ooooops error in spelling.. I about DIED laughing.. not dies... and no I'm not stoned!!
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ooooops error in spelling.. I about DIED laughing.. not dies... and no I'm not stoned!!
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OMG I read that joke months ago in email and about dies laughing. It is still one of my favorite ones to tell to people and even funnier when you tell it out loud and give the monkey a funny "really stoned" voice!!
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Identity Theft
I work in the credit industry and identities are stolen a LOT anymore but here are some of the ways that they are mainly stolen. 1) Dr or hospital offices where they have you list on paper all your personal info 2) applications for credit cards etc that are mailed from anywhere BUT the post office (and sometimes from there too but most postal workers are honest)3)giving out info over the phones to people that have called you not that you have called. 4) Out of the trash bins where maybe you threw stuff away with your information (ALWAYS shred everything) and sometimes 5) just at random. If they have made an ID or something their social might not match either once records are checked. Good Luck.
Funny... I'll be telling this to all the friends I call this weekend.
I dont think it had anything to do with religion honestly but it was a FUN movie. I saw it about 15 times as one of my old boyfriends just loved it. I even got my mom and dad to go one night when they were in their 40s (yes I was only in my 20s then).
Big Girls Need Love Too !
Besides Player is only 18.. what does he know about real women?
3 Random Thoughts About YOU!
I wonder about weird stuff all the time
I'm just getting the age of "mood swings" and think they're gonna really suck Still trying to figure out a new hairstyle for myself but stuck on the same old thing for years (Any suggestions for something cute on thin curly hair?) |
What did you find disturbing?
Now for my funny on line dating story:
I met a guy on line a few years back. We chatted for awhile and then he called and we talked on the phone a number of times. He lives nearby and we got along great on the phone so we decided to meet. I have recent pics on my profiles and I even told him that I'm not a skinny thing. When we met, I found that his picture was from HS and he was heavier also. OK I could deal with that. We went in to have dinner and he was a total slob even spilling food on himself... Ok ... maybe he was nervous. It really topped it off though at the end of the date when he told me he didnt want to see me again as I was heavier than he thought I was (after me telling him)...I looked him straight in the eye and told him "And this coming from a guy with bigger boobs than mine!!" say the least we never went out again. |
Ok I have to submit this warning again... to women and men. There are some MAJOR scam rings out of Nigeria and Russia. They go on line and take pics of attractive people (usually models) and then send them out when you ask for a pic or they use them as the icon in the IM. They fall in love immediately, they want you to marry them right away (i just had one IM me and say Hi I'm single will you marry me... no other conversation)of coure THEN they tell you their hardship story and how they need help to get home in the US or whatever. Do not give these people ANY personal information. One guy is using over 20 names. I would LOVE to meet the real guy he's using the picture of but I know that that is never going to happen
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ranting and the truth
I was just checking out your profile Lion.. and you ARE good looking... great eyes!! I'm too old for you but hey... I can still admire a great looking guy!
ranting and the truth
Hey all the OTHER members of JSH... I say we just ignore him and let this thread die. He'll eventually leave when he finds that no woman on this site is interested.
A GREAT kid in Harms Way
I will continue to think and pray for all of your children / grandchildren that have chosen to fight or take part in trying to make this a better world. We are proud of each and every one of them.
ranting and the truth
Bob is only being a jerk and trying to build himself up as obviously his wife left him for an attractive "girly boy" type. Someone who is treating HER decently now. The guys here on JSH are great guys and they dont have to prove it to themselves first. God I havent laughed so hard in a long time!!
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What colour Eyes are you?
What about people with very unusual eyes? My friend in IN has one brown and one that is split right in half... the inner half is pale blue and the outter half is brown.
What colour Eyes are you?
Its ok Romeo... with your looks you could have purple eyes and it wouldnt matter... you'd still be good looking.
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What colour Eyes are you?
Blue Eyes: People with blue eyes last the longest in relationships. They are kind, pretty or handsome,very good kissers and are really hot. They always fall in love with their closest friends and never understand why. They are very funny, outgoing and don't care what people think or say. They are very satisfying and love to please. Are straight up WARRIORS when necessary. If you repost this and you have blue eyes you will have the best kiss sometime in the next 5 days.
OK I'm reposting... and the kiss I hope is from a person this time and not just my cat! ![]() |
Ok sorority... we'll give it time... THAT is something I too can relate too
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I'm wondering if Philosphers friend took after his mom in looks. It seems that men look for women like their mothers and women look for men like their dads. Why we would do this who knows (sounds kinda sick actually) but we do. He may have been attracted to her as she reminded him of his mom. She was NOT attracted to him as he did not look like her dad (she may have taken after her mom also). Just a thought as I see this a lot and have found myself even liking traits that resemble my dad... I know...
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