Community > Posts By > jasonpfaff
Bullies and logic
Congratulations, Jason, you seem to be learning something... However: Any teacher who goes as low as many in here have has no bussiness teaching and needs to get out of the pool period. If you cant teach with out insulting than obviously you cant teach!!!
Many/all of the teachers in here don't even suspect they've been bestowed with such a responsibility! The best you can do is avoid their "lectures" (i.e. posts), or they will ostracize you! period. Your being smart enough, driven enough, and thirsty enough to not just accept your teaching as the best way , isn't a requirement for participating in "classes". period.
Participation is strictly voluntary -- if you don't like it, you're free to leave the "class"! But in no event can you set the rules of "teaching!!! (you can only raise your objections with the site moderators, if you feel you've been insulted!!!) Jane the best students, the best anybodys, always make their own rules. They dont just sit quiet and let people tell them the best way
Your's is the attitude of all poor students: * Hitler has killed all of the teachers who've failed him! * Eistein -- through his theories -- has humiliated some of the teachers who've failed him... * Thus, you have a choice! Select the most appropriate... ---> Though, until you're in a position of exercising your choice. you better play by the rules set by those "teachers"!!! AND BE VERY POLITE ABOUT IT!!! -- SOME PEOPLE ARE DOING YOU A BIG FAVOR JUST BY TALKING TO YOU* * * YOU VIOLATE THE RULES OF SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS BY TRYING TO IMPOSE YOU OWN SET OF RULES!!! HEY, JASONPFEINSTEIN, JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE ![]() ( = Jane, bare with me here. I am only asking that we maintain civilized and curtious discussions. If that qualifies as setting rules, so be it. RULE: BE nice, you dont have to agree, but dont be rude. I call it setting boundries. Eienstein humiliated his teachers? So your saying he shouldnt have done the things he did, he should have played by the rules? Where do you think wed be without general relativity Jane? Where would we be if people like socrates, aristotle, einstein, the american colonist.. always played by the rules and accepted their situation, surrendered to that dogma that enslaves most of the human race? Where would mankind be if we played by your rules Jane? But regaurdless, if you feel that way its ok, as long as your polite. You can tell me im wrong its ok, as long as your not rude. I didnt set those rules, the Moderators did. Enough said |
Bullies and logic
" In that case, why do you complain about the teaching methods??? Good students never set their own rules, they observe and listen -- rather than apealing to "teachers" changing their mode of teaching!" Hmmmm.... funny Jane there was a guy named Einstein who didnt like the way any of his teachers taught... How do you think he turned out? Any teacher who goes as low as many in here have has no bussiness teaching and needs to get out of the pool period. If you cant teach with out insulting than obviously you cant teach!!! I on the other hand am smart enough, driven enough, and thirsty enough to not just accept your teaching as the best way, when I know there is in fact a better way out there. period. Jane the best students, the best anybodys, always make their own rules. They dont just sit quiet and let people tell them the best way. ( see objective thinking Jane) So far the only thing I have learned from you, the only thin I CHOSE TO LEARN from you is how effective sarcasm can be. See, I can pull out some good in any situation ( = |
Bullies and logic
Welcome back, Jason, I am glad you started this thread. The point of argumentation is to organize premises in such a way as to show that one set of premises much reach a particular conclusion. If and only if the premises are true. None of it has to be cynical or filled with inside attacks. That's when argumentation becomes fighting, or bickering, which is the part of arguing that can make it useless as Jason pointed out. Probably Jason started this thread for a good reason. Sometimes people on here just like to throw mud. Or they take things too personally. Here is a prime example of lashing out that can muck up the works. I once wrote in here something about how we were having such a fun discussion until someone started accusing people of not being sensitive to their feelings, while being insensitive themselves. I was joking around, Nobody wants to play anymore. And she answered Good, don't play then! Premise: people prefer to argue in a constructive way Premise: insults and accusations are not constructive Conclusion: People are more likely to join an arguement that is not getting tangled up in negative emotions I agree. You dont have to insult to argue. Rhetoric is an fine example of how arguments can be personal, while still being logical. Alot of people throw the word logic around carelessly, and it makes me wounder if they know the definition. I have seen over and over again person X saying person N is illogical because they dont understand the nature of the argument or just dont agree. Heres a rule of thumb for any refutation. It MUST be objective and unbiased. (that means, try and convince your self that YOU are wrong and see what you come up with.) Logic is nothing more than inference, Something can be true and illogical, something can be logical and invalid, false, or incomplete. My point is, and the reason for the op, is that argumentation can be constructive. If you cant argue without calling names, being rude or obnoxious, or if you are not willing to see the other side, you wont get too far. I dont know about any of you but I argue to learn, or to get somewhere, I have a goal. Thanks for your reply, what do you think? |
Bullies and logic
mygeneratiobaby: Doesn't really make it any easier for anybody, right? JS
Sure thing, MGB, whatever makes you happy! (that's just a convenience tool for the unmentionables..) I rarely resort to that shorthand style of communication, except of rare occasions... hahahahahahaha! It takes away the whole beauty of communication! LOL (Dah dah dah dun de dah dun de wars/ dark vador music...) JK, how conviniet, that piece was already in my head before I read your post. ![]() HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!! |
Bullies and logic
.... jason's PC died....
