Topic: Blind Faith
msharmony's photo
Fri 01/22/10 08:11 AM
The bible does not demand blind faith,,in fact we were blessed with minds so that we may use them. Never stop seeking knowledge and make clear to those who ask that the knowledge exists,,,

Come now, and let us reason together," Says the LORD (Isaiah 1:18)

no photo
Fri 01/22/10 08:16 AM
Excellent post. I like it!!!

tribefan73's photo
Fri 01/22/10 05:44 PM
We were never meant to toss our brains away & fall in line as mindless zombies. Those who chose not to see, won't. There is so much "evidence" of the existence of God. To paraphrase Paul in Romans that just looking into the heavens, that man is without excuse.

msharmony's photo
Fri 01/22/10 06:39 PM
Yes, even in the lessons that hard times teach us,,God is very evident to me.

tribefan73's photo
Fri 01/22/10 07:42 PM

Yes, even in the lessons that hard times teach us,,God is very evident to me.

Agreed, indeed!

RainbowTrout's photo
Sat 01/23/10 09:00 PM
So true.
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

Of course, this is where a reverse of a verse could be taken entirely different if it had said, "wise as doves and harmless as serpents".

no photo
Sat 02/13/10 07:51 AM
And then there are those who do not need faith to sustain them because the knowledge of truth has been made a part of their soul.

Robm248's photo
Sun 02/14/10 05:28 PM
Very nicely put. Actually, there is a lot in the bible that points to God wanting us to think and question things in this world. It's sad that there are so many misconceptions like blind faith!

itsnolongeri's photo
Mon 02/15/10 01:06 AM
Well said, and so true, it's such a joy to search out the treasure's of God in His Word and to have the intellect satisfied rather than turned off, Ive found apologetic's a very rewarding field of study for those with hungry mind's.

mrsheppherd's photo
Mon 02/15/10 01:12 AM
Faith-believing without seeing, sometimes hard to keep. But you cant have faith one day and not have it another. Either I'm in or Im out...ill say im IN!