Community > Posts By > paul1217

paul1217's photo
Sat 12/31/11 12:50 PM
Happy New Year!!! Make the most of the next 356 days, according to the Mayans they may be your last! LOL

paul1217's photo
Thu 12/29/11 03:35 PM
IF?????shades happy

paul1217's photo
Wed 12/28/11 07:48 PM
I once traveled over 10 hours through 4 states to spend 4 hours with someone. We met locally though I just couldn't not see her for the week she was away.

paul1217's photo
Wed 12/28/11 04:30 PM

From my experience, men and women have different definitions for the word "date". I have a friend that I have known for about 20 years. She was a person I knew from around town, we had some mutual friends and would talk occasionally. Within the last year we began spending more time together, talking daily and going out, or having dinner and hanging out at her place. I know she is on a tight budget, she owns here own condo and after bills she doesn't have a lot left, so when we go out I usually pay for dinner, drinks, whatever. She is a great friend and I can afford it.

When we first started going out to dinner and such I thought, in the beginning, these were "dates". We were going out and getting to know each other better. As we began to spend more time together and realized we have fun together and have a lot of common interest, I brought up the topic of a physical relationship. It was at this point I found out the difference in the "date" definition.

Pay attention guys, and ladies feel free to correct me.

Man's definition, Date, taking a woman out to dinner, for drinks and various other activities in an attempt to get to know them better and see if the possibility is there for a serious relationship. If there is no spark then the dating process ends and perhaps a friendship can continue.

Woman's definition, Date, going out with a man to dinner, for drinks and various other activities in an attempt to get to know them better and see if the possibility is there for a serious relationship. If there is no spark then the dating continues until such time as the man attempts to get physical, at which point you tell the man we are "just friends and I don't want to risk losing your friendship by getting involved with you that way. But we can still go out as friends." Unsaid but thought, "As long as you continue to pay for everything and realize you have no chance of getting any!"

oops frustrated frustrated slaphead

Is this all based on the one woman you mentioned? Sounds like you're a little bitter over what happened. Don't assume that all women are like the one you had a bad experience with.

Then again, I don't assume that a date involves a man paying for everything.

Not 1 woman, seems to be a recurring theme for me. LOL And I am not bitter at all as a matter of fact we are still very close friends and still go out all the time. She is my best friend.

Perhaps I am just too old fashioned, when I meet someone I am interested I try to get to know them. I want the person I fall in love with to be my best friend. The problem is I usually end up watching, and listening to, the women I care about get treated like crap by guys the are involved with. And I can't tell you the number of times I have heard, " I'm afraid of losing your friendship."

paul1217's photo
Wed 12/28/11 02:37 PM
From my experience, men and women have different definitions for the word "date". I have a friend that I have known for about 20 years. She was a person I knew from around town, we had some mutual friends and would talk occasionally. Within the last year we began spending more time together, talking daily and going out, or having dinner and hanging out at her place. I know she is on a tight budget, she owns here own condo and after bills she doesn't have a lot left, so when we go out I usually pay for dinner, drinks, whatever. She is a great friend and I can afford it.

When we first started going out to dinner and such I thought, in the beginning, these were "dates". We were going out and getting to know each other better. As we began to spend more time together and realized we have fun together and have a lot of common interest, I brought up the topic of a physical relationship. It was at this point I found out the difference in the "date" definition.

Pay attention guys, and ladies feel free to correct me.

Man's definition, Date, taking a woman out to dinner, for drinks and various other activities in an attempt to get to know them better and see if the possibility is there for a serious relationship. If there is no spark then the dating process ends and perhaps a friendship can continue.

Woman's definition, Date, going out with a man to dinner, for drinks and various other activities in an attempt to get to know them better and see if the possibility is there for a serious relationship. If there is no spark then the dating continues until such time as the man attempts to get physical, at which point you tell the man we are "just friends and I don't want to risk losing your friendship by getting involved with you that way. But we can still go out as friends." Unsaid but thought, "As long as you continue to pay for everything and realize you have no chance of getting any!"

oops frustrated frustrated slaphead

paul1217's photo
Tue 12/27/11 12:06 PM
Congratulations! A great, and very popular Birthday! I know at least 5 friends, in addition to me, that were born on the 17th of December! I'm sure it is just a coincidence that day is 9 months to the day after St. Patrick's Day! LOL

paul1217's photo
Mon 12/26/11 03:39 PM

Well now it's over! Had a great Holiday weekend, thanks mostly to a very dear friend. Now a short work week and New Years Eve with my best Friend. Guess I'll have to record the Twilight Zone marathon this year!happy happy happy

