Community > Posts By > WandaOW

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Fri 11/05/10 10:04 AM
I am all done!!! happy

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Wed 11/03/10 03:13 PM
Toasters do kill. If you make enough toasts you can die from alcohol poisoning!!! :banana:

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Tue 11/02/10 03:19 PM
I have to vote yet but am going to. Not much to choose from out there sad2

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Tue 11/02/10 08:38 AM

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Tue 11/02/10 08:36 AM
I hate jokes that make me think too hard ohwell

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Mon 11/01/10 02:15 PM
Ummm, ok, what's the joke?????

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Mon 10/11/10 11:13 AM
I agree with you blueeyedcutie!!! Couples must have like interests to be compatible. Not having like interests results in many breakups.

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Fri 09/17/10 07:18 AM

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Fri 09/17/10 07:13 AM
No Time - The Guess Who

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Tue 09/14/10 07:10 AM
Hello Eveyone!!! Have a great day :smile:

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Mon 09/13/10 09:35 AM
Hi Kate, got a fun game going here flowerforyou

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Mon 07/26/10 12:49 PM

After reading this, I'm perplexed. You need money, but you're online (ISP) fees, have a computer (initial investment of at least $300 and then there's electricity). And most likely you have a roof over your head. Sorry, sounds "scamish" to me.

really, heck , after paying my rent, and my 35 dollar a month internet fee, I still need money too,,,things like food, fuel for the car, clothes, school supplies for my kids, etc,,,,, my computer was purchased while I was still at my last job

its not so perplexing really
Guess, I just don't get it. Seems to me that if you cut the Internet and the computer it would be better than begging. That's just my opinion though.

it would be cutting off the arm to save the finger,, the computer is gonna getcha 300 bucks and then you are still left with no money AND no computer to use for school or work,,,,sometimes we have to ask for help because we need help and sometimes that involves money

no shame in it so long as you are still TRYING to help yourself in the meantime,,,,

Ummm, helping himself??? That is my whole point, he is helping himself to others money.

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Mon 07/26/10 12:39 PM

So you see yourself a modern day Robin Hood? laugh

No, I don't steal from the rich, but I do give to the poor.

The poor being you???????

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Mon 07/26/10 12:25 PM

I can't believe anyone would fall for such a scam what

Was PT Barnum that said there was a sucker born every minute?......smokin

I think you are right, I just feel sorry for those suckers!!!!

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Mon 07/26/10 12:20 PM
So you see yourself a modern day Robin Hood? laugh

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Mon 07/26/10 12:16 PM
I can't believe anyone would fall for such a scam what

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Thu 05/27/10 12:12 PM
I do not think the pictures of children should be out here. I agree with you that they are cute, but I believe a parent should have more control on who sees those pictures.

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Wed 05/19/10 12:48 PM
Yes I have, I think we all have similar stories. Being in the midwest is difficult because everyone is so up tight about it around, They are so afraid that they might catch being gay if they associate with one. Some people are so uneducated!!!

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Wed 05/19/10 12:27 PM
I don't know why there should be a seperation between being Christian and gay. Many in the Christian community look down on us as gays but that is their problem. Christ loves everyone!

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Fri 01/22/10 08:16 AM
Excellent post. I like it!!!