the only decent father figure i had

shadow_princess's photo
Sun 11/18/07 02:52 PM
it means hes not leavin just yet

shadow_princess's photo
Sun 11/18/07 02:44 PM
now im lost cuz hhe said he got a reprieve

shadow_princess's photo
Sun 11/18/07 02:36 PM
does anyone know why soldierforamerica deactivated frown

shadow_princess's photo
Sun 11/18/07 02:14 AM
i am..kinda lol

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/17/07 08:28 PM
yayyyy that made my night! i was sad :( ur one of my best buddies u know

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/17/07 07:59 PM
i lost a very good friend in august and was sent this in a way it helped ease the pain

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/17/07 07:28 PM
Without your voice
The words that so freely flow from my pen
Become trapped like a fly in a spiders web
Swallowed by fear of the unknown
And longing for your soft touch
Happiness has begun to fade
As I am reminded that these are not bright days
Safety is not certain
Days are long and hard
Nights sometimes sleepless
Without your voice nightmares lurk
In the shadows of the setting sun
To most four months isn't all that long
But in our world it feels like forever
Letters and phone calls only numb the pain
Fear becomes suspended for a short time
Some ask why bother?
Why not find someone new?
The mere thought sickens me
You had me from hello
I fell so fast
I'm still lying flat on my back
Starry-eyed and dumbfounded
Addicted to the sweet love
You have filled me with
Such depth, intelligence, passion and grace
You truely are a gift from God
A precious gem
That others were fools to let go
I wish there were enough words
To pour my heart out
To explain every last emotion
But there are none
When asked if the sadness, fear and longing
Are really worth it
Without missing a beat the answer is always
When the jaws of life clamp down harder
Threatening to kill every bit of hope
Love is the only tool that will pry us free
This heart is yours come what may
Time will try our patience
And test the strength of our love
But if we hold tight to what we were given
We will always prevail

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/17/07 10:27 AM

yeah shadow ~ my daughter has totally written him off..but unfortunately my sons still wait & hope he will be around for something, anything ...he leaves them thinking he'll be there for them and dosen't even call.

i waited and hoped for 21 years and when he finally came back he decided i was too different because my disability entails panick attacks but now i see im better off without him

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/17/07 10:23 AM
very nice :smile:

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/17/07 10:13 AM

Child support? What's that? I've raised my children on my own. I'm putting the youngest through college now. I will do it on my own. And as far as the father, he can't understand why she doesn't ever call him. She is bitter because he left the state when she was only 5. I never talk bad about him, she has decided on her own what kind of person he is. She sees him only if she can find the time. She doesn't try to hard. I guess what goes around comes around. It's his lose because she's one heck of a young lady.

awwww digger thats awesome you should be proud :smile: her dad sounds like my dad

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/17/07 10:11 AM
denise u need to stop e-mailing me i really have no patience to deal with bull crap you could have simply said i dont care what you think right here in the forum you didnt have to e-mail me so i would appreciate it if you'd leave me alone

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