Community > Posts By > EkkoLost

EkkoLost's photo
Wed 10/21/09 07:00 PM
History was wrote by winners?,yet we belive?,we live in the age of mad electric gadgets,stuff in the past they would not imagen!,yet mass amounts of people follow the bible?

EkkoLost's photo
Wed 10/21/09 06:50 PM
Its all about the sircumstances?,say its a drug thing,a guy gets shot?,dies,the shooter gets caught?,death row?,no way.

EkkoLost's photo
Wed 10/21/09 06:46 PM
Hay man,what did ur uncle do?

EkkoLost's photo
Wed 10/21/09 06:45 PM
I think you mean chemicley castraited?,they use the birth control pill on male offenders as a depot injection,it lasts up to 5months,it doesent solve the problem.Do you really want to pay tax so skum like that can breath?,*** that,some people need to be elimenated.

EkkoLost's photo
Wed 10/21/09 06:38 PM
Year 3000!,,warning HIV has been comfirmed air-bourne.,a grand old earthley ethnic cleansing!,only the strong survive!

EkkoLost's photo
Wed 10/21/09 06:33 PM
If they truly deserve to die?,ie pedafiles,rapeist,seriel killers and the like,,,,HELL YES!,,put them down like a dog,,ent nothiting i wouldent do!,,we dont have the death penalty in the UK tho so we,r full up with skum!

EkkoLost's photo
Wed 10/21/09 06:23 PM
Swine flu,bird flu,mad cow disease,these are man caused virus,s,,these animals ARE NOT meant to be kept in the enviroment that there bread into,. The term disease comes from the saying DISS-EASE,and these animals are in high distress 24/7,it might have taken a while but all these new strains of flu and the like are here to stay,and they evolve and adapt to suvive,your not just sick,your a host for what ever illness you catch,and its only going to get worse,mankind has to change the way they live and treat planet earth.......EAT AND BUY ORGANIC AND ANIMAL FRIENDLY PEOPLE!.

EkkoLost's photo
Thu 10/15/09 02:39 PM
Your MY girlfreind now?

EkkoLost's photo
Mon 10/12/09 09:50 AM
Fat people fall hard.

EkkoLost's photo
Mon 10/12/09 09:42 AM
Hay you should all check out rhal dails revolting rymes.

EkkoLost's photo
Mon 10/12/09 04:17 AM
The onlything IS,they give them dumb voices!,its like this epic war,man,machine on machine,guns,racing,then they transform and Whooh DUDE that was awsome man!,they sound like ninja turtles!,

EkkoLost's photo
Sat 10/10/09 06:14 PM
Im lucky to have otters and puffins in my country!,puffins are so friendly!they make a grrr noise in the back of there throtes!and they live in old rabbit holes!,you can just pick them up!,they bite hard tho!

EkkoLost's photo
Sat 10/10/09 05:45 PM
I want a guinee-pig!,there nice and sqweeky!

EkkoLost's photo
Sat 10/10/09 05:41 PM
Im a dude like the big lebowski!,always chillaxing!

EkkoLost's photo
Sat 10/10/09 05:38 PM
Ahh,dont be mean!,i,ll buy the lil monkey an orgasmatron!,watch him vibrate!,my cat loves it!

EkkoLost's photo
Sat 10/10/09 05:31 PM
Yum,is the pumpkin for halloween?!

EkkoLost's photo
Sat 10/10/09 05:29 PM
What sort of apples did you get?

EkkoLost's photo
Sat 10/10/09 05:18 PM
O no! the meat chill!,hay,no hard feelings about yesterday!im sure your lovely! x

EkkoLost's photo
Sat 10/10/09 05:08 PM
I like otters!,there funky!

EkkoLost's photo
Sat 10/10/09 05:04 PM
Drink aloe vera!