Community > Posts By > ladywolf9653

ladywolf9653's photo
Mon 05/11/09 11:04 AM

A change in habits, lifestyle and environment will prevent that "victimization" from happening again...

Hmmmm, maybe in some instances. In my situation, he used those as his excuses (lifestyle and environment, I guess it would fall in to), and attempted to shift the blame onto me. *shrug* In that instance, he was playing victim, and the likelihood of a repeat was high, so I walked.

ladywolf9653's photo
Mon 05/11/09 10:57 AM

Some people decide to make a change in their character which will make the transgression a lot less likely to reoccur...

You are right, some people do decide to make a change. I just don't know that I'd ever trust them again, but that is my personal issue, not theirs.

ladywolf9653's photo
Mon 05/11/09 10:53 AM
I've always held the opinion of once a cheat, always a cheat. History repeats itself.

I know some claim that it can be a one time occurrence, but the circumstances that led them to cheat could certainly happen again, and what reassurance would I have that they wouldn't "fall victim" again?

ladywolf9653's photo
Mon 05/11/09 10:48 AM

That type of attitude would never be tolerated in canada. She would be fired on the spot for her rudeness.

Ive found vast differences in the usa and canada towards customer service.

Agreed on the firing. I've done exactly that, if I heard my techs speaking to a customer in that manner.

ladywolf9653's photo
Mon 05/11/09 09:57 AM
Last Tuesday :)

ladywolf9653's photo
Mon 05/11/09 09:56 AM
I think the letter is great, and hopefully it can open your father's eyes. Sometimes it takes time, and I truly hope for your sake that he does come around and open up his mind. As parents, unconditional love should mean just that - unconditional. I may not agree with the choices that my daughter makes from time to time, but as long as it doesn't require my meddling (legality, danger, etc.), I have to sit back and realize that she is her own person and will make her own decisions.

ladywolf9653's photo
Mon 05/11/09 09:47 AM
I lost it when the little boy got so upset..."NOT FUNNY!!!!"

Thanks for sharing :)

ladywolf9653's photo
Mon 05/11/09 09:43 AM

lol thanks. i didn't even get the chance to let the horns come out. it was like she was a kid. she just hung up. i don't think thats evern allowed.

Nope, pretty sure it's not. Personally, I'd call and ask to speak to a supervisor, but I'm a bit rabid when it comes to customer service, because people's PMS is not my problem, lol.

ladywolf9653's photo
Mon 05/11/09 09:34 AM

but what trips me out.. with all the cuts that are happening here in California.. you'd think she'd be ecstatic about having a job in general ya know?

I used to keep quiet when stuff like this happened to me, because I knew that they (like other public facing workers) have to deal with a whole lot of jerks on a daily basis. Then I decided that being punished for the actions of others was bs. What I've found works, without being a raging b**ch myself, is saying something like this

"I appreciate the fact that you have a stressful job, dealing with irate people day in and day out, without much thanks or credit given. However, I have been nothing but polite with you, and I don't feel as though I deserve to be treated as though I haven't." Usually, one of two things happen...they either calm down, apologize and work with you, or they continue being nasty. If it's the latter, THEN the biatch in me comes out :)

Good luck at the DMV!

ladywolf9653's photo
Mon 05/11/09 09:25 AM

Occasionally, I would look at some on the women on Mingle and save the ones who appeared interesting. Months later I learn that people who save profiles but don't send emails are considered stalkers, sorta.

Duh! LOL

Huh, didn't know that, lol. I've been added as a favorite a number of times, without having them contact me. I figured either they'd decided they really liked reading my nonsense and wanted to revisit often (yes, that is a joke at my own expense, lol) or they were working up to contacting me. Either way, if I don't know them, I'm waiting for them make the first move because I'm evil like that. Well, evil and I choose not to make assumptions!

As for it being stalker like, that never entered my mind. Thanks for that, I'm all paranoid now!!!!! *grins*

ladywolf9653's photo
Mon 05/11/09 08:52 AM

I didn't even know the rule existed. No wonder I'm single.

Bah, rules are made to be broken, especially antiquated ones that seem to put weight on society's opinion of what is/isn't acceptable. I think that if you want to call, you should, as long as you're not displaying stalker like tendencies.

ladywolf9653's photo
Mon 05/11/09 07:50 AM

:banana: just don't read anything Oprah recommends i loathe that woman be seeing you

Some of her recommendations haven't been bad, but I tend to make my own decisions or trust recommendations from friends who know me & my tastes :)

ladywolf9653's photo
Mon 05/11/09 07:40 AM
I am a book addict, and am positively lethal in a used book store if I have funds to spend at will, lol.

I go all over the board when it comes to genre, but have my favorites. I love Jodi Picoult, (if anyone hasn't heard of her/read her books, I recommend Nineteen Minutes & My Sister's Keeper as starting points - they're amazing), but not sure what genre I'd place her in. C.S. Lewis, Stephen King, Tom Clancy, Jane Lindskold for fiction & fantasy, and in the non-fiction categories, have lately gotten into Thomas Keneally and Michael Korda.

My bookshelves are a study in eclectic material :)

ladywolf9653's photo
Mon 05/11/09 07:33 AM

Working from home today, was flipping through channels for background noise and came across live coverage of this trial. Being a cop's daughter, I stopped for a moment and watched, and had to research the case a bit. It led me to wonder what your opinions might be, hence the post.

Looking at the following facts:

1. Higbee was following an unknown (at the time) speeder
2. NJ Attorney General/State Police policy is that an officer "close the gap" between his/her car and the suspect prior to activating the emergency lights and siren
3. NJ has had over 150 non alcohol related accidents resulting in death in the last five years, including one where a school bus driver was busy talking on a cell phone, missed a red light & killed a pedestrian. NONE of those cases resulted in criminal charges.

Does it make sense to file criminal charges against this man, or was it an accident? Prosecutors argue that the trooper should have known the area, known that a stop sign was approaching, and known that traffic from the other direction does not stop. They're claiming that the trooper acted recklessly and it resulted in the victims' death.

I understand that there are bad cops, I truly do. However, I can't help but wonder why this case? Why not any of the others? In reading everything I can find, and even with the caveat that you can't believe everything you read, it looks to me like a tragic accident, not the gross negligence being claimed.

But, that's just me.

ladywolf9653's photo
Mon 05/11/09 06:56 AM
I'm all excited about the number of blues, bluegrass and jazz festivals in the state, as well as the pow wows. I have so many booked on my calendar that my summer & fall are going to be packed, yay!

ladywolf9653's photo
Mon 05/11/09 06:54 AM
hello and welcome to the site :)

ladywolf9653's photo
Mon 05/11/09 06:52 AM

Curious to know other people's thoughts on 3 day rule.

I hate that dang rule, but know that some people still use it, or at least use the rule of waiting in order to not appear desperate. IMO, desperate is calling the next day and proposing marriage, not calling and saying "hey I really enjoyed our convo, do you have time to talk some more?" or something along those lines.

ladywolf9653's photo
Sun 05/10/09 09:03 PM
When you log in, you'll see the Mutual Match area. It will say something like "1 person has said they want to meet you....". When you click the link, you'll see photos and profile blurbs.

The system doesn't show you exactly who clicked Yes or Maybe in mutual match, so the only way you'll know is if you also click Yes or Maybe.

Hope that helps, and welcome :)

ladywolf9653's photo
Sun 05/10/09 08:58 PM
All the time - I'm a sucker for them, and I think they know it.

ladywolf9653's photo
Sun 05/10/09 08:52 PM
Welcome back! Can't wait to see photos of the bike :) Sounds like a fun project

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