Community > Posts By > laura329

laura329's photo
Mon 07/11/11 12:07 PM
Everything happens for a reason. I wouldn't be who I am today without him. Should have seen the look on his face when I thanked him.

laura329's photo
Mon 07/11/11 11:52 AM
As young girl of eighteen, a counselor once said to me,
“Don’t worry about college. You’re going to get married”.
So married I was- at the age of 20
Trophy wife, mind forgotten, breeder and considered a bargain.

I grew from a child- my husband old,
Trust me when I say his temper not mild
Day after day his harsh words would scold…
No loving arms wrapped around me with care, with one-way opinions- his heart was too cold.

Strength enveloped me- eighteen years later
And moved on I did, self-esteem had grown stronger
Grown from a kid, material things mattered no longer
Divorced him I did- before I became the hater

Back to school is where I went
I have a great mind!
Sadly, however, my emotions were spent
I stayed alone for three long years, so my peace I could find.

Young inside is how I feel yet sometimes sadden when
Passing a mirror, wishing that what’s in my heart –was in it way back then
Playing life over inside of my head-letting things go-I continue on to heal
Important even more that I’m in the middle of my own life’s reel

Human nature astounds me and its will to survive
The window begins to open-our hope we cannot hide
It’s on this with which we can depend, and continually we’ll thrive
On we go through this maze called life, lucky we are with family and friends
Their love and support all surrounding

Please learn from me- my female friends-glass ceilings have been shattered.
The path is paved, the war did end, and your minds are safe and matter
Just don’t forget the little girl, who dreamed she’d meet Prince Charming
Balance is needed for a life well lived, one-sidedness is also harming.

The best of both worlds is what you have now
Please don’t forget the roads we plowed.
Be all that you can, starting way back then
May regrets for you-be few
We struggled, fought and sacrificed.
The rest is up to you.

laura329's photo
Mon 07/11/11 07:12 AM
Thanks everyone. Having said what I needed to-I feel better. It's nice to be heard.

laura329's photo
Mon 07/11/11 07:09 AM
I know this is dark but sometimes to let something go-you just need to say it out loud...

One, two...who are you?
Three, four...deep down in your core.
Five, six...truths and lies are mixed?
Seven, better get them straight!
Nine, ten...before happiness begins.
Eleven, twelve...or you stay in hell!

laura329's photo
Sun 07/10/11 08:14 PM
This is too funny!

laura329's photo
Sun 07/10/11 08:07 PM
I am amazed. that's more than wow. Ahhhhhhhhhh. Liked the green men comment tho.

laura329's photo
Sun 07/10/11 08:00 PM
Extremely beautiful?
Is that what she is?
You want to meet her?
Be my guest!

What am I?
A housekeeper?
Taxi Service?
Your Assistant?
Cheating is personal and I won’t soon forget it.

When did I lose my beauty?
Affair #1?
I’m sure there are others, yet known to me!

You think you're slick?
Think you’re a “G”?
You covet friend’s wives?
This aint news to me!

Go play your games and have your fun!
In the end, I now know, you only live your life for one!

The years will go by and you will see,
the only best friend you’ve had, was me!
I knew secrets and truths yet loved you still,
damning myself for my weakness of will!

Hold fast to these fantasy’s you portray,
to these women you try to impress,
lies endearing them and come what may.

Your head lying on your pillow, 20 years from now,
alone and God willing, you will finally understand the
why and how.

laura329's photo
Sun 07/10/11 05:46 PM
Extremely creative. I wished I had read it sooner.

laura329's photo
Sun 07/10/11 05:30 PM
I am amazed as the years go by
…the feel of wonder, that continues deep inside.
When at last, the end of the day is here
…your arm always reaches, to pull me near.
Your heart beats steady, my signal to rest
…finding my comfort from the days trials and tests.
But many a night, it doesn’t end there
…there is love that only, a man and woman can share.
Together we climb
…wantonly and without shame.
As only lovers can
…who know each other’s soul, not just each other’s name.
You know who you are; there is no need to say
…within my heart’s your home; where you’ll always stay.
The gift from God to humans, is giving us a “will”
…to love or not, is a choice that is made, when faults begin to spill.
As all of mine, have been laid bare to you,
Your relentless love and care continuously renews.
So with each ending day, there is no regret that remains
…just the comfort of your arms and love yet shared, will unendingly sustain.
A runner made from abandonment when young
…a woman made from your love staying strong.

laura329's photo
Sun 07/10/11 05:26 PM
Nice Iam4u. I have shared some of what you said, and some is yet to be. But dreams and hope is for us all no matter what stage of life we find ourselves in. thank you. flowerforyou

laura329's photo
Sun 07/10/11 05:19 PM
Made me smile. Thank you.smile2

laura329's photo
Sun 07/10/11 05:17 PM
I dont believe there is one emotion that you have not touched on. Amazing.

laura329's photo
Sun 07/10/11 05:12 PM
That's who we should all be. who we were truly meant to be. Nice

laura329's photo
Sun 07/10/11 05:11 PM

laura329's photo
Thu 06/30/11 10:47 PM

So many relationships have tough times because we don't open up ourselves truly to the other person. We keep so many parts to our lives private cause we think we might frighten them away before we have a chance to be with them. Well if you feel this way you may be doomed to never truly be with another.

Opening up to another soul is the most beautiful form of communication you can imagine. There's no pretending, no facade covered flaw (in your mind) that you have to introduce later. To be accepted, truly accepted, is the most liberating feeling on the planet. And to give acceptance to another is the perfectly wrapped gift opened.

Are you in hiding?

laura329's photo
Thu 06/30/11 05:47 PM
thanks everybody and it is nice to havea place to vent and not feel judged.

laura329's photo
Thu 06/30/11 05:46 PM
up2us I admire your thank you so much.

laura329's photo
Thu 06/30/11 05:30 PM
Edited by laura329 on Thu 06/30/11 05:50 PM
He sleeps…finally at peace with his world. Slowly, his mind shuts down. He lives alone inside his shell. Never really living, bordering on hell. Secrets closely kept; tears that he has never wept. Emotions…he controls…now and then anger arrears to show its ugly head, after only a quick moment-it has quickly fled.

Sharing bits and pieces of himself but never to just one…so goes on his life, living it…but inside, choosing to remain alone. Home and sanctuary can be found-if you will just share, chose just one to bare your soul; the one you know who cares.

He continues searching, believing that he's homeward bound; funny how home is standing right in front of him, her feet planted firmly on the ground. The search that you are on can finally be over, the grass cannot be greener on the other side, when you are already standing in clover.

It saddens me inside knowing that your hopes and dreams are kept closely in your mind to hide. Knowing that the wall it creates; will forever be our divide.

Staying hidden behind your masks-how can I be sure-do I really know you-is my interpretation of you even pure? I feel inside there is more to know, I know that I'm not wrong. Be yourself!!! All of you, so that we can grow. Together we will move mountains, the world is who we'll show.

Let your guard down and talk with me; I will listen clear to all that has been bottled up inside; in my heart your secrets will keep and always remain dear. Not a gossip and not vindictive; a judgment you won’t find. All I have is love for you and all I want in kind.

When you wake, take my hand and breathe. Its ok, have trust in me and let honesty abide. Ultimately, that home you seek your secrets and lies will no longer hide.

laura329's photo
Sun 06/26/11 11:17 PM
My mother’s mother, mother was an amazing woman.
She taught me to look up at the sky and enjoy whatever it had to offer me; the sun, rain, clouds, moon and the stars; that it was a gift and the peace within myself, would be found in nature. Waking up to the beauty of a new day and going asleep to dream with the ending night; that tomorrow was my new beginning, filled with hope and promise.
My mother’s mother was an amazing woman.
She taught me that it was ok to be happy. That happiness was not hard to find; it was all around us. In a stranger’s hello, a child’s hand placed in yours, doing the right thing, desire in being true to you. Work, life’s struggles and sacrifices were not necessary but if you were faced with them; your reward for handling them was looking at the woman in the mirror and loving her for being the best person she can be. Loving yourself is real happiness and sharing it, brings happiness to others.
My mother never learned these things
She taught me bitterness, vindictiveness, selfishness and hopelessness. How can a woman raised by the same women as me, be so different? How could she have missed the value and importance of these lessons?
My mother was an amazing woman
She taught me what not to be.

laura329's photo
Sun 06/26/11 10:19 PM
Thanks Mig.I do have to say after really taking the time to read what is posted on this forum-there is so much talent. Whether written from life experience or just knowing the meanings of words and how to put them together-amazing! It doesnt matter how the words are initiated-it's about inspiring the reader, touching the reader. When that happens-it's a beautiful thing.