LOL Perhaps, that's for the better... Thats not nice ![]() |
science has nothing to do with belief. no credible physicist "believes" in the big bang. he considers it a theory that is still being tested. belief requires faith. religions exist on faith. i've faith in nothing, therefor believe nothing. to believe is to know. nothing is knowable absolutely other than what i experience. the op makes no sense. I agree. Scientific method is not by any means based on faith. long story short, You start with a hypothosis witch goes through a period of rigorous testing and if it makes it it becomes a thoery (which means a proven explenation of a fact. not a fact its self) But that doesnt mean a scientist cant belive in anything. I am not a scientist, yet any ways, physics and i have big plans together, but i for one believe in the existence of the graviton. As of now, we cant prove that the graviton exist. its is a personal belief, but i wont argue either way because theres no proof yet. If it turns out im wrong, than im wrong. I belive in God, more or less, although i see that whole thing completely different than most. The origonal Author comes pretty close. My point is, i can agree that science has nothing to with faith, but somethings we just do not know. Some we will never know, ad least as far as forming a valid theory goes. And i thinks its perfectly acceptable for a scientist or a mechanic to belive, or have faith in something. Science does not make facts, it explains observed facts. Not to imply you said otherwise, i just want to put that out there |
Bullies and logic
Can something be illogical and still be true
... its called PARADOX!!! is. ![]() Although not as frequent as other phenomena, but science is full of Paradoxes -- no logical explanation... (yet!) ![]() Definatly, i agree. I would continue but im having severe issues with my comp screen. Im going Dell next time. |
Bullies and logic
Can something can be illogical and still be true
... its called PARADOX!!! is. ![]() |
Bullies and logic
I realize I’ve jumped in at the middle but I think if I begin with the following I might catch up. JasonP wrote: im arguing that
A something can exist and non exist at the same time B something can be illogical and still be true C logic and math are so simaler, theres ALMOST identicle. their relative and related. A bird can fly and in so doing defied all logic – until somewhat recently (in terms of humanity). Yet we don’t need math to explain and understand how a bird can fly. Although we can apply mathematical expression to the phenomena. Mathematics developed as measuring tool. Each number represented a specific set of something without ever having to describe the something being counted. People often make the mistake of confusing Mathematics, as described above, with the way modern mathematical notation is applied to scientific research. The applied version of mathematics is actually a strict and formal language. The notation used (signs, letters, ideograms) in combination with numbers are both qualitative and quantitative. They represent descriptions of and predictions for very abstract ideas and concepts. This language continues to evolve as new fields of science develop. These scientific fields often need new “descriptive” characters that can be applied to “purely mathematical” equations and previously used scientific notation in unique ways. I know I’m being rudimentary with my explanation but, like you, I’m still at the beginner level. So I thought, maybe, another beginner could better explain why your thoughts regarding “MATH” are finding so much opposition. Science actually deals very little with math and as Massage and Wux have tried to explain – math is not the logic which is used to back up the science you have been relating too, but rather it is the application of ‘equations’ in combination with descriptive features of (scientific languate) that is being used in support of the scientific research being done today. I hope this helps – and I also hope that others more knowledgable than me will correct my errors so that I TOO might learn. EDIT: I forgot one thing - look up some real scientific equations. If you know what the various signs, letter, and idiograms really mean you might gain a better perspective with my explanation. The end results of these 'equations' is not a number describing a set of something - it is actually representitive of an abstract concept. I think this is the reason why this method cannot be equated with the same kind of absolutes we equated pure math to. Does that make sense? ya know it actuly does. although i disagree with math having a little part of science. ...wait, no i can accept that if we accept that it may be little but it is distinct and fundemental. i was under the impression they were saying it had nothing to do with logic. ok, i have one question (honest intentions, no sarcasm) how are we defining logic here? Ill think about it and respond when im not hungover and i feel life is worth living again. (God bless GJ! ![]() thanks ps i dont know if i could write a book, i like QM because its a new frontier with so many answers to be found, a frontier that will always be a frontier. |
