Community > Posts By > shadow_princess

shadow_princess's photo
Sun 11/04/07 12:41 AM
lol hmmm well i'd so disagree sincere u make me giggle

shadow_princess's photo
Sun 11/04/07 12:19 AM
lol sincere me thinks ur beyond help buddy:tongue:

shadow_princess's photo
Sun 11/04/07 12:11 AM
lol sincere if u need some therapy i could help ya find someone

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/03/07 11:50 PM
ugh im bored n as usual my inbox is empty bummer!!

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/03/07 11:48 PM
hes my friggin hero plus hes kinda cute

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/03/07 11:44 PM
lol right on max

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/03/07 11:41 PM
i love house hes a total ass lol

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/03/07 10:01 PM
lol i know the feelin tina the only friends i have are the ones here

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/03/07 09:33 PM
LMAO oh wow

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/03/07 08:37 PM
lol ive met guys who do that it soo pisses me off

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/03/07 08:33 PM
lol very true

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:56 PM

Mind suspended in emptiness
Even trying to think I cannot
Nothing but a blank canvas appears
My heart feels heavy
All I want is you here with me
The blank canvas should be filled with dreams
And was at one point
After endless heartaches and shattered dreams
I gave it all up
They have long since desentigrated
Why keep something you must mend
Over and over just for it to be broken again
But in the still of night something begins to appear
A wavy distorted figure becoming clearer
Slowly a voice comes to me
With a tiny smile my heart skips a beat
It is your voice I hear
Sounding sweeter than a chorus of angels
From the heavens
Maybe just maybe
This canvas will not forever be blank

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:49 PM
aww well thanks

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:34 PM
When one is lost to death
Those left behind often lose themselves
In a thick cloud of regret
Running over and over
All that was meant to be said
But pushed off to the side
After all don't we have an entire lifetime?
We do but whose to say how long that is?
Some of us are brought into this world for just days
Before we return home
Others live long full lives only being taken by old age
Just months ago my eyes were opened once again
When slowly my best friend became ill
He knew he was going to die
On a cool peaceful night in August
He silently slipped away
Now my thoughts run a muck
There was so much I meant to say
Tonight as a gentle breeze rustles the leaves
Outside my bedroom window
My thoughts drift to you
Nothing more than a troubled seemingly hopless teen
When we met
You were one I feared the most
Who would have guessed the future would be a whole new story
Now married with two beautiful kids
Honorably serving your country
Although I never said as much to you
The feeling of admiration and respect
Cannot even be described
We don't see much of you anymore
Yet somehow I know if ever we needed you
You would be right there
Somewhat lost in days gone by
Feeling these things
Its all I can do to stop the tears
Growing up I never thought much of you
Looking back now I realized
You were always a part of our lives
A shelter from the cold world if we would have asked
This must be said before our tomarrows run out
You my friend are the closest I have ever been to an older brother
And certainly you are a hero in my eyes

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:32 PM
Born with equal rights
Happy and free
Our children dream of being
Doctors, lawyers, firemen
The possibilites are endless
Our streets are not riddled with massive holes
Caused by missles or bombs
Windows do not need to be boarded up
As the sun sinks lower into the sky we can stop and watch
The heavens above turning a soft shade of pink and orange
Instead of being herded inside
Our streets are filled with cars whizzing by
Not soldiers patroling armed and ready to fight
Finally when we are ready to succum to our cool bed sheets
We will not hear gunshots ringing loudly from a distance
Nor an Army commander shouting orders at his men
This is why at the end of every day
Even hating God as much as I do
My hands are folded
Head bowed
Lord thank you
For letting me grow up
In the land of the free

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:31 PM
Is it so hard, to tell her your sorry
You never meant to hurt her
When your hand came at her face
Nothing more than a blur
She braced herself
A moment later came the sting
The burning sensation on her cheek
As if she had touched a burner
Was nothing compared to the hole in her heart
Each time the sting returned
Little peices of her heart were left floating
Like an iceburg breaking apart
After awhile there was nothing left
When the lights went out
And all was quiet
Her sobs could be heard
Down the hall
She no longer felt worthy of anything
For if she was he would not hit her
Nearly a year since the sting has been felt
The internal wounds have scabbed over
But not completely healed
Still she feels like little more than trash
On a city street
The least you could do is say
I'm sorry
Is it really so hard
To admit you were wrong?
Your little girl sits alone
What have I done so horrible
That he felt the need to hit only me
Oh if he only knew
How awful that sting was
As if that wasn't enough
His words often made her feel so small
She wished she had never been born at all
Don't you remember her cries?
Daddy i'm scared of you
Was the only reply
You said you love her
Is that what the sting was meant to say?
Because all she heard was
He doesn't really love me at all

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:00 PM
nope im hangin out here

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/03/07 05:23 PM
im totally addicted to it lol

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/03/07 05:17 PM
last nights was good

shadow_princess's photo
Sat 11/03/07 05:15 PM
im a huge huge huge huge fan!!!

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