Community > Posts By > jasonpfaff

jasonpfaff's photo
Sun 09/27/09 11:36 PM
well ha ha maby. hear me out
God cant die right? can God fear if he cant die? of course not.
fear is an emotional response to an anticipated pain or danger.
is it possible to have courage if your not afraid?

jasonpfaff's photo
Sun 09/27/09 11:30 PM
There is one way a man could elevate himself above any divinity or diety, even if only for a moment...
and that is through pure selfless courage

(This is not ment to offend anyone. And my intentions are to DISCUSS this topic using sound reason and logic)

jasonpfaff's photo
Sun 09/27/09 10:59 PM
mmmm good point, i never thought of it that way. of course i never thought of it as a debate either.
well i hope dont leave on account of me, that wasnt my intention. i didnt realize we were having a debate. isnt it amazing how easily miss communication can... well anyways
how about some advice? you sound very inteligent and well rounded,
how do you think i can improve my argument?

jasonpfaff's photo
Sun 09/27/09 10:49 PM

Whose measuring rod shal we use in determining what constitutes exactly what is best for mankind?

There are no absolute moral standards, jason.


well.. good point. im always telling my self there are no absolutes.
but if i had to i would say the same rod that constitues whats best for the rest of the animal kingdom. survival and the will to adapt and overcome.
mmmm tahnk you, ill have to think on that one ( =

jasonpfaff's photo
Sun 09/27/09 10:41 PM
you have a good point, but as i said before arguing and disscusing are two entirerly different things. arguing, spider, is when an individual is trying to convince a person he is right.(as you are. the structure and tone you use lead me to believe you are used to being right) disscusing is an open line of communication between people, its sharing ideas and finding solutions to problems. this is difficult for alot of people, i understand. espesialy an individual like you who is used to always being right. but the reward for opening your mind are endless.
now, if you can give me relivent arguement about my thesis, id be glad to here it.

you include God alot in your arguments. What does the lord say about humility?

ill tell you what socretes says
He said he was the most wise because he knew that he didnt know anything.
you brought up some good points, but your arrogant attitude turns people off. dont force your oppinon on people spider, the moment you do, weather or not you have a valid point is irrelivant.

so..lets have a disscusion hugh?
oh and try not hide behind your vocabulary so much, it also turs people off

jasonpfaff's photo
Sun 09/27/09 09:48 PM

No thats not what i said spider read it again. Society has nothing to do with it. I am looking for a weaknes in my theory about how RIGHT AND WRONG IS PRIMAL AND INSTINCTUAL. JUST LIKE A BABY NATURLY CRIES WHEN ITS HUNGRY, AND A MOTHER WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO PROTECT HER CHILD. ITS WRONG TO DO ANYTHING THAT WILL HURT OR HINDER THE HEALTH, SURVIVAL OR PROSPARITY OF THE HUMAN RACE. its wired into our brain. im trying to figure out if thats correct or if i can be improved.
having an openmind and trying to see every aspect of any situation is key here. please dont argue with me, arguing is pointless and gets nothing done(especialy when it has nothing to do with what i said). i would like any input to help me prepare for a class on this subject. so if you have any that is clear, concise and relivant to this theory of mine feel free.
other wise keep it to your self please.
justice is the protection and preservation of whats in the best intrest of the human race
what do you guys think about that statment (focus on that statment

I thought you were going towards morals being the creation of societies, but you are saying it's source is...? Evolution?

If it's evolution, then I have to repeat my argument. If intercourse caused women intense pain and they refused to participate, would it be right for men to rape the women? The survival of the species is in the balance...

Basically, it comes down to this: Your argument isn't that there is an underlying morality that dictates what is right and wrong, you believe that morality is based on nature, then there is no absolute right and wrong. There is subjective morality, which is just a trick of nature to perpetuate the species.

