Community > Posts By > John1932

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 06:51 PM
Edited by John1932 on Fri 07/31/09 07:01 PM

I have a house full of kids and adult kids, and yet! 'I am still alone' in my 'heart and soul', no one, to wake up every morning with, but who wants to wake up at 4am, and go to bed at 11pm/ no one? to tell my dreams too?, who wants to listen to googoo and gaaa gaaa! the kids did this!, and sally took a poo in the toilet today!, but jimmy barfed on my shoes!..

Alone is a state of mind, I was born a only child, i was in a marriage that 'i was emotionally alone", no support, and today I am alone!

Other! then all of Mingle2 friends, [that deal with me], it is my only way of knowing "i am a Adult", Human!

I talk like a child, i act like a child, I think like a child but my body grew old and yet i am still a child?

Yes!, I am very lonely! maybe when my kids are finished with College and ready to start there life...

However! I will be 53yrs old when that happens....Too old to date, too fat, and too gray, toothless and hunched back...NOPE>>> I will be alone.

Hey what kind of crap talk is that.
You know, if half of us lived close enough to the other half, some of us lonely people would not be so lonely.

I know how you feel, I do it everyday in a two story house.
I'm getting ready to sell it and downsize, no since in keeping it, I'm gonna be alone forever too. whoa

Buy the house next to my house, and I will live with you for ever.. its a 2 bedroom and you will enough room for your kids, and if they ever decide to go to college they can come to OSU! it is only a few min away... I have dedicated 12yrs to my kids..... YOU could do the same....

and We can raise my grandchild and yours to come....I take gambles all the time....... I don't gamble but I never look a gifted horse in the face I give him a carrot and sugar cubes...

I am a family women... Kids are my life...???? think about it and get back to me...........

P.s you someone to take you the way you are.. But are you willing to do the same????

Honestly, for the woman I love and the one who loves me, I would do whatever it took for us to live our life together, even raising kids that were not mine. I know cause i did it for 8 years. I married her knowing she had 2 teenage daughters and she knowing I had 2 little daughters. I jumped in, I took care of them we were a family, I took them to school, cooked their supper, did the laundry, cleaned the house, and took as much weight off of her as I could. I paid their way through college and bought them their first car. They called me Dad and came to me with everything.
I supported my wife and our family and after college was over and they moved on, she left me for her girls real dad, her first husband, who used to beat her and cheat on her and was banging his first wife while she was pregnant, he was a drug head and never held a job which forced her to work and support the family while he banged around and did his drugs.
I loved her and cherish the ground she walked on, and after i flipped the bill for 8 years and put her kids through college, she bailed on me. She told me she would live with me forever if i bought a house and took care of her and her kids and loved her like a man should and loved her kids like a father.
I kept my end of the deal, she broke hers.
I know what it is like to give up my life and join it with the life of another. I know how to give up my freedom for a family that I chose to step into, because I loved her and I thought she loved me.
I was wrong.what
The reason I said, "what kind of crap talk is that", is because I was making the point that it was crap that you were selling yourself short, your a pretty lady, you don't need to end you life as being alone, when you have many more beautiful years ahead of you. I was on your side and feeling your pain with you, sorry if I didnt make it clear enough, I tend to do that.flowerforyou

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 05:30 PM
Edited by John1932 on Fri 07/31/09 05:31 PM
Yea, I do all my shirts in one load, all my paints in another and all my socks and under clothes in another. Thats it...

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 05:16 PM
Me and My T-Rex

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 05:01 PM

I used to go on that site called webdate...and the people were so serious with no sense of humor that I ran into lots of those kinds of people. "Tough" guys show their foolishenss quite a bