Community > Posts By > LeeFranklin

LeeFranklin's photo
Tue 07/11/17 10:08 AM
Trump will be blamed for much of obama failure as more and more becomes apparent.

It takes time for the results to become apparent.

Kind of like clinton dis-armed USA and so today we sitting ducks.

Look how long it has taken for obamacare to become obvious a fail?
Most knew it would come to an end quickly but many had to go down the road to witness and many still not admitting.

I am amazed how much $ it costs people these days to have insurance and cannot afford to pursue health. Tragic.

LeeFranklin's photo
Fri 07/07/17 01:58 PM
Of course I have no idea what happened to you.
And, I am the new guy in Forums. Years spent on Mingle ditching the scammer "girls" that show up.

You have been all over this place and then....just a day or so ago....Gone.
Then I made comment of you being gone and you answered...You are here.

Seems you are on the "Fence" deciding what/where to go.

When things aren't working out for me and I have tried modifications to still be at Big Brick Wall.....Time to move on.

If you did leave Mingle you would be greatly missed....I know that.

LeeFranklin's photo
Thu 07/06/17 01:50 PM

You had 1 post in 5 years.



LeeFranklin's photo
Thu 07/06/17 08:07 AM

I believe it is easy to demonize the impoverished,, quite simply

the idea that 'merit' and 'hard work' are the only factors in someones income or how much they 'deserve' to survive is a pitiful one,, in my opinion

but that is a discussion for another day,,

when it comes to snap, over half are kids and senior citizens who are not likely to be earning much income, obviously and about 90 percent of them receive NO OTHER ASSISTANCE

the ability for people to continue eating through difficult times should not cause such pettiness,,,imho

Exactly...Right on.

Who is going to go claiming they need food to survive unless they really need it.

Of course there are always some to take advantage of some things but the needy shouldn't be penalized.

LeeFranklin's photo
Wed 07/05/17 02:44 PM

Actually, it's called "cuckolding," and it's one of the thousands of smaller sexual fantasy worlds out there.

One thing I've learned over the years, is that there are people who get off sexually on LITERALLY anything you can think of, including clock patterns on socks.

I do not like socks.

I think this dude seen too much porn and closet desires?

LeeFranklin's photo
Wed 07/05/17 02:11 PM
Oh wow....What a cool Lady and Thread she started.

Now scepticalsoulmate is a deactivated account?


She ran off with.... NEXT Lotto winner?

LeeFranklin's photo
Wed 07/05/17 01:15 PM
It's just sad ant the Parents of course are fighting for every minute of life for the boy. I know I would do similar.

I guess...and a guess...England has their socialized medicine tied in with government and so there is influence.

I could not imagine the government or health system would even consider halting treatment due to money.

There is probably more to the story than we know?

If a dog is in pain and no hope, we think the humane thing to do is anesthetize them. Let them go.

A human being...a child....Oh wait a minute. Not the same criteria.
Many people live in pain and often in Hospital.
I am for letting them do whatever could be done for another minute or two of life.

We have Hospitals in Houston, TX thought to be World leaders in Child health issues. Money is never a concern.
I truly would think UK has similar or superior.
For some reason they have apparently given up on Charlie.

LeeFranklin's photo
Wed 07/05/17 12:36 PM
Sorry, I guess I misunderstood your comment(s).

LeeFranklin's photo
Wed 07/05/17 12:24 PM

I remember when I was trying to decide which career to choose.
There were many choices to consider. I chose poorly.
I loved my career but by the time I got to the job market my career was over staffed. I didn't figure on so many others wanting the same career path as me.
Luckily I was versitle enough that I could do other work related to my career choice.
Specialized careers are wonderful. They are not a stable choice tho. Not only can they become over-manned, they also become obsolete. It wasn't the career that let you down it was your choices and lack of foresight.

I wanted a job in engineering. I got a job in automotive repair. It didn't pay as much so I got a better paying job in truck mechanics. My engineering education allowed me to flourish. Had I tried to hold out for the bridge inspector or OSHA job I would have had NO career at all.

I complained all about how unfair it was while I was cashing my paychecks.

I cannot imagine you would forsake yourself due to lack of crystal ball forsight.

I guess the only auto repair guys that make a decent living are the ones that own the shop? I know a guy for years....Last we talked mentioning business he was FORD Repair Shop Mgr at big Dealer. He has managed to do well. Smart guy. He isn't rich of course but lived well the 20 yrs or so I have known him. today's mechanic needs Engineering Degree and Computer Wizard!

LeeFranklin's photo
Wed 07/05/17 12:20 PM

I see no problem with expecting able bodies to try or get training. I know too many that need it

Hate that people expect others to try whoa

No idea what "Hate that people expect others to try " was to mean?