jason wrote:
one of his favorites is "a bowl has no use unless its empty" That shows the essence of taoist thought. Finding the meaning of an object or idea through seeing what it is not. This is described in one translation as follows... Thirty spokes meet at a nave; Because of the hole we may use the wheel. Clay is moulded into a vessel; Because of the hollow we may use the cup. Walls are built around a hearth; Because of the doors we may use the house. Thus tools come from what exists, But use from what does not. Great example. ![]() I cannot sit here and claim that I can describe The Tao, for to do so would be to name it, and to do that would confine it, and to do that would automatically apply meaning to what exists without it. (hey, theres QM in a nutshell.) So its semantics in otherwords. or its not, because to capture it, and define it is meaningless because "it" will never be the same. Or am i confused? haha its a simple but profound and difficult concept(i hesitate to use the word concept) Mabey this is off topic, tell me if im out of line but according to Quantum Theory its Impossible to know the momemtum and position of a particle at the same time. The closer you observe one, the more the other becomes Unoberservable (is that a word?) You can replace messure with observe. I used observe because according to QM when you observe something, you simultaneously influence it, and since its influenced its not the same as it was. Anyways i dont have any references or established explenations to back that up, but what do you think? |
Bullies and logic
I thought you said you wanted to approach this maturely. yes ma am i did, but in this context an approuch takes two. apperantly thats not going to happen. but thats ok, no hard feeligs. i wont hold this against you at all. quantum theory is not for everybody. and diversity is essential to growth (i believe) if you would ever like to discuss it, id be honored, otherwise, no big deal. i know im not wrong. i know your not wrong. i know we each have a part that makes up the whole. ill just have to find someone else to discover how that concept works. good night, and thank you for your input on the math. (you did get me thinking about it, and i can see where your coming from) ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 11/27/09 06:24 PM
creative, have you ever read the tao aof physics?
i havnt studied tao extensivly so i dont feel right commenting to much on it, bu it is a refreshing outlook on life. my brother studies tao and its relation to judo, one of his favorites is "a bowl has no use unless its empty" itl make you think if nothing else ![]() |
Bullies and logic
| prove me wrong. No. You can read. Go visit wikipedia and start reading about these fields of mathematics, and think about what you read. Besides, you haven't presented an argument that has anything to do with my claims - you've mentioned that arithmetic is often used by those studying combinatorics, and sometimes used by those studying topology. That has nothing to do with what combinatorics and topology essentially are. YOU SAY IM WRONG, YOU SAY I DONT UNDERSTAND
SO MAKE ME UNDERSTAND I'm normally paid at least $20 an hour to do what you are asking. I will tutor you via voip/IM if you want it. As far as me writing up explanations on here, people much smarter, better educated, and more articulate than I have already written volumes (haha) out there on the intertubes for you to read. im wrong. lets say i agknowledge that.
would you please tell me why? I think you'll go a lot farther with that approach - but regarding which claim, exactly? ps, this is EXACTLY what i ws refering to in my OP.
BULLYING pure and simple Where is the bullying? Maybe you would benefit from taking some responsibility for the effect of your approach. i have over and over. message, you have clearly shown me that you know your stuff when it comes to logic. your right? what could a 20 year old kid know that you couldnt? i had good intentions, but regaurdless they were wrong, and now i am paying for that wrongness. you say they were wrong, and you are experianced and wise, so they must be wrong. i tried to comprimise, dropped my pride, disreagaurded my ego, and tried to be objective. but you still say i am wrong, and you are wise... and knowledgable i asked you to back up your claim!, i expected you to follow a distinct rule in logic, the logic that you know so much about and have so much experiance, the staement is yours, therefore the burden of proof is on you. but you refused. you refused, told me to look it up, broke that rule. but you are wise, experienced and knowledgable, so you must be justified in doing so. i reiterated over and over again that i would like help in developing or if need be modifying or trashing these ideas, but again, you refused. and you are knowledgable and wise and experianced, so you must be right. i think... i finally understand your "logic" thank you for helping me see the truth |
Bullies and logic
ok, my computer screen is going nuts with a bunch of different colors.