I remenber you when you were a newbie and I am glad you seem to have found someone special. You impressed me as a good guy. I hide under the bed when the scarey stuff comes on the tube but I seem to have pretty good luck. lol

She is special, and she is my best friend. Unfortunately for me, as is usually the case, she is just a friend and has no interest in being anything more than that with me. I enjoy her company, we have a great time together, but when she wants something physical she is out with other guys. Seems to be the story of my life! lol Don't think I'll ever understand why women always seem to fall for guys that treat them like crap and only want to be friends with guys that treat them with respect. Oh well, to set in my ways to treat women any differently. frustrated frustrated

paul1217's photo
Mon 12/26/11 12:34 PM
Well now it's over! Had a great Holiday weekend, thanks mostly to a very dear friend. Now a short work week and New Years Eve with my best Friend. Guess I'll have to record the Twilight Zone marathon this year!happy happy happy

paul1217's photo
Sun 12/25/11 06:46 PM
Sorry but I have to say that my best friend made this the best Christmas I have had in years and I wish it had lasted longer! Luckily I get to do Christmas again with my daughter and my nieces, tomorrow:happy! Then I have to work for 4 days and then I get to spend New Years eve with my best friend! I am really looking forward to missing the Twilight Zone marathon on Syfy for the first time in 15 years!happy :banana: happy :banana: happy :banana: happy

paul1217's photo
Sun 12/25/11 06:38 PM
Actually just had the classic, A Christmas Story, Christmas dinner with my best friend! That's right a Chinese Restaraunt! Had the beat time! She has made my holiday the best I've had in years! Merry Christmas everyone!

paul1217's photo
Sun 12/25/11 01:13 AM
Just spent an unplanned last minute Christmas Eve with my best friend. Both of our plans got postponed and we just put together a last minute dinner and watched TV and talked. Without a doubt the best Christmas Eve I have had in a long time! Merry Christmas to all!

paul1217's photo
Sun 12/25/11 01:06 AM
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

paul1217's photo
Fri 12/23/11 11:18 AM
I thought it was the biochemical and physiological equivalent of eating large amounts of chocolate. slaphead

paul1217's photo
Thu 12/22/11 08:03 PM
Stress, the confusion created when the mind overrides the body's basic desire to choke the living s..t out of some a..hole who desperately deserves it!

Solution, don't override! :wink: laugh

paul1217's photo
Thu 12/22/11 05:22 PM
Goes for Men as well as Women. My Best Friend has been there for me at the worst times of my life. I would do anything for her. She brightens every day.

paul1217's photo
Thu 12/22/11 12:57 PM
The couple doing wildlife surveys, is that the ones that got eaten by the Grizzly Bear? oops

Hey finding a mate has nothing to do with how you look, so looks mean nothing. I see ugly people married with lots of children every day.

I've seen a man with no arms, who drives a car, has a wife and kids, and signs checks with his feet.

I've seen Siamese twins who are attached to each other, each with a husband.

It is what is inside a person that makes them attractive and attracted to each other.

You have to take a good look at yourself. Know who you are.

Myself, I don't think I would make a very good traditional wife. I hate tradition and roll playing.

Besides, no one could put up with me.

you are an awesome lady who would be a wonderful wife for the right person, beanheadlaugh

a marriage or LTR doesn't have to fit any certain mold

heck I know of a married couple that live in a tent in the woods doing wildlife surveys (at least they did IDK if they still do)

that's hardly the traditional white pickett fence scenario

I think if you meet the right person , together you make it what u want it to be - doesn't matter what others do or think

paul1217's photo
Sun 12/18/11 01:38 PM
You weren't late at all you were one of the first to post on FB! Thank you so much!flowers :heart:

Oh I'm sorry I'm late! Happy birthday Paul!
Mmmmmm - that fish cake looks delisious!!!
:banana: :heart:

paul1217's photo
Sun 12/18/11 01:35 PM
How can you tell if a lawyer is well hung?

You can't get your finger between his neck and the noose!

laugh laugh

paul1217's photo
Sat 12/17/11 10:29 PM
Thank you all so much! This was a big Surprise!:banana: :banana: :banana: surprised surprised :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

paul1217's photo
Fri 12/16/11 09:04 PM

Because it is officially My Birthday!:banana: :banana: :banana:

Happy Birthday:banana: drinker

Thank you. drinker

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