Community > Posts By > checkinguout12
My Question For The Day
when you get a message that says "hey pretty" IT IS A SCAMMER you can easily verify if the person in the pic is the person you are hearing from. have the person post a pic of them self holding a piece of paper with some word you give them, like APPLE if they cant do that, move on as it is a scammer but if you get the message saying HI PRETTY that is common scammer language You are so right... they are like flies, you just have to keep swatting.... |
My Question For The Day
Even worse, getting a message that only says "Hey". I know what you |
My Question For The Day
Its simply a case of your expecting too much from so many with so little. lower your standards and then realize its not possible to reach the bottom as men continue to lower the bar.... I've been on the dating site for some time now, so I'm not expecting anything... at first I did but that changed along the way dealing with all of the scammers... I don't think I have to lower my standards to get a date... that would be changing who I am and I'm gods with me.... All I was asking was a simple question.... Good luck to you and I hope you have a good evening... |
My Question For The Day
I don't understand why men send a message and all it says is HELLO PRETTY..... Do they think that will make a woman melt or is because they can't think of anything else to say??? I have thought about sending a message back asking them but then I think that would be rude so I don't... lol
It is almost as bad as getting one that just says HI.. Anyway thought I'd post here to see if I could maybe get an answer to my big |
So yeah, my girlfriend of two years left me three months ago to go back to her ex-husband. They have two kids together and are separated for nine years! I have two kids also but I'm divorced. Here is my situation that I need help with. For two years when we were together I was on cloud nine, both of us. It was great I would sleep over her house four, five, six nights a week. Love was in our hearts and happiness was through the roof. Her kids and my kids got along great, My family loved her, her Family loved me. So I go on a business trip for four days and I come back and she tells me her and her ex have been talking and they're going to try to reconcile for the benefit of the kids, they deserve to see and have the family/ parents together. Her kids are 9 & 11. I said are you kidding me? Your ex-husband physically abused you when you were married to him, wasn't there in the hospital when you gave birth to either one of your kids because he was out doing drugs. He was a big drug head, cost your family $40,000 because he told the town you had an illegal basement apartment after you left him. And your family got hit with a 40k fine. How in the world can you give this guy another chance? Oh and they did try to reconcile one time within the nine years and guess what happened… he beat her then also.... so somebody tell me what in the world is going on? Because I still have strong feelings for her, let's be honest I still love her… I tried to go and speak to her so I could hear it straight from her mouth rather than over text and she she was crying to me and hugging me and saying she sorry but she thinks it's the right decision for her children. I don't understand it hence the reason why I'm divorced and not separated. There is a heck of a lot more to the story but it's been three months since we haven't been together and there's not a day that goes by that I don't think of her and miss her. I'm respecting her and not contacting her since but it kills me every day. Sorry for venting I went through the same time one time but we were more friends then in love, but we did live together... He told me that he wanted to see his ex-wife to see what was there between them, but he wanted me to stay living there and our relationship the same... I told him if that was what he wanted to do that was fine and if they could make it work I would be very happy for him... But that he couldn't take how we got along and think that would be the same for them... I was a very different person then she was and they still had to take care of the problems they had to make them split up... I gave him a few days to make that decision because I told him I wouldn't be staying there if he wanted to go date his wife and I also told him that I wasn't going to be sitting on the side lines waiting to see how it went.... And if it turned out not to work between them and he wanted to see if I would move back in with him..... that was probably not going to happen.... My advice wish her well and move on.... but in the end you have to do what's best for you Oh and by the way the man I was just telling you about.... decided not to date his wife, I stayed with him and we got married a year later..... Only death took him from me..... Good luck what ever you decide.. |
Woman loosing class
Another one starts a topic and then leaves the room when everyone starts
..ok.. I'm making this topic because of something I read in another topic.. A very well-respected female member made a comment.. .. stating how she likes her man to be strong.. emotionally... Ok... which got me thinking.. and you know this !because you can see the smoke Rising out of my ears .lmao.. .. how sensitive or open with his or her feelings do you like your partner to be?... can a guy be too emotionally touchy-feely... I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve.. which can come across as being emotionally weak.. but I don't perceive myself as weak.. I just can't help myself from explaining how I feel to my partner... and yes !. I know that can be perceived as a sign of weakness.... sometimes I have to stop myself and say ..okay! stop talking.. she's going to think you have a vagina instead of a set of okay I don't hunt or fish I'm not very mechanically inclined and I do like to shop!.((.omg. ))..I do have a but seriously!! if a guy or girl is a little too emotionally sensitive.. do you automatically perceive it as weakness.?.. or do you think it's nice that they can share there feelings.. and are willing to open themselves up to you on an emotional level... Or is it better we just tell you to make us a sandwich bring us a beer and then slap your *** and watch you walk away... well. In the meanwhile dying inside ourselves just a little bit!. because we can't tell you.. that we feel a little emotionally shaky... because our boss is breathing down are neck at work.. and on the way home we saw baby raccoon Roadkill... and yes !while watching Fried Green Tomatoes we quietly secretly choked.. back our [/quote I consider myself a person that can share my feelings and I do get emotional at times because I'm human... but I also can be a very strong person.... So I'd like to find a partner to do the same....I think it is great when a man can feel comfortable enough to open himself up like that and show that soft side of himself.... and still show his strong side... My late husband held all of his emotions in when we first started dating and it made him seem cold.... we didn't date for too long because of that, but we stayed friends for a year before we started dating again because he learned how to open up and show his emotions to me........ so I would say yes show your emotions and your strength... Sometimes I'm okay being told to go make that sandwich and being popped on the butt while you watch me walk away but I wouldn't want that all the time so I think most of us whether we are male or female just want a well rounded emotional person as a partner... It's not good for anyone to hold all of our feelings inside for to long... |
Home town
Why do a lot of these lady's on here pretend to live on place but liver some where else its miss leading to the other person honesty is best Its not only the ladies.... Ive had a lot of men that do the same thing with me.... |
IF you don't like it leave
I think they should be able to speak their mind.... and have the tolerance of letting someone else speak their mind as well..... personally I have had several say what they want but not let me speak.....
