Pain and Suffering
Nicely stated, I too know that the law of attraction is real and it amazes me that people have herd of this and yet still continue to think in backward thoughts. That is all everything is anyway; just a manifested thought. Hard to convince stubborn people that they are the cause of their current situations.
Pain and Suffering
From Deepak Chopra's book The Book of Secrets: Unlocking the Hidden Dimensions of Your Life
"To answer these questions we have to realize, first of all, that pain is not the same as suffering...Suffering is pain that we hold on to. It comes from the minds mysterious instinct that pain is good, or that it can not be escaped, or that the person deserves it. If none of these were present, suffering would not exist. It takes force of mind to create suffering, a blend of belief and perception that the person thinks he or she has no control over it. But as inescapable as suffering may appear to be, what brings escape is not attacking the suffering itself but getting at the unreality that makes us cling to pain. The secret cause of suffering is unreality itself....the steps that lead to suffering: Overlooking actual facts Reinforcing that perception by obsessive thinking Getting lost in the pain without looking for a way out Comparing yourself to others Cementing the suffering through relationships." Some people think that Chopra's ideas are controversial but I think that he might be up to something. What do you think? |
single parenting!
All single parents feel this way sometimes. I never expected to be a 28 year old single mother of two toddlers when I got married but life doesn't work the way we want it to. Their father neglected to tell me that he had seasonal bi-polar and would rather drink and do drugs than take medication when we got married. I found this out two years later and tried to make it work. Unfortunately bi-polar people don't like to do things on any terms but their own. I had to walk away from the relationship to better my children. He is now in jail for violating restraining orders. Sometimes things happen that we think are terrible but they end up helping us. As bad as it sounds, my children will be better without their father and I'm sure that your child will be too. I live every moment of my day making sure that I am the best parent and role model that my children need in their lives. They also give me the strength to want to do something better with my life. Even though I had to do it alone, I got my bachelor's degree without any help. I worked a graveyard shift at night and left my kids with their grandmother, picked them up when I got off at 6am, kept them until I had to go to school at 5pm, then from school I went to work and repeated the whole day again. It is hard, but it is the hard work that makes us strong. It is easy to want the greener grass on the other side of the fence. It is harder to be the gardener that makes his brown grass green, but it can be done!
Why do people feel the need to put that in their profile? "Sorry ladies, my daughter will always be the number one gal in my life". "My kids are my everything". "My children come first". Why??? To respond to your question, I put that in my profile to steer away the guys looking for hookups. I initially went online to find someone who thought more like I do and not to find my next "one night stand". And, no, you shouldn't expect a guy to just know that your kids will be first because a lot of women don't put their kids before their boyfriend, husband or whatever. By saying that I can assure myself that I won't be getting emails to take off to Vegas on the weekend. Instead, I will (and have!) get serious, more mature responses. |
As a recent convert to Buddhism, I do not believe that fighting is the answer. I have two children and although I respect the discipline and teachings within martial arts I would and have chosen different methods for my children. It is also different for every child. Something that may work for one, might not work for the other. My daughter is very girlie and loves to dance, so she takes ballet. My son has ADHD. While he also likes to dance he needed something that let out a little bit more energy, so he does swimming and baseball. Martial arts would not work for either of them. My daughter doesn't like it and my son is already too aggressive. Your plea sounds very sincere, but you have to take into consideration that people like different things and you must respect that.
mental illness
Mental illness is very serious and yes, a lot of people don't take it that way. They like to put a big fat "crazy" label on you and think it's a joke. Some of the stigma has gone away but for the most part the world is still very ignorant. I was married to a man who was bi-polar for seven years and he never told me he had an illness. His mother finally let me know about three years into the marriage. It is very important that you not only see someone who will prescribe you medicine but also a psychiatrist that will also help you go through your life and evaluate things in your past. You also must tell your doctor how you feel when you take the meds. If they make you feel better or worse and most importantly DON'T STOP TAKING THEM WHEN YOU START TO FEEL BETTER! That was my ex husbands problem, he would start to feel better and think he really was better and he didn't need the medication any more. Then he would go right back into an episode. He was more manic than depressive. He would get depressed for a month, then switch and not sleep or eat for days. Take this very seriously, listen to your doctors advice and speak up about anything that you are feeling. I hope your conquer this and learn to live with it, not let it run you.
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"The code is mine. So are the relationships I cultivate." Anybody else want to talk about sociopathology? I think sociopaths are very lonely people. They are suffocated in a, for them, true existentialist loneliness, because they can't accept other people's soulful vitality. So they are literally, each and every one of them, alone in this world. That must be horrible, living a lifetime with no proper and meaningful human interaction. I always enjoy your insight! Really, though, I must disagree on a certain point. Sociopaths tend to be compulsive. I feel that it is not so much they cannot feel, but rather are incapable of accessing certain emotions, such as empathy. Thanks for replying, sincerely. I think that you hit the nail on the head; true sociopaths don't see other people as people at all but simply another object. They can't feel anything for them because in their eyes they only exist as obstacles and not human beings. |
Would..... YOU
It depends on how long I've known the person and if they were compatible with me or not. You also have to take in consideration what the living conditions would be like too. If you are leaving your job and family for a place that is in the middle of no where and the other person doesn't have a good job or no job at all, I would say that is asking for trouble. Weigh out the pros and cons. If it really does make a positive change in your life, then go for it. If it would make things harder and more difficult, then don't.
