Community > Posts By > ladywolf9653

ladywolf9653's photo
Wed 04/29/09 11:40 AM
Hello and welcome :)

ladywolf9653's photo
Wed 04/29/09 08:37 AM
Hello and welcome :)

ladywolf9653's photo
Tue 04/28/09 07:32 PM

Every now and then?

Total eclipse of the heart?

(Sorry - I've had beer)

ladywolf9653's photo
Tue 04/28/09 07:21 PM

what you meen um right? i dont care for money just want him:banana:

Was just confused by the run on words, wasn't sure exactly what you were saying. No worries, tho, figured it out.

ladywolf9653's photo
Tue 04/28/09 07:12 PM

really where are the gentlemen i dont care for money but romance with flowers and dinner sounds good but for me really where is the one that likes to hold you in his arms and cuddle you give you massages back i give and give i want some back to you and be kissed havent found one that knows how to kiss yet and sometimes i perfer a cold beer with him on the couch next to him my budweiser and him his drinkdrinks brokenheart tired of the lies i hold you massage you yeah righthuh

Um, ok?

ladywolf9653's photo
Tue 04/28/09 07:08 PM

So if you keep it so you only feel or see...Then what when you've really missed em

Oh I miss them, but I figure that they walked away for a reason, and I'm not one to sit and ask "what if?" Then I get over it and move on

ladywolf9653's photo
Tue 04/28/09 06:56 PM
My answer may have seemed callous, but I take a very pragmatic approach. It may hurt, but I don't allow anyone to see it, and I cut my losses. Not one for crying over spilled milk, you know?

ladywolf9653's photo
Tue 04/28/09 06:53 PM

thats a good idea, im just looking for something to do tonight. Not anything stupid like farting or counting my burps peeps. huh

Ask a stupid question.......

ladywolf9653's photo
Tue 04/28/09 06:48 PM

F*ck 'em...


ladywolf9653's photo
Tue 04/28/09 06:45 PM

My roommate informed me today that one of his friends will be visiting in July for 2 weeksnoway surprised

Ugh - we should start a refugee camp for people hiding from houseguests, lol.

ladywolf9653's photo
Tue 04/28/09 06:44 PM
Can't be drunk at work, though have considered it more than once!

And yup, will be hitting the grocery store pretty hard tomorrow, and contemplating things to do that will keep them somewhat entertained. Considered throwing them the keys to my car and telling them to have at it, lol.

ladywolf9653's photo
Tue 04/28/09 06:40 PM

When visiting I always stay in a hotel

Hate doing personal things in someone elses space

Hate people doing personal things in my space

I always pay for their hotel stay

I prefer the hotel option as well, but it just wasn't feasible this time. I have a spare bedroom, so I was elected.

ladywolf9653's photo
Tue 04/28/09 06:39 PM

what part of canada
my dad was born in manatoba

I'm from the MN side of the border, but had enough of the accent to be continually accused of being canadian, lol.

ladywolf9653's photo
Tue 04/28/09 06:34 PM

canadians rock , once you have canadian guest you'll never go back.!!!laugh laugh laugh drinker

I grew up near the canadian border, and have french canadian blood, lol. All I can say is, they better bring beer!

ladywolf9653's photo
Tue 04/28/09 06:32 PM

stay drunk the days will pass quick enough...

I considered that, lol, but have to work for part of the time that they're here.

ladywolf9653's photo
Tue 04/28/09 06:26 PM
So, on Thursday some friends arrive from Canada. They'll be staying for 10 days, and I'm viewing the visit with a mix of pleasure and frustration. I love seeing them, but 10 days? How long is too long? I don't like imposing on anyone for more than 3 nights, max, unless it's family.


ladywolf9653's photo
Tue 04/28/09 06:06 PM

Boys have a penis...girls have a vagina...

That nearly made me spit beer!

ladywolf9653's photo
Tue 04/28/09 05:57 PM

Is there a way i could go searching for a man secreatly? I'm Bi, but havn't told anyone and don't wan't to, because i don't wan't all the bs about gayness (though if i found someone i would like to be with I would come out for them and to be with them). My problem is going out and dating, and finding someone, i dopn't wan't to to come out and no one else has the balls to come out and i just get outcast. plz help. :(

The problem you're going to run in to is safety. If you don't want to come out, and want to operate in secret, it doesn't leave you a lot of options. Unless you're into the "no strings attached" scene, you may struggle a bit. I take it you live in a small town where you don't have the option of going out in public without being recognized?

ladywolf9653's photo
Tue 04/28/09 05:45 PM
Eating cold peas out of a can and then trying to kiss me


ladywolf9653's photo
Tue 04/28/09 05:25 PM
Some people do reply. Unless it's an outright nasty or moronic email, such as "ur hawt" or some other nonsense, I always reply, even just to thank them for the email.