30 and Over
Don't feel sorry....young girls still have many more years of screwing, 'up' that is...
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I'm currently dating a 24 year old.....We've asked her 24 year old hawt friend to join us....Now the numbers add up for me perfectly...
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Want NOT Need
I had a fantastic conversation with a member about this last night, and I was shocked and thrilled we both agreed on this. I hear so much crap about 50/50, soulmates, being lonely, feeling complete, blah blah... I do not need anyone in my life. I am quite independent and capable of either doing for myself or finding a resource who can. I do not believe soulmates exist. I can not be completed by anyone. I am whole, I am in no need of completing. I believe a relationship is 100/100 and that a partner enriches and compliments my life. A person who invigorates my mind, body, and spirit, and I theirs. I want a relationship, and therefore would never take it for granted or become complacent. I'd never settle just to have someone. Anyone agree or disagree? I agree with most of what you say....just the 'soulmate' part I differ & that may be a definition thing....but I believe there is a person out(maybe a few) there that is so compatible with me that I would think we would do most anything to be together....a person that 'gets me' and I 'get her' is as you say 'not settling'.....but it is 'knowing' when that person comes along that is right for me.... when it happens, it feels magical, sometimes it even feels we are connected on a deeper level, & we just intuitively understand each other....its like when we text each other at the same time because we were both thinking of each other at that time or we felt each others moods & responded appropriately in a way that made the other feel needed or wanted....sometimes people fit together like a puzzle & when you step back & observe, it looks complete..... |
I won't date someone over 107 or under 18 and that's my final numbers!!!
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As far as relationships, what keeps me going is knowing that if I can't find the right life partner for me, I can find the right night partner every now & then, to keep me going....
My Thought for the day
A person struck twice by lightning undoubtedly finds the experience revolting
And they will need to get their hair redone |
Pet Peeves
When the left hand turning arrow turns green & the driver just sits there without turning.....that bugs....
Why are kids horrible?
Kids aren't horrible, its how they are a guy though, I don't want to be raising someone else's children.....if the children live full time with the mother i won't even bother to date her, she won't have the time to spend with me....
if they live with mom part-time & she is willing to make the time than I would date her, though, its not usually very workable..... |
"real woman"
Real Women recite & have the following memorized:
Anything you want Honey! You're the best Dear! What a man! |
I'm good at educating....Are the ladies here good at learnin'? You got it babe .. here's your job responsibilities: Secretary of Education Department of Education (1979): Establishes guidelines and provides leadership to address American education. It helps local communities meet the needs of their students. It also helps individuals pay for college and prepare for employment. My New Educational Decrees 1. No Homework 2. Gum is a requirement 3. School starts at 10 am & students must bring the teacher coffee & breakfast 4. No talking only texting or emailing to the teacher 5. Lunch break from 12-1:30, students provide the teacher with lunch of his/her choice 6. School ends at 2 and students must leave a $5 tip before leaving for the day |
I'm good at educating....Are the ladies here good at learnin'?
How about Secretary of 'Players'.....I'll take take that position
You Ever
I like to walk around my house naked or my backyard sometimes....(do have a solid wall).....I love the feel of water on my skin so will sometimes swim naked....I enjoy sex outdoors too....
Likes and Dislikes
A nice smile works for me....
or a shapely butt...or sexy legs....intelligence is sexy....getting dressed up nicely is a turn on..... |
believe that marriage is the way to go?
Truthfully I did and have been blows! Why does a piece of paper and a ring suddenly change things? I still believe in marriage & when the right lady comes along i plan to have her become Mrs. Blueskyj.....there is something special about introducing my lady as my wife, not the same to say, "hi, this is D, my girlfriend".....when i get old & decrepid I want to have somebody who loves me & will be there for me & I want to be there for her.... |
10 Reasons Why
Long Distance Relationships can work.
Two Ingredients can make it work..... 1. Unconditional Love (& Committment) 2. Daily communication-whether by phone, text, email, carrier pigeon |
Fighting Frustration
Online Sites gives me the opportunity to meet someone I wouldn't otherwise meet....
No expectations helps....sense of humor too....and just be yourself, relax and have fun..... |
Edited by
Thu 09/11/08 09:22 PM
If she had me she would have both.....that is what I want too....
it's when the fireworks start..... Would you rather have a great intellectual connection, or an amazing sexual one with your partner? smitten
Creating strong relationsips
Much of this stuff is stating the obvious.....but Always Do Your Best is pretty do you really know that you are Doing your Best?.....Sounds elementary school to me....I'm sure there is another way to say what he means, just not sure what it may be......
Ready for love?
I know I'm ready......It is something I just know about myself & where I am in my life.....