I was married for seven years to an alcoholic/drug addict/bipolar person and they put me through hell! He would say that he didn't want me one day, then want me the next. Finally I had to get a restraining order and file for divorce! If you can't be yourself and have someone who is happy with that, then you can find another person that will be ok with it and really start to love life. There are so many people in this world, why make yourself miserable being with one that doesn't want to be with you?
Why is it that the woman always has to be perfect while the man is considered perfect just the way he is? I agree that beauty is only skin deep and you don't need make-up to be beautiful. If the men in our society would stop making women feel as if they needed to be absolute perfection then maybe we wouldn't have to deal with all the high maintenance procedures to make ourselves look pretty in someone else's eyes. By the way, do you think women like spending hours to look good for someone who will judge them so harshly anyway?
I was incredibly sick with the flu and lying on the couch while my five year old was watching tv and I noticed he was staring at me. I asked him what was wrong and figured he was going to make a comment about how sick I looked. He smiled and said, " You're so cute mommy, I love you!" and kissed me on my head. That made me feel so much better than the gallon of Dayquil I had just taken!
The date is not the end of the world but the end of a cycle on the Mayan calendar much like Dec 31 is the last day on our calendar. We don't think that the world will end every Dec 31st do we? No disrespect but if people researched what they were talking about before they opened their mouths I think there would be a lot less paranoia and hysteria in this world. We only fear what we don't know.
Tattoo's Whats your opinion?
I have five tattoos in places that I can cover if I need to and each one has a meaning. I love tattoos and think that they look hot provided that there aren't too many and if someone judges you based on the fact that you have one, then you probably don't need those types people around anyway!
Alone For A Long Time
I think it depends on why you want to be alone. If you are okay with yourself and don't need someone else to make you feel complete,(and we all should feel this way) then that's alright. If you are alone because you are scared and afraid of getting hurt or whatever the reason is then that's not okay because you will only regret it and become bitter over time.
I have two kids too but I will only date guys that have children and take care of them. It is so easy for a guy to run off and leave the children with their mom never to see them again. I want to know that the guy I am with can handle kids and it is a huge turn on to see a man stepping up and taking care of the children that they have. My kids mean a lot to me and I need someone who knows what it's like to have to watch spongebob fifty times a day!
My mom is puerto rican my dad is black. My ex-husband is russian and german and many other things. My kids have just about every race in their blood as do many other people. We all have our prefrences but it really doesn't matter what color someone's skin is it matters how they treat you. Maybe if people stopped saying they will only date people that look a certain way and start paying attention to their spirit and personality they might not have as many bad relationships.
Somebody Chat!
Hi, I just joined a week ago and it was more to meet some real people who are more interested in getting to know you and be friends then find their next one night stand. I hope that it is all that I think it is but I think that you also have to put yourself out there too. I have written a few things in the forums too and that helps to let people know that you exist. I don't mind spending the time to tell people that they matter so if you ever want to chat feel free! Hope that helps you out a little!
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WOW!! I thought that I was the only one who understood this. I myself have has many times where my gut has told me one thing and I would completely ignore it only to learn in the end that my gut feeling was the right one. I've also had problems with people arise and while I'm thinking about it my head plays out exactly what happened although I was not there. For instance, my cell phone was stolen out of my car once. I had left in there by accident and was inside my apartment for only fifteen minutes before I realized that I forgot it and the doors were unlocked. While I was going through my mind of what could've possibly happened (I could have dropped it, left it at work or any number of things) I got a vision almost of one of my neighbors sitting in my car and going through my glove box, almost like a dream. I asked my boyfriend at the time to go to this guys house and check because I didn't want to accuse him if I didn't really know. Sure enough my cell phone was on his coffee table.
Everyone has these feelings, we are just so programmed from a young age to "think logically" and we dismiss all of our intuitive feelings. Once we stop "thinking" and start listing our bodies will always lead us to the solutions. Another example for me is when I loose something. If I have misplaced say, my car keys, I stop and push out any thoughts and say okay keys where are you. Then I just walk and everytime I found what I was looking for. Sometimes it takes longer than others, especially if I am distracted but I always find it. We all have that inside of us. We have gotten so far off from where we were thousands of years ago. This information is nothing new, our ancestors knew this and a lot more. We have deluded ourselves with technology and the misleading way of thinking that we know everything there is to know when we actually don't know anything! |
Schools in 1959 vs 2009
You are sooo right, I was just going to say that this is why no one takes responsibility for their own actions and blames everyone and everything else for their own mistakes and our screwed up system completely allows it. Gee, I wonder why our economy, health care and everything else is such a mess?!
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Hi everyone, I'm new to using the internet to meet new people. I've always used clubs and bars and ended up in toxic relationships. I still don't know what to expect and I am extremely nervous but if I don't take chances then I'll always be stuck in my little box right? Well, wish me luck!
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