who thinks its ok to cheat
I am SO over this stupid ****
We Found Love
best wishes and God bless you:)
Mean people SUCK
I am talking broiled with lemon pepper butter after basting with crushed red chili sauce dont forget the lime juice and cilantro
Colo Climbers UNITE!
El dorado springs Fall
Just God And I
Very awesome God blessed you
The unknown Daughter..
That is all I wanted to say this is about a kid who is at a very vulnerable stage and she was brave enough 2 email a stranger to her in an attempt to find her dad even if she was told wrong she is blameless in God's eyes The shame I wrote about is that she was told to email her dad! That should not be! There are scores of people on this planet that are Not Hypocrites! SOME ARE SPIRITS OF FIRE, THE DOERS OF GODS WORD
The unknown Daughter..
I see I am not judging you I hope that the child whether she is really yours or not doesnt bear the burden of all the legal wrangling that paternity disputes etc surely bring my point is, that you and her mom can choose to be discrete and have the tests done and the child does not need to be involved at all. YOU DO NOT NEED A LAWYER! The shame I spoke of earlier was about the child, not you or her mom. That she was told to EMAIL her dad hit me like Stevie Ray said "that's a cold shot babe"
The unknown Daughter..
I am judging no one the bible says JUDGE ALL THINGS THAT'S it, I judge not people, just common sense solutions. I BET YOU DONT HAVE THE BALLS TO SEE ME IN PERSON AND THREATEN ME ABOUT the Big Guy! WHO IS THAT? maybe it is the one who brings on the Lightening! You watch that and I will watch the THIN ice you are judging jims X and now me just a man talking **** against women...Jim if u read this, I am not judging you Focus on the kid and it will be all good 4 her:)
The unknown Daughter..
Pi$$ in a cup:) advanced DNA
The unknown Daughter..
I will make whatever judgements God tells me to make! Secondly, I Am not judging him! Do u think that this child should bear the burden of this? Speaking of not enough info! HOW DO U KNOW WHAT KIND OF PERSON SHE IS TO SAY THAT JIM IS BLAH BLAH AND SHE IS TO BLAME? You are judging not me PAL!
The unknown Daughter..
Meanwhile back at the ranch his daughter remains a pawn in their stupid sh$t as the sick $ saga continues Only 2 people on this planet know that they are her parents unlike dogs, humans get pregnant only once per child we need more laws to protect kids from parents that SUCK
The unknown Daughter..
May have? Wow! I HOPE that doesnt mean that you are planning to put her through more agony and abuse to prove it! You and your Sig other at the time may want to bear the burden of Proving it since u let 17 years pass how stressful for your child esp the part that she needed to EMAIL her dad! SOMEHOW there is shame in that.
Whats the best way
Take a ride in a little red wagon:) away from toxic people. Dont waste your energy^^^
A bit of a problem...
Restore the defaults then re boot something is muted that is the no sound now problem either in your media player or xternal devicer ie headphoner or speakers
You are beautiful and I agree peace and love are the answer
You should go to a church when you wake up and tell the pastor how you feel even if you dont go to church it will encourage you to talk with a prayer warrior you can make it thru with the love of Christ you will promise
The River of Life...
The people perished because they refused to change. The people perished because they had no vision and had no knowledge.
Just dont boil it that **** smells like dirty feet and the pink color is like stewed puke gaaarose!
Frog legs