I don't say they should leave just because they don't think the way I do..... I just mean we all have choices and if you think it is so bad here because you didn't get you way you always have that choice to move..... They have all of these people in a meltdown because Hilary didn't win...I have had some that I didn't want there win but I didn't act a fool or say I wished them and their family dead.... I had this told to me on the day he got sworn in... so I told her regardless he is your president and she said no he will never be my president.... so that was when I said if that was how she felt she had the choice to go somewhere else.... I didn't say I wanted her to or that she had to ...I just told her she had choices, that she wasn't a prisoner here.... A lot of women voted for Hilary just because she was a woman.... to that I say I'm all for having a woman..... just not THAT WOMEN.... I'm hoping that Trump can get this country back to where it was so long ago when it was a great country.... we haven't been a great country to long now..... I want it to be where the government works for us instead of us working for them..... But like always we get promised a lot and delivered very little.... it may the same this time too... but I'm willing to give it a chance.... |
IF you don't like it leave
Is there such a difference in not like a politician or not liking political policies? Many people who are very open in their complaints against government and laws and policies are quick to tell those who dont like a presidential choice that they should leave...... People I LOVE all have some things that they do or say that I do not 'like' why do some not understand it is possible to not like some things about or some people in America without it meaning that you are somehow therefore not American enough to be here,, or should leave? does anyone else see how silly this response is to the grievances of another ? I have to admit I have said those words but only as one of their choices....... we all have that choice to stay or go in any situation.... For instance if I'm at someone's house or anywhere for that matter and I don't like what's going on.......I have the choice to leave and not be involved in it..... FREE WILL... that's all we have ..... |
Looking for the right man
I'm 19 yo and I'm looking for the right man. Hopefully for marriage Aren't we all..... |
zo just zo HTX check in
Can a cup of hot Green Tea join in??? lol
Since I work on machines and repair them, I actually know where most of them go. Socks can and do get pumped out of the washer with the exhaust water. And they can also slip around the edge of the dryer drum, and drop inside the dryer outer shell. The way to prevent them from being "stolen" by your washer or dryer, is to buy one of those net bags, and put all socks in them before you run the wash. Some few will still be taken by Borrowers, especially if you are in Britain, and some will show up in another dimension, confusing that alternate reality, but MOST of them will stay visible at least. Guess I was right when I said the washer sucks them up.... lol |
Errr... maybe don't talk to the guys that say they want to get to know you. That's the default line scammers and liars use on Mingle. Learn how to differentiate between genuine and scammers and you'll find that there are plenty of good men out there. It's just about learning to filter properly, pay attention, and learn how to communicate differently yourself. If you do it right, and come up with the right type of questions and things to talk about, the scammers will disappear at the speed of light. Be aware of what is happening, don't let things happen to you. Pay attention. So if a guy says he wants to get to know you that means he's playing me? I don't know what you mean about communicating differently myself - I ask them questions based on their interests and am careful about what I say knowing that there are alot of scammers out there. So you mean I'm doing it wrong? I think this whole internet dating thing isn't for me. I think you just have to use common sense on here.... I find that the scammers disappear when I start asking them questions or for sure when I tell them I like to meet face to face so that I know I'm talking to the right Good luck..... |
Edited by
Sun 01/22/17 06:45 AM
As I was walking into the locker room at the gym I could hear this woman going on and on about trump... they had several women just standing there listening to all of her BS... I got my stuff out of my locker and when she said that she wished him and his family dead and he wasn't her president... I turned to her and said everyone is intitled to their on opinion but I didn't agree with hers... I also told her that no matter who she wanted there he was still her president and if she didn't want that then she should check into going to another country.... maybe they should all follow through with their threat of leaving the
I didn't want Obama when he got elected but I didn't act a fool about it.... lol |
Are you a jealous person?
Is being jealous healthy to a relationship? No it isn't healthy.... and its a waste of time and energy.... Just look at it this way.... You can't lose something you never had anyway...... so don't waste time worrying about what they are doing or not doing.... |
I never offered that pass to my EX but he just took it upon himself to take it..... that is one of the reasons he became an
Loves staying active
Ya Know, I don't feel there is anything wrong with anyone's profiles. After all, I don't know them personally so I figure they include what they think is important to their task at hand. When searching for someone to have a relationship with I think it is very important to include important lifestyle information. If fitness is one of them, go for it. If they think anything is important enough to mention in their profile, go for it. Sometimes we feel we must state the obvious. I guess it all depends upon why they are here and what kind of match they are looking for. You are so right.... that's why I say I would like to find someone that tries to take care of themselves and is active because that is my lifestyle now... I put it on here because that might be what they are looking for as well.... I don't stay active to find a man though.....I do it for |
I love a good movie.... watch them a lot.... lol