Community > Posts By > jasonpfaff

jasonpfaff's photo
Thu 10/01/09 11:47 PM

I am finished here though. It is too one-sided to be considered a discussion.

Sorry about that, but you guys do take the most radical and irrational of available positions on most subjects. I don't mean to be hard on you guys, but some of this stuff is really so simple even children understand it. I know that you are the product of your environment, but there comes a time that you have to stop accepting everything you've been taught by rote.

thank you! i dont nessasarly agree but your tone was sooo much better!

jasonpfaff's photo
Thu 10/01/09 11:45 PM
Edited by jasonpfaff on Thu 10/01/09 11:46 PM
well, since we cant seem to come up with a solid counter, i guess we can declare it dead.
i dont care if you belive in God or not, read the post.
There is something that God cant do, thats courage(look up the definition)
why would God not want his childern to grow and maby even surpass him? do you want your children to grow, be sucessful, and even do better than you? i do. so why cant God.
Saying God doesnt exsist isnt a sound argument. quit asuming you are right and im wrong. its all interpritation and judgment (right or wrong is)

jasonpfaff's photo
Thu 10/01/09 11:36 PM

Fortunately, God in his mercy provided a counterpoise to our species innate depravity. That gift is War.

Mankind made 'god' INVENTED 'god'. So this statement is redundant....and delusion at it's finest.

War, not peace produces virtue. War purges vice. it makes men noble and honorable, and unites him with his brothers and binds them in selfless love

Virtue is so far removed from the machinations and impulses mobilised into violence and 'war'...the logic of this statement is even more ludicrous than the prior one.

War encourages the most prolific examples of depravity and violence one human can do to another, it is offensive to have you espouse such utter garbage.

dont hate war Shoku, and dont think for a second that mercy and compassion are virtues supirior to valor

Valour......a propagandist delusion created to inspire fools to murder others....under the guise of 'war'.

I don't hate war.... I intensely despise the corrupted logic of ignorant fools.

aw what the hell. if there was no bad, could there be good? if there was no war, would the term peace even exsist? no matter where you live, the government that governs you had to at one point or the other war with someone else. could the US (if you hate the US, lets say the fundemental ideas behind our great republic) ever have become what it is today with out war(the American revolution)
or anyother country for that matter.
you dont have to love war, but you shouldnt hate it either. war is war, and with out war, where would we be?
if you never challenged your mucsles, would you ever grow strong and fit? if you never challenged your mind, would you have that sound logic that you are so certain i lack?

jasonpfaff's photo
Thu 10/01/09 11:28 PM

Fortunately, God in his mercy provided a counterpoise to our species innate depravity. That gift is War.

Mankind made 'god' INVENTED 'god'. So this statement is redundant....and delusion at it's finest.

War, not peace produces virtue. War purges vice. it makes men noble and honorable, and unites him with his brothers and binds them in selfless love

Virtue is so far removed from the machinations and impulses mobilised into violence and 'war'...the logic of this statement is even more ludicrous than the prior one.

War encourages the most prolific examples of depravity and violence one human can do to another, it is offensive to have you espouse such utter garbage.

dont hate war Shoku, and dont think for a second that mercy and compassion are virtues supirior to valor

Valour......a propagandist delusion created to inspire fools to murder others....under the guise of 'war'.

I don't hate war.... I intensely despise the corrupted logic of ignorant fools.

wew! isnt someone taking things a little personal.
i could argue all these points you made (and you made some good ones)
but i think your taking this a little to serious.

jasonpfaff's photo
Thu 10/01/09 12:51 PM
Men are weak, greedy, craven, lustful, creatures. They will lie, steal, cheat, and murder for a buck.
Fortunately, God in his mercy provided a counterpoise to our species innate depravity. That gift is War.
War, not peace produces virtue. War purges vice. it makes men noble and honorable, and unites him with his brothers and binds them in selfless love
dont hate war Shoku, and dont think for a second that mercy and compassion are virtues supirior to valor

jasonpfaff's photo
Wed 09/30/09 10:32 PM
very profound :wink:
isnt the human brain amazing
im intrested in that theory about multiple lives. does that have a name id like to learn more about it

jasonpfaff's photo
Wed 09/30/09 08:22 PM
Edited by jasonpfaff on Wed 09/30/09 08:41 PM
Spider wrote:

"Right and wrong is instinctual, it's nothing I can point to. I can't say why it's wrong, we are just aware it's wrong. Kind of strange, like it was put there by a person"

hmmmm thats intresting. is God a person? off topic just woundering.
its funny that statment you just made about instinctual is almost the same argument i origanly made. (i modified mine once i realized instinct alone couldnt determine R and W)
wow, you just agreed with me!
drinks rofl

jasonpfaff's photo
Wed 09/30/09 01:56 PM

ha i dont hate you spider. come on lighten up.
and no ones judging you because your a christian.Hell, i belive in God, how and why would i hate you for believing in God even if i didnt.

Truly. I have absolutely nothing against Spider whatsoever.

I'm just denouncing the hypothesis that he's attempting to establish.

Nothing personal intended whatsoever.