i could clarify or modify all of these arguments to meet your standards, but before i do, id like to know if we can figgure this out maturely and profesionally. (not to say any one is otherwise, i just need to make sure.) i realize i was being vauge about the 4 arguments i was making, but thats because i was making 4 arguments with out anyone arguing back (other than calling me illogical) until message s last post. ill do my best to stay on track, feel free to correct me if you think im out of line, or if im not seeing the bigger picture, or if im not interpreting you right. thats really all i can do, the rest is up to everyone else. im really inveted in this topic, and i dont have the oppertunity to converse with many intelligent people. im young (20 yr) and am by no means an expert of logic. iv read several book on the topic, and continue to research it, but i dont know everything so bear with me. i love science. (especially physics). according to physics perception (which is determined by past experiances, interpretation, culture and society) is only a perception, or a distinct way to viey and observe things. there are rulls in other dimensions and aspects of the universe that dont apply to us, but just beacuse they dont, does not by any means prove that its false. (again, quantum mechanics clearly proves that things can exist and not exist at the same time. will explain later when i make my argument) with all that said, (and in otherwords) wether i like it or not, i suspect my observations, my arguments and my logic could easily become biased. we see what we want to see right. thats the whole reason for this discussion (on my part) i want to test my ideas through you guys so i have some sort of scientific control. the last thing i want is to become so focused on one aspect of something that i fil to see everything else. if you think im already there please help me get out. so, can we move on? |
Bullies and logic
Edited by
Fri 11/27/09 05:23 PM
Topology and combinatorics are just two entire fields of mathematics that can be explored without involving any arithmetic at all. Wait, theirs not arithmetic at all in topology or combinatorics? Did you ever read what I wrote? Why would you ask a rhetorical question that has nothing to do with what I actually wrote? Notice the phrase 'can be explored'. What is the true essence of topology? Of combinatorics? Of geometry? Of actual algebra? Investigate those and you will find arithmetic to be incidental. combinatorics borrows may different formulas from other sciences including probability(there is most definitely arithmetic in physics) Integer partitions (studied by partition theory) calculus as well as arithmatic.
I know notations for intervals are used in topology, and there is basic arithmetic involved in that process. All true, all presumably relevant to your point, and all irrelevant to my point of view. thats not to say they cant work without arithmatic, but only taken in a certain context can they work without arithmatic.
Notice your language use - you say "can they work". It seems to me that you are approaching these fields from an 'applied' perspective. Regardless, the essence of topology and combinatorics has nothing to do with arithmetic. Algebra itself (actual algebra, not the algebra taught pre-university, nor the algebra used by engineers, etc) requires no arightmetic. Geometry requires no arithmetic. Using any of these fields for a real life problem... I find it hard to imagine doing so without arithmetic. to draw a conclusion from that certain context that topology or combinatorics have nothing to with arithamtic is questionable to me.
Good. Question it. Learn more about what mathematics actually is. You said in an earlier post math can only go 4 directions. (add subtraxt multiply or divide) the rest is either a combo of those or symbols that represent something. which strongly suggests to me that you have little understanding of what mathematics really is. These operations have nothing to do with actual mathematics, and everything to do with 'that which is labelled math in the public school system'.
