Community > Posts By > ronny4dating
The main problem with government heathcare is it's a "pie in the sky!" Sure if you poll people and ask "in a perfect world what is your opinion"???? But we don't live in a perfect world and never will! The second thing is people seem to forget that this is America a Republic, not a democracy and our founders knew government needed to be small. Power corupts and absolute power corupts absolutely! I would love for the idea of utopia democrats long for actually worked, but it doesn't so I stay a realist and stick to idea's that actually show results! It's not about right and wrong it's about reality! You can not trust government and you can not trust people to not abuse FREE! But you can never tell a theroist their idea's are wrong because it makes them feel good and that's what it's really about! It doesn't matter too much though because after the democrats fail miserably like they always do we will get some sane legislation again and it will pan out. I just hope this time they fail utterly obvious cause they are very good at shifting blame like the housing crash the democrats engineered! I went through two acute, major episodes of life- threatening illness caused by a congenital condition. I'm VERY familiar with the healthcare industry and insurance companies. It doesn't get anymore real than that. I'm probably only alive today because I could get insurance, and therefore treatment, at Johns Hopkins, where they used a surgical technique developed in that awful socialist country, Sweden. It's only because of HIPAA and rules regarding group health plans that I was able to keep insurance that wasn't able to exclude pre-existing conditions. <b> We're not talking about anything FREE here, we're talking about expensive insurance that's better than NO insurance.</b> HIPAA arguably came about because of the Clinton administration's push to at least get some kind of healthcare reform past, and to their credit, the Republicans participated in the compromise. Lately, I see nothing but obstructionist tactics from the Republicans. I see a group of people who want to gain back their majority status and feel that ANY success Obama has in the area will threaten that from happening. BTW, I'll say it again-- I'm registered as an Independent, and I mostly certainly HAVE voted for Republican candidates in the past. I'm sure some will say the moderates I voted for RINOs, but I think about that the same way I think about the practice of wearing a jersey of a sports team to work-- it's strictly lightweight entertainment having NOTHING to do with the business of Life. -Kerry O. I held my nose while voting since I was 18.....I am an extreme right wing person! I don't defend these democrats called republicans or socialists called democrats! I vote republican just because they are the lesser evil in my opinion. But I don't beleive in any government intrusion, none at all! Zero, zilch, nada! I am against the public school system completely that's how right wing i am! I would completely shut down the entire lot and cut taxes by at least 50% and work toward 75% within ten years! I don't beleive in social security, welfare, unemployment absolutely none of it! I want complete freedom of government intrusion and live and die by my own accord and don't like people preaching to me how i need to flip the bill for them to go to the doctor or go to school or get fed or get a job! |
aaahhhhh no way I live in california The world capitol for dumbazzes!
I think the reason to get married is to commit yourself completely to someone and vow before God your wedding vows! what if you don't believe in god, should you still get married? If its important to you,,just leave out the line 'what god has joined together' so as not to be a hypocrite. I think there are a few different vows which can be taken and people can even write their own. People can do what they want it's their freedom of choice but i am at loss about your statement of what God has joined together. I don't know what you mean? When we were married, the pastor said the line 'What God has joined together let no man put asunder". I was stating that for someone not believing in God, that sentence would not be appropriate. I see... I think wedding vows have completely lost their conviction! |
I think the reason to get married is to commit yourself completely to someone and vow before God your wedding vows! what if you don't believe in god, should you still get married? If its important to you,,just leave out the line 'what god has joined together' so as not to be a hypocrite. I think there are a few different vows which can be taken and people can even write their own. People can do what they want it's their freedom of choice but i am at loss about your statement of what God has joined together. I don't know what you mean? |
I think the reason to get married is to commit yourself completely to someone and vow before God your wedding vows! what if you don't believe in god, should you still get married? Well marriage without God is not marriage really. You can be married by the Justice of The Peace if you only seek the legal rights of a married couple. But religon is a personal choice and a private matter. But marriage means different things to people today... For me it has everything to do with God! |
I think the reason to get married is to commit yourself completely to someone and vow before God your wedding vows!
yeah like i think a couple of people didn't realize this was just me being a smartazz! I guess my sarcasm is tricky? IDK?
So, here it is.....