The only reason the religion thing even came up was two-fold:

1. Spider himself offered that absolute morals can only exist if a God exists.

2. Spider himself referenced the 10 Commandments as a source of absolute right and wrong.

That opened the door (actually it demanded) that the religous question be addressed. So that's the only reason I even went there.

I have nothing against any Christians.

However, I will voice my reasons why I don't believe in the foundational doctrines of that religion. Especially if it's being held up as a source of absolute morality. It becomes a political agenda then and is no longer a mere faith-based religion at that point.

and ill never hold that against you :wink: like i said if we all belived in the same thing, we wouldnt have gotten this far. cudos

jasonpfaff's photo
Wed 09/30/09 01:54 PM
did i say anything about moral statdards? ouit attacking people. be nice. do unto others. do you have a bible? read it.
i have never or will never say your wrong. that doesnt mean i wont make a statment like right and wrong is a matter of interpritation and judgment. openmindedness has nothing to do with believing or not beliveing. its understanding. something you clearly lack.

......if you attack, they defend.....
if you attack they defend spider.

you cant control me, but you can control yourself.

jasonpfaff's photo
Wed 09/30/09 12:28 PM
ha i dont hate you spider. come on lighten up.
and no ones judging you because your a christian.Hell, i belive in God, how and why would i hate you for believing in God even if i didnt.
like i said, its all a matter of presentation. if your matter of fact and formal tone offend people, than doesnt make sense to mabey turn it down a notch? why do you want to offend anybody? it doesnt matter if you think you had good intentions, what matters is how you came across. they judge you by your actions in this discussion which so far are a little on the closeminded im right and your going to hell side. (no you didnt say that, but thats how i took it, and when your trying to convince someone something or win an argument, isnt how they took it kind of.....important?)

jasonpfaff's photo
Wed 09/30/09 01:36 AM

spiders ignoring metears

You said:

no spider i dont talk as if i know something about you.
what your doing, is reading arguments and looking for ways to disagree and press your point.
what you need to do, is read arguments and look for valid points, and try and gain a new perspective.
its great that your a christian i can respect that.
again spider, its all how you present your self. if you tell a guy hes wrong (which you have one way or the other several times in the DISCUSSION) he will defend himself wether hes wrong or not. always.
if you attack, they defend. give them a way out spider, and they will be more intrested in what you have to say.
understand the. that doesnt mean you have to like it or agree, but understand

I really wasn't going to, but I will since you want me to give you attention.

In green, you state that you don't talk as if you know something about me.

In red, you make an assertion about my behavior without any evidence.

I'm not going to declare myself the winner, but I am smiling.

( = smile spidie, smile! its good for the soul. im glad to see you finaly relaxe and i take pleasure in making you smile
(evidence? if you take my advice about introspection, youl see what i and everyone else sees. read your stuff, your attitude and the way you express yourself in that arogant tone is my evidence.)
did i make ya smile!?

jasonpfaff's photo
Wed 09/30/09 01:10 AM
spiders ignoring metears

jasonpfaff's photo
Wed 09/30/09 01:02 AM
no spider i dont talk as if i know something about you.
what your doing, is reading arguments and looking for ways to disagree and press your point.
what you need to do, is read arguments and look for valid points, and try and gain a new perspective.
its great that your a christian i can respect that.
again spider, its all how you present your self. if you tell a guy hes wrong (which you have one way or the other several times in the DISCUSSION) he will defend himself wether hes wrong or not. always.
if you attack, they defend. give them a way out spider, and they will be more intrested in what you have to say.
understand the. that doesnt mean you have to like it or agree, but understand

jasonpfaff's photo
Wed 09/30/09 01:01 AM

spider wrote;
You are hardly an impartial judge. Tell you what. If massagetrade reads the entire thread and thinks you are the winner, I'll say so, but only if you agree to admit I'm the winner if he says I am. Unqualified. You have to say "Spidercmb won that debate" and actually mean it. Deal?

so thats what this is about...

how about i just say it...
Spidie! your the winner!!!!!:banana:

That certainly appears to be what it's all about. That whole win-lose thing is ego driven and has nothing to do with the topic.

I'm more interested in truth than in people's sense of ego.

Three people have clearly showed the flaws in the hypothesis that "there exists an absolute right and wrong", especially if it is being held that the 10 commandments and a particular religion supposedly has something do do with that ideal. Those religions can't even agree on what's absolutely right or wrong, so it's an absurd example to begin with.

It really doesn't matter who proposed the hypothesis. The hypothesis has been shown to be clearly false.

That's the bottom line.

Nothing personal implied.

i agree, there are no absolutes, i posted the topic, but i was more intrested in why we belive what we do than being right or wrong about it.
the human brain is amazing isnt it?

jasonpfaff's photo
Wed 09/30/09 12:50 AM
Edited by jasonpfaff on Wed 09/30/09 12:51 AM

im not trying to offend you spider, honestly the best way to validate what you believe is to challenge it, and it is enlightening!
if we all believed the same thing, where would we be? probably still hudled in caves or gathering berries right? the only way to grow stronger is to push past resistance and challenge. the brain is just as much a muscle as your biscep, challenge it and it will grow stronger.
you dont have to drop your belifes spider, but try and understand everyone elses, like i said, it enlightening!


