Community > Posts By > MicheleNC

MicheleNC's photo
Mon 01/28/08 05:46 PM
Be strong. Will send happy shiny thoughts your way.

Email me if you need an ear or shoulder. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt and threw up all over it.

Just try to rest tonight and not think.

Hugs, M

MicheleNC's photo
Mon 01/28/08 04:48 PM
Ohh, Miss Matchmaker...did you overlook me? :wink:

Oh Suz and Pam, find me. Updates on the weekend, but no pics yet. huh No one will send me any. Sigh.

MicheleNC's photo
Mon 01/28/08 02:11 PM
Hiya Deb!

Put me back on the list for matches. 1 did not respond, 1 is already a pal and 1 responded, but did not respond back to my 2nd email.

Sigh. And one (who shall remain nameless) you had email me never responded back.

Now I think I need a nap.

yawn M

MicheleNC's photo
Mon 01/28/08 01:40 PM
Yes, fancy stuff. Cork and all. Which we all know I will drink a screw top or even wine in a box.

Catch, the times are getting longer over there. A good friend of my just got called back up for Spring. His second round. Hopefully they will let him retire when he gets back. He was trying to since he got back from the last round.

MicheleNC's photo
Mon 01/28/08 01:21 PM
Hey...let's all get a bottle and have a virtual wine tasting!

At least those of us that drink.

MicheleNC's photo
Mon 01/28/08 01:21 PM
Hey...let's all get a bottle and have a virtual wine tasting!

At least those of us that drink.

MicheleNC's photo
Mon 01/28/08 01:08 PM
Zen for Zin is a Red Zin. Yum, yum and yum. Okay, I think I will be a wino soon.

Gyspy, have you seen Superbad? Way crude and funny.

Catch, you gonna find the boytoy and hook back up lack of a better term?

MicheleNC's photo
Mon 01/28/08 12:44 PM
Yes, you did, Gypsy. Saturday was a cluster you know what.

Kilt man was brilliant and darling. We did not get to dance together, but I think he had a good time.

Zen for Zin...I tell ya. It was so lovely. Would like a bottle right about now.

Purple, don't get angry for those spewing the G-d talk. Not worth your energy.

MicheleNC's photo
Mon 01/28/08 12:30 PM
Darlings, what did I miss? The wedding is over. Everyone is gone. Waiting on people to send pics so you can laugh at me in the dress. It was not as bad as I thought it would be since I had to wear a wrap and it looked really pretty the way my niece tied it.

And, I did forget something important. Pantyhose. Picked up a pair at the grocery. And kilt man forgot socks, too. Ha.

And for all of you red wine drinkers. Find Zen for Zin. LOVELY. Got toasted on it Saturday night with my cousins.

flowerforyou M

PS-My girlfriend's son is home from the hospital on the mend. Going to be a long road to get better. Thanks for all of your prayers.

MicheleNC's photo
Sat 01/26/08 10:25 AM
The trip is to a hotel a few miles from my house. Got the dress, shoes, wrap, undergarment suck thing, going to get stockings later. D's outfit is set. Got to pack up makeup and something to wear to work on Monday, I guess.

And the hair appliances, all that fun stuff.

Gypsy, no times for lists this week with being up at the hospital with my girlfriend and her boy.

Really moving now. Can't you tell. Who stole my tweezers?

MicheleNC's photo
Sat 01/26/08 10:15 AM
Can't go spend Fresh's money. And how the heck did you get your taxes done so quick. I did not even get my W2 or mortgage interest statement yet.

Hi Moody...great name.

Pics will be around Monday...Tuesday at the latest.

Oh, Purple and Gypsy, Dorkface called from his campout. On the house phone where there is no Caller ID. Blah, blah, blah, he wishes he was going to the wedding (SHUT UP), misses me, I'm still he bestest bud, blah blah blah. Told him I have a date and can't really talk and don't have anything to say right now to him.

What am I forgetting to bring?

MicheleNC's photo
Sat 01/26/08 10:00 AM
I heard shopping and stop in to say HI.

Ran home to pack up for the hotel stay. You know the kid loves to stay in a hotel. Praying for a bit of time to bet a manicure. My hands are horrid right now.

Love to all of you here. Thanks for getting me thru the last couple weeks.

MicheleNC's photo
Fri 01/25/08 09:02 PM
Hiya was your Friday?


Where is everyone? Waiting on my vodka. Be back soon. Got to convince my boy that he needs sleep!

MicheleNC's photo
Fri 01/25/08 09:01 PM
Nah, no slump. Right now self imposed hiatus.

MicheleNC's photo
Fri 01/25/08 08:57 PM
Vodka...and lots of it.

And, Shadow, can I borrow your hair for Sunday? Wouldn't it be fabulous if I showed up as a blonde.

MicheleNC's photo
Fri 01/25/08 08:54 PM
Now everyone make nice to Brian. He is so one of us.

Can somebody pass a girl a drink around here? I can't get the boy to bed and got nothing done today. Wedding is Saturday.

Thump, you working tonight? Or home?

MicheleNC's photo
Fri 01/25/08 12:38 PM
Thanks for the tea, Purple. I'm chilly so it will help.

Awwwww, Katers...wish I could be there to watch your beautiful self walk down the aisle.

Going to get the kids and take them somewhere to run amok.

I loved getting married, but being married was a whole different story.

MicheleNC's photo
Fri 01/25/08 12:11 PM
Dear Diary-

I just woke up. OMG, slept the day away in a big way. Got to go get my Monster and then Phoebe and bring her up to the hospital. May treat the kiddies to dinner. Don't want to head up to the hospital until Dyl is back in his room and out of recovery.

Will someone come and help me get ready for the wedding and clean out the war wagon?

flowerforyou M

MicheleNC's photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:18 PM
Ouch, poor Charles. Maybe he just needed some down time.

As soon as the weather warms up, Zoo time!

I'm up to bed now.

Call me this weekend, Thump.

Hugs to all, M

MicheleNC's photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:09 PM
He will love you. You can be his personal jungle gym! And he is all boy so you will appreciate that.

Really though, what happened to Charles? Does anyone know?

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