If rape is always wrong, even when it is the only way to perpetuate the species, then morality is objective and absolute and therefore not the result of evolution or any other naturalistic forces.

but its not the only way tpo perpetuate the it
otherwise it would be very difficult. i think you just like to argue spider. tell you what your right. you win!

my only hope for you is that you win as many battels in flesh as you have in your imagination, perhaps than you will aquire the humility of a man.
i have what i need

jasonpfaff's photo
Sun 09/27/09 08:47 PM
Edited by jasonpfaff on Sun 09/27/09 08:57 PM

killing a child or raping a woman is not in the best intrest of human kind, there for it wrong. your misunderstanding me. re read my post, i think were over complicating this.
right and wrong in terms of you or me is irelivant. we see things differently. W vs R in terms of our relitve relationship to humanity
is perfect. IE rape is wrong for the same reason hitting woman is wrog(refer to orig. post)
killing a child is wrong because if we kill all our children...
anyways, im looking for relivant holes in that argument.
Justice in terms of preserving and protecting whats in the best intrest of humanity, is the universal right or wrong. its wired into our head the same way its wired into a cows head to stop at nothing to find her calf in a blizard.

You are under simplifying things. According to you, morality is the result of society. If that's true, if evolution had made it so that women absolutely hated intercourse, would it be right for men to rape women to perpetuation society? In that scenario, the only possible way for the species to perpetuate itself would be through rape. In order for an action to be called "right" it must be universally and unchanging right. What you are saying is that a change in evolution or society would make actions which are despicable crimes today into the morally right thing to do.

No thats not what i said spider read it again. Society has nothing to do with it. I am looking for a weaknes in my theory about how RIGHT AND WRONG IS PRIMAL AND INSTINCTUAL. JUST LIKE A BABY NATURLY CRIES WHEN ITS HUNGRY, AND A MOTHER WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO PROTECT HER CHILD. ITS WRONG TO DO ANYTHING THAT WILL HURT OR HINDER THE HEALTH, SURVIVAL OR PROSPARITY OF THE HUMAN RACE. its wired into our brain. im trying to figure out if thats correct or if i can be improved.
having an openmind and trying to see every aspect of any situation is key here. please dont argue with me, arguing is pointless and gets nothing done(especialy when it has nothing to do with what i said). i would like any input to help me prepare for a class on this subject. so if you have any that is clear, concise and relivant to this theory of mine feel free.
other wise keep it to your self please.
justice is the protection and preservation of whats in the best intrest of the human race
what do you guys think about that statment (focus on that statment

jasonpfaff's photo
Sun 09/27/09 02:45 PM
killing a child or raping a woman is not in the best intrest of human kind, there for it wrong. your misunderstanding me. re read my post, i think were over complicating this.
right and wrong in terms of you or me is irelivant. we see things differently. W vs R in terms of our relitve relationship to humanity
is perfect. IE rape is wrong for the same reason hitting woman is wrog(refer to orig. post)
killing a child is wrong because if we kill all our children...
anyways, im looking for relivant holes in that argument.
Justice in terms of preserving and protecting whats in the best intrest of humanity, is the universal right or wrong. its wired into our head the same way its wired into a cows head to stop at nothing to find her calf in a blizard.

jasonpfaff's photo
Sun 09/27/09 01:17 PM
well we already know that R vs W is a matter of interpretation. the question is, when we put the best intrest of humanity in the equazion, is it not a universal, solid 'code' that any religion has to respect.
go back to the example i gave of why we dont hit woman. its instinct. i believe right and rong are wired into us just like basic survival and the will to proseper...

jasonpfaff's photo
Sun 09/27/09 12:31 AM
Right or wrong is a matter of interpritation and judgment. Our different experiences and environments cause us to see things differently. IE im pretty sure Binladden (excuse my spelling) thinks he did the right thing. so who decides whos right or wrong?
the best thing i can come up with is justice. lets say justice is the preservation and protection of whats in the best intrest of the human race. instead of asking your self 'did i do the right thing?' ask your self 'is what im doing just?'
once you put justice in the equazion, its no longer about you or me, but us, and the relitive relationship we have with humankind.
IE we dont hit woman because...
the same reason we dont hit cows or mares(no offence ment i have nothing but the utmost respect for woman)
because it lessens the flow of milk, and can hurt reproduction which is detremental to the human race.
thoughts any one?
i think the only way to validate what you believe is to chalange it, so feel free to counter my argument ( :

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