You talk as if you know something about me, frankly, you don't. I do challenge my beliefs, Christians are called upon to do just that by the Bible. I have never had a doubt put into my head by anyone in these forums, their argument aren't convincing. I have had my beliefs strongly challenged by a couple different Imams, but that's neither here nor there. What I find so liberating about Christianity is that it allows me, demands, that I search my heart and the scriptures. If I find the Bible contradictory or flawed, then I will turn away from it. Simple as that. I choose to be a Christian, I don't have to be. Until a few years ago, I wasn't. So far, I have found that Christianity offers a firm foundation of beliefs. If that changes...well I'll deal with that when it happens.

I think you would do better to not assume and instead ask.

no spider i dont talk as if i know something about you.
what your doing, is reading arguments and looking for ways to disagree and press your point.
what you need to do, is read arguments and look for valid points, and try and gain a new perspective.
its great that your a christian i can respect that.
again spider, its all how you present your self. if you tell a guy hes wrong (which you have one way or the other several times in the DISCUSSION) he will defend himself wether hes wrong or not. always.
if you attack, they defend. give them a way out spider, and they will be more intrested in what you have to say.
understand the. that doesnt mean you have to like it or agree, but understand
k :wink:

jasonpfaff's photo
Wed 09/30/09 12:32 AM
Edited by jasonpfaff on Wed 09/30/09 12:33 AM

spider wrote;
You are hardly an impartial judge. Tell you what. If massagetrade reads the entire thread and thinks you are the winner, I'll say so, but only if you agree to admit I'm the winner if he says I am. Unqualified. You have to say "Spidercmb won that debate" and actually mean it. Deal?

so thats what this is about...

how about i just say it...
Spidie! your the winner!!!!!:banana:

jasonpfaff's photo
Wed 09/30/09 12:28 AM
Edited by jasonpfaff on Wed 09/30/09 12:29 AM

spider, i have a challenge for you.
convince yourself that you are wrong. try as hard as you can to make yourself believe that you are totaly and completely wrong and that everyone or anyone in particular is completely right. argue with yourself with the same determination you do with everyone else.

let me know what you come up with

People get offended that I can debate 5+ people and not only hold by ground by rip their arguments to shreds

If you honestly believe that you've ripped anyone's arguments to shreds you're truly in denial.

Sky blew your arguments out of the water, as did I, as did dragoness as well.

You haven't even come back with a sound argument much less tearing anyone else's arguments to shreds. whoa

We see people come on here all the time who are in complete denial of how weak their arguments are. You're not even a rare occurance. laugh

I've proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that your appeal to a religious doctrine (i.e. the one containing the 10 commandments) can't possibly represent any absolute sense of right and wrong, because even the most devoted religious scholars can't agree with each other on how to even interpret it.

That totally invalidated your argument right there.

Yet you continue to pretend that you still have a valid point. laugh

That's just denial on your part is all. Nothing personal but you just can't seem to even recognize when you're arguments have been totally obliterated.

So do everyone a favor and go back to bed. Maybe you can win a debate in your dreams.

im not trying to offend you spider, honestly the best way to validate what you believe is to challenge it, and it is enlightening!
if we all believed the same thing, where would we be? probably still hudled in caves or gathering berries right? the only way to grow stronger is to push past resistance and challenge. the brain is just as much a muscle as your biscep, challenge it and it will grow stronger.
you dont have to drop your belifes spider, but try and understand everyone elses, like i said, it enlightening!

jasonpfaff's photo
Tue 09/29/09 11:56 PM
spider, i have a challenge for you.
convince yourself that you are wrong. try as hard as you can to make yourself believe that you are totaly and completely wrong and that everyone or anyone in particular is completely right. argue with yourself with the same determination you do with everyone else.

let me know what you come up with

jasonpfaff's photo
Tue 09/29/09 02:28 PM
Edited by jasonpfaff on Tue 09/29/09 02:28 PM

spider your bad manners and child like behavior are preceeded only by your BAD MANNERS AND CHILD LIKE BEHAVIOR. STICK TO THE TOPIC OR GO AWAY PLEASE

Sir, I am responding to posts created by others. If you wish to chastise me for being off topic, I think it would be appropriate to also chastise the others who are off topic.

If you are referring to something else I've done as "bad manners and child like behavior", then I am at a loss for what you are talking about.

Regardless, threads will evolve and change as they grow. You should at least take some pleasure in knowing that your topic has spawned a debate and either join in or sit back and read it.

your not responding, your arguing with everyone buddy. ( =
may you should try some introspection hugh? maby try and see what everyone else thinks about what you say or rather how you say it?
its entertaining ill sit and read thanks :wink:

jasonpfaff's photo
Tue 09/29/09 01:09 PM
spider your bad manners and child like behavior are preceeded only by your BAD MANNERS AND CHILD LIKE BEHAVIOR. STICK TO THE TOPIC OR GO AWAY PLEASE