As far as arithmetic being a tiny scale, that I respectfully disagree with. Based on the discussion so far, I think its unlikely you understood me, but you go on ahead and disagree with whatever you thought I meant. All math one way or the other comes down to reduction. It’s a crucial and necessary aspect of any science. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() And this has what to do with arithmetic? prove me wrong. I DONT KNOW HOW ELSE TO SAY THIS TO YOU OR EVERYONE ELSE. IV SAID IT MANY MANY TIMES. MY ARGUMENT, YOUR ARGUMENT, EVERYONES ARGUMENT IS BASED ON PERCEPTION. I FULLY REALIZE AND ACCEPT THAT MY PERCEPTION IS NOT YOURS, AND THAT I MAY BE MISSING SOMETHING OR NOT SEEING THE FULL PICTURE. I COULD VERY WELL BE WRONG! SO AGAIN, PLEASE, IF IM WRONG, TELL ME WHY. BACK IT UP. GIVE ME PROOF OR A THOUGHT PROCESS, SOMETHING. I WANT TO LEARN I WANT TO LEARN TEACH ME YOU SAY IM WRONG, YOU SAY I DONT UNDERSTAND SO MAKE ME UNDERSTAND IS THIS LOGIC? IF YOU DISAGREE, IF YOU LOOK AT SOMETHING ANOTHER WAY YOUR SOOOO ILLOGICAL THAT NO ONE WILL EVEN EXPLAIN TO YOU WHY? THATS LOGIC HUGH? IF SOCRATES COULD SEE US NOW, WHAT WOULD HE SAY. (YES I REALIZE I HAVE CAP LOCKS ON, IM EMPHASIZING) im at a loss... lets put it this way im wrong. lets say i agknowledge that. would you please tell me why? i know im wrong, hmmm but i dont know why cause no one will tell me. they dismiss my ideas becuse there not conventional. non conventional = wrong quantum physics is wrong quantum physics is unconventional (backwards on purpose) if i offend anyone, i appologize. sincerly was not my intention. ill drop it since no one is willing to play ball. good luck to you all ps, this is EXACTLY what i ws refering to in my OP. BULLYING pure and simple |
Bullies and logic
ok, looking back at my previous posts, i can see how i took some things out of context. i can not see how i have been rude or mean in anyway. ill becarful and make sure i ask questions and clearly understant to topic before i make any declarations.
jane, i dont know what to tell you, i wish we could get along because your perspective in this would be valueable to me. but i will continue, and if you report me, i dont think itl get anywhere, and if it does, well both be penalized. so lets just leave it at im sorry for any misunderstanding wev had and i hope we can get past it. wux, i screwed up and misrepresented what you said. (arithmatic/math) i shouldnt have assumed. i still belive any mathematics will have somekind of arithmatic, but i can see how i (accidently) changed a variable in your argument which affected it. i appologize ![]() it would mean a great deal to me if we could finish this discussion. i undertand my posistion isnt conventional, but it does have grounds none the less. it just takes a little creativity to comprehend. but please try, for the sake of learning adleast. so, let me clarify and make sure were on the same page. im arguing that A something can exist and non exist at the same time B something can be illogical and still be true C logic and math are so simaler, theres ALMOST identicle. their relative and related. are we on the same page? thanks for everybodys patience, i hope we get somewhere |
Bullies and logic
________ JUST AN OPINION __________ * * * (Not meant for invoking any argument, just something to consider -- so NO RESPONSE NECESSARY!!!) IF ONE CANNOT STAMD THE HEAT, ONE SHOULD GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN!!! (... Rather than turning everybody's attention to the one's twisted & illogical point of view!)* * * Frankly, jasonpfaff, this is an Adult Network, and we can do without your constant adolescent bickering over being attacked, and HOW WE SHOULD CARRY OUT OUR ARGUMENTS... Your behavior is annoying in the least, and abusive in the most (which is a kind of an attack in itself). That constitutes the grounds for being expelled from the site... You seem to have a beef with everybody... I suggest you take it up with the moderators -- see what they woud say??? Otherwise, you leave us no choice but filing a complaint against you! (unless you adopt an adult attitude towards carrying out the conversation without the complaints!!! ENOUGH ALREADY!!! P.S. NO RESPONSE EXPECTED, thank you -- just consider a friendly adult advise... Thank you jane for your perspective. That is definatly not my intention (to attack any one), but if thats what you have observed, than clearly there is a delivery problem on my part. ill go through my arguments and clearify them as best as i can. thanks again.(this is what i mean by we can work through this stuff, wether your right or not, thats how your percieveing it and i should take every messure to make sure i typ what i mean, which clearly i havnt been doing.) |
Bullies and logic
