Community > Posts By > shadow_princess

shadow_princess's photo
Mon 03/03/08 07:22 PM
Wrapped safely in your arms
The world and all its problems fall away
Suddenly it’s just you and I
Plunging head first into lord only knows what
But the unknown is no longer dark and frightening
It shimmers like the ocean on a calm July day.
Dread no longer snakes down my spine,
I know without a doubt you won’t walk away
You are the one who knows me inside and out
Every fear
My deepest passion
Never before have I felt joy
That tickles the very depths of my soul
Acceptance that finally isn’t an act,
Can it be?
My world has gone from jagged scattered confusing pieces
To making perfect sense,
The only voice I long for is yours
Not so long ago my only fear was a lifetime without him
And now I want to be the only one in your arms
If that makes me selfish
That’s perfectly fine
Since day one you have had my heart
As much as I struggled, ignored and denied the truth
Love has me in its clutches but I’m no longer willing to fight
If you’re sure you want to give me your last name
I promise to love you like no one ever has
Until the very end of time

shadow_princess's photo
Mon 03/03/08 03:01 PM
simply put...once a cheater ALWAYS a cheater

shadow_princess's photo
Wed 02/20/08 02:04 PM
been there done that BAD BAD idea

shadow_princess's photo
Mon 02/18/08 01:25 PM

Well...since I know Sam Jr. and he's a Penske Racer...It's all good...Just don't let it happen again!!! Hahahahahahaha

i feel sam needs to go back where he came from honestly

shadow_princess's photo
Mon 02/18/08 01:22 PM

im excited!! hes not dale jr but he is an indiana boy!! bigsmile
nice pic

thanks im a huge jr fan hes my hero lol but omg i HATE gordan on his team

shadow_princess's photo
Mon 02/18/08 01:15 PM
im excited!! hes not dale jr but he is an indiana boy!! bigsmile

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 02/16/08 04:28 PM
thanks guys ugh exs are great inspiration god i hate him lmao

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 02/16/08 04:19 PM
Always such a smooth talker
He could sell a flashlight to the blind
I’ve known a million like him
Yet I fell for his act like a love-sick moron
Just like the rest he promised me the moon the stars and everything in between
He coated every sentence in drippy I love you television sap
Probably the same things he told every other woman
And somehow I felt I couldn’t live without him
A few months later he discarded me
Like an ugly piece of furniture he was sick of looking at
At first it hurt but that soon faded
A bowl of ice cream and a few tissues later his memory was toast
After all he really wasn’t much
Just a handsome prince
Who slowly turned into the slimy wart-covered toad most of them are
I guess the pixie dust he sprinkled on himself must have wore off
Chances are he’ll get some more, and there will be another damsel in distress
But maybe when he does she’ll be smarter than the rest of us
Wipe the pixie dust away
Discover a horrible phobia of toads she never knew she had
And kick him to the curb before he has a chance to croak
Yes, maybe the next one will have the sense
That could have saved this perfectly good heart
From being smashed as if it were hit by a semi or two
A lot of the others might wonder how he’s doing now
The only thing I wonder is…
Which animal was it that eats ugly little toads?
Hmm maybe if I’d have paid a bit more attention in science
I could have eliminated heartache some other gullible loser will now have to endure
When I get to heaven somebody remind me to ask
Why God decided slimy little toads were a good idea.

shadow_princess's photo
Fri 02/15/08 01:13 PM
i think so too hes amazing

shadow_princess's photo
Fri 02/15/08 01:10 PM
oh **** lol it is sunday lol i got my days confused ugh i give up no more posting for me but hey i got it in the right forum lol

shadow_princess's photo
Fri 02/15/08 01:07 PM
oh good a harvick fan maybe u can unconfuse me lol hes still racin right? he didnt race in the bud shootout but i went through a lot of things last season so i thought i missed something

shadow_princess's photo
Fri 02/15/08 01:01 PM
whos gonna take the checkers? my hope is dale jr bigsmile ha i posted it in the right spot this time lol

shadow_princess's photo
Thu 02/14/08 12:39 PM
valentines day has to suck lol well gee actually i did but i changed my mind lol because i ran into the most amazing guy and he saved my valentines day bigsmile :heart: obviously somebody heard my pathetic prayers LOL

shadow_princess's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:59 AM
i dont think i will be much longer lol finally

shadow_princess's photo
Thu 02/14/08 06:50 AM
ugh i cant wait until today is over and not because im single

shadow_princess's photo
Tue 02/12/08 07:29 AM
whats everyone up to this mornin

shadow_princess's photo
Mon 02/11/08 08:05 PM
omg me too i kinda HAD a valentine but by the time he moved back to indiana he was kinda taken andd i pretty much hate her guts lol grrr

shadow_princess's photo
Mon 02/11/08 07:10 PM
johnny depp!!

shadow_princess's photo
Mon 02/11/08 07:08 PM

I'm gonna stay single until my Moon Monkeyman contract is up, then I'll hit the nightlife...wait...there is no nightlife here...well crap...

lol hmm sounds like ya have a problem then huh whats plan B?

shadow_princess's photo
Mon 02/11/08 07:02 PM
i'm gonna stay single until dale jr wants to marry me because dating is a waste of time :P

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