What I see happening here is the qualified at nothing are getting jobs.

The more qualified are often home applying to get professional jobs that have evaporated due to economy. Heck to be PHD these days in some areas of USA in other words. The more experience and educated the less likely to find a job.

I have been a catetaker for my grandmother (that passedl and now my grandfather. I get it but I still worked hard. I cleaned houses for a living when I ised to do medical billing. What is wrong with expecting people to try? Sorry if you don't get it, but I am in that position. I apply for things I have been doing for 20 plus years and get bypassed for those with a degree or diplima in my field. I get it!

I guess one of my priorities was college.
I never considered not going.
American Public schools were a disgrace even in my time of the 1970s.
Today...well....oh well.

Many blame the more educated for their problems instead of getting more education. After this 20 yrs you cited have you been attending school? sounds like you are great nurse candidate already.

You seem angry with the ones that get the job you want?

I really want a new Porsche but I don't have the $. Today.
I am not mad at anyone that has one.

LeeFranklin's photo
Wed 07/05/17 11:52 AM

I see no problem with expecting able bodies to try or get training. I know too many that need it

Hate that people expect others to try whoa

No idea what "Hate that people expect others to try " was to mean?

What I see happening here is the qualified at nothing are getting jobs.

The more qualified are often home applying to get professional jobs that have evaporated due to economy. Heck to be PHD these days in some areas of USA in other words. The more experience and educated the less likely to find a job.

LeeFranklin's photo
Wed 07/05/17 11:34 AM
I am not sure what this Alabama change is about.
Sounds like if you get a stamps.
If you are getting stamps and have no more stamps.
Maybe in Alabama only the invalid are due food?

In Texas a single person with nothing can get about $150 per month.
That is about a weeks worth food?
I just cannot imagine people doing much effort to falsely get that $150 of food? Texas one can only buy food and no cigs as mentioned by the Lady above.

LeeFranklin's photo
Wed 07/05/17 09:22 AM
I hear ya.

I have never qualified for anything myself aside from work.
I do like working however so...

I think most that get aide need it. I think the news BS of so many getting whatever is BS. Free cars....Free gas...Really? Not.

I dang sure don't want people being without food.
Medical help...Well same.

Those are Life and Death items.

LeeFranklin's photo
Wed 07/05/17 08:58 AM
Is one that has home mortgage and kids to take care of be forced by government to take a job that will not even pay for the home?

Why, because big government says you must now work for so much less than your profession pays when you have a job in it?

A job is great for many reasons but to get wrapped up in something that is not one's expertise, desires and education?

Some folks can live on 20% of what they used to make. Most cannot.
Kind of penalized for being college educated and no jobs available.
Heck so many do have degrees today.

I remember in 1980s depression and USA broke.
Engineers working at McDonalds and such.
Many laughed and said....Good that will teach them! Really?
Envy I guess....Very evil.

LeeFranklin's photo
Wed 07/05/17 08:33 AM
Many factors go into un-employment reported #s.

USA Manufacturing at dang near stand-still. Low oil prices for long time have brought end to many smaller companies and the larger have greatly downsized.

Here's a thought....EXXON which is Mobil Oil closed their longtime headquarters building in downtown Houston. A skyscraper there many years...closed. Everyone sent home.

Low OIl $ trickles down to all.

Many out of work...professionals galore that go off unemployment benefits as time is limited. Those folks long time cannot find job and are not included in the numbers reported.

Also, with the health insurance required scam of obama...Many smaller employers went to having many more part time employees to be able to afford to stay open and not provide health insurance.

It is a complex monster sucking USA into pit of despair.

LeeFranklin's photo
Mon 07/03/17 08:45 AM
I have never had this occur.

Something wrong.

The post above...Hmmmmm....Not sure what any of that about?

LeeFranklin's photo
Fri 06/30/17 12:58 PM
I have been reading this thread for a while, probably since creation.

Today I offer comment.

I have spent many years single awaiting for right Lady to arrive.

A couple times I thought she did arrive and I guess she did but ultimately...single again.

Way incredible times with those Ladies.

LeeFranklin's photo
Fri 06/30/17 11:35 AM

The Great One was just on CNN spouting about the low level North Korea and big stuff on way.

He goes to golf course and kids load their guns?
A twitter...A tweeter...A twatter.

Sad days ahead of the this dark tunnel ride.

LeeFranklin's photo
Fri 06/30/17 10:38 AM
Presidential Order!

LeeFranklin's photo
Fri 06/30/17 10:00 AM

I think he should be waterboarded at Guantanamo...this his lips will be flappin'.shades

Dude....They quit all that years ago!