I haven't been following the discussion, but would like to chime in here and declare: Arithmetic is but a tiny slice of 'all that is mathematics'. It just so happens that they teach arithmetic throughout elementary school, and call it 'math'. Topology and combinatorics are just two entire fields of mathematics that can be explored without involving any arithmetic at all. It really bugs me when people equate arithmetic and mathematics. I knew an self described 'anti-math' philosophy student (who actually disliked arithmetic) who finally discovered real math in a higher level philosophy class. He had a lot of difficulty accepting that what he was studying was actually math. Wait, theirs not arithmetic at all in topology or combinatorics? combinatorics borrows may different formulas from other sciences including probability(there is most definitely arithmetic in physics) Integer partitions (studied by partition theory) calculus as well as arithmatic. I know notations for intervals are used in topology, and there is basic arithmetic involved in that process. thats not to say they cant work without arithmatic, but only taken in a certain context can they work without arithmatic. to draw a conclusion from that certain context that topology or combinatorics have nothing to with arithamtic is questionable to me. As far as arithmetic being a tiny scale, that I respectfully disagree with. All math one way or the other comes down to reduction. It’s a crucial and necessary aspect of any science. happy thanksgiving everyone! |
Bullies and logic
Edited by
Wed 11/25/09 09:46 PM
jasonpfaff wrote:
1. ok, so you think its impossible for something to exist and not exist at the same time? 2. you say math has nothing to do with logic? 1.I don't think that what you say. But if you add to that, "and at the same respect", then I think that. 2. I never said what you say I said. I said, "arythmetic has nothing to do with logic." ------- A. Jason, you show over and over that you seem to be unable to read what I write. If it's going to be a discussion in which you put words in my mouth which I constantly have to correct, then forget it. B. If you think I'm bullying you, you're wrong. But I see that intelligent discourse is impossible here. C. Let'g go windsurfing or rollercoaster-riding one day. Just because we have different ways of looking at the world, we can still be friends. Provided we never meddle in each other's way of looking at the world. That meddling would lead only to futile and irritating discussions, like the one we've just had now. hang on a sec. No offence was ment, im sorry you got the impression i thought you were a bully, that was a delivery problem on my part. no offence ment and none taken either. with that said, A. "Arythmetic is a combination of axioms and conventions. It has nothing to do with logic." wux you said that. you didnt say math, but math, any math can only go 4 directions. (add subtraxt multiply or divide) the rest is either a combo of those or symbols that represent something. (ie sigma represents summation which is addition) mabey i took that alitle out of contex, if thats the case i appologize. B. i dont think your bullying me. i did not like how you said arythmatic has nothing to do with logic, and that it wont be discussed why. i imajine you can see why i didnt like that statement. C. your right, we can get along just fine. if we cant have an inteligant conversation or discorse, its not because of me. where have i been illogical?(ha ha, let me rephrase) where have i been invalid or refused to be openmindend? iv backed everything i say up with something. i introduced superstring theory which in many different ways proves that a thing can exsist and not exsist at the same time. i have shown that quantum physics is illogical, and still exists. (it has to do with having different rules in this dimension than the other 9 + 1 dimentions) but your saying we cant have intelligent discorse? i dont get it. Wux, let me be clear, if you show me that my reason is flawed, i will amend or concede. i have several other times on this forum with several people. if im wrong, and you prove me wrong, i will admit it and thank you for correcting me. i dont have to be right. thats not my intention. i want to find the truth. so, if you make a statment like arythmatic has nothing to do with logic, i expect you to back it up. other wise why are you here? to be right? the burdon of proof is on you wux. i have not seen one piece of eveidence from you, all you have said is its not possible. wux, im not comin at you. iv read some of your stuff, i like your out look, an i would like your perspective on this. if im wrong, tell me, and tell me why. if i prove you wrong, dont say intelligent discourse isnt possible, learn from it. i will do the same, you have my word. please dont be offended, see it as a challange. if im wrong, please inform me why so i can stop being wrong. |
Bullies and logic
haha now were getting somewhere. but first, you say math has nothing to do with logic? but you refuse to back it up? hmmmmm. try this. give me the cosign of 487. then show me the logic in your calculations. don't forget to back up your conclusion now. im not sure where your gettin at here, so unless youdlike to be more specific ill cut to the chase. ![]() realize that im not saying there the same thing, but they corilate and they are relative. inference for example, is a basic formula is it not? soemthing is valid or its not. something can be logical and not mathmatical. something can be mathmatical and not logical. the difference is logic is influenced by perception.i can mold logic into my arguement, so can you. logic is used in math. logic is the study of reasoning. reasoning is a thought process or a typ of thought. math is a process we use to study quantities, structure, change, and space. do you think when you do math? so math is a form of reasoning. can you not see that they corellate? im open minded enough to hear anyone out, but realize your arguing with science here. Thats not to say thats wrong, we didnt get where we are today by conventional means. |