I was dating this girl a while back and after a few weeks or so, she said she wanted to be friends because she wasn't ready for a close relationship yet, or something other to that effect.. I said, ok, I can do friends or whatever, having just come out of a serious relationship... I thought slow is good and perhaps we'll get to know each other if we're only "friends" for a while. So, we talk for a while and it's been a few weeks since all this has happened. Last night she calls around 11pm and wants to come over and hang out. I put on a movie and we're sitting on the couch "hanging out". About one hour goes by, and the next thing I know without any words ever being spoken, we are in the bedroom having wild and crazy sex.. She tells me when we are done, that she doesn't want the relationship, just friends with benefits. There was a time, this would have been sweet music to my ears. As I've gotten a little older, I"m just not sure that's what's it's really supposed to be about. I don't know... Is that what it's really all about, getting laid with minimal feeling involved? I see this as purely honesty! She is just being straight with you and you have to at least respect the fact she is being honest with you. We live in a society today that no longer sees marriage as the only moral sex. So if that is the case then really the rules of sexual encounters are all out the window unless you yourself set some ground rules. But anyone that has premartial sex really has no grounds for critsizing anyone else. If you have some moral standard that you yourself have created don't subject others to it. |
About Integrity
The idea a generation created greed or any other plague that goes back thousands of years is just crazy! Society continues to degrade morally year after year. It is not one generation or the next it is just the progression of things! We now live in a society "America" that kills about 1.4 million babies each year. About one abortion every 20 seconds! About half of the American public say this is okay killing so many children. 43% of american women will have an abortion about 20% of American women will have more than one abortion! About 84% of all abortions are from families making less than 60k a year. 93% of all abortions are because of unwanted pregnancy, "conveinence". Abortion is the leading cause of death in America! Heart disease comes in at a distant second with 631,000. there are about 3.8 million deaths in America annually, abortion represents over one third of all deaths in America. We no longer bury dead babies they get wheeled out in a trash can and are consider non entities! This is the great Sin of this country! All things pale in comparison to those factual numbers people refuse to except are real! They are not real babies people say, check the trash can and look they are real alright and a complete discrace of the American culture!
I think telling a woman everything they want to hear and not being honest about your other sexual desires is misleading and ridiculous! Guess what I don't always like doing all the little things that a woman asks of you but i try my best! I am romantic and enjoy spending time with a woman if they trully share things in common with me. seeking true love is being honest about what you like and enjoy and i just have a hard time beleiving some of these guys and there stories of grand bliss! IDK!!!!!
50% of the worlds poulation has an IQ score of 90 to 109. 25 percent are above that and 25 percent are below that. So with 75% of the worlds population at or below average intelligence we are doomed! well that makes sense, being that the 100 is considered average intelligence. It surprises me to see it in real numbers though, because I really dont know many in real life whose score is below 120. Yes actually IQ is based on a sliding scale! 100 will always be average and was curious how people would react to the statemnet because inversely you can say 75% of the world population is at or above avereage intelligence. |
Fake ones are too firm and just are not that nice to suck on! They feel a lot more fake than they look!
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I love capable men...
Always have fixed everything on my own! I hate having someone else working on my stuff!
50% of the worlds poulation has an IQ score of 90 to 109. 25 percent are above that and 25 percent are below that. So with 75% of the worlds population at or below average intelligence we are doomed!
What I'm talking about doesn't call for bombing by aircraft either. Not unless the target is identified by an American on the ground with his own eyes. No more of this second hand crap. I'm talking about conventional, feet on the ground, man to man, face to face, grunt warfare. 300,00o grunts and all the artillery they need! Funny i got a feeling you never where in the military! Why the hell does a soldier want to risk his life fighting on the ground when his enemy hides behind the skirt of his woman? Micheal savage says it best why the hell do we spend all that tax money on nukes if we won't use them? Full scale war to desimate them and have them on their knees begging for surrender thats how you defeat an enemy! Soldiers don't want to be their fighting for no punk azz wimp like Obama! Bush was bad enough but this guy is even worse, he should of given the general 90,000 troops and the freedom to kill more freely and that would have made the soldiers happy! Obama is for himself and his skewed ideology! |
the Rush Limbaugh of the left Yes, but much smarter,,lol Well that's completely untrue Rush is a brilliant man! No matter your opinions of him comparing him to a liar like MM when Rush gets up there and stands to the scrutinity of the world whille MM can't make a 90 minute flick without it being riddled with lies and misinformation! Wow really no comparison at all, he has been shreaded by news reporters on multiple ocassions as a liar! What a joke! |
Me, me, me!
About 5 yrs ago I was dating this woman with a 15 yr old daughter. One day she was talking about some parents who were arguing with their child. Trying to make the child do right. She made the comment about how her and her daughter never argued. They were best friends she said. Well, knowing this woman, I realized that in fact they never did argue. Of course the reasons were evident to me. She let the 15 yr old do what ever she wanted. Boys were allowed to sleep over. (in the same room) She had no curfew. She and her friends could drink and even smoke Pot in the house. The 15 yr old and her mother never argued. Why would they? There was never any parenting going on! I dumped her! She had to be a democrat! |
What another crook in the democratic party? I would never expect that, i mean they prolonged slavery, Founded the KKK, kill babies by the millions, godless heathens, and one of them turned out to be a crook? Go figure???
If I .......
I would ship all the democrats to China! Then China would become the greatest place on earth!!! Yep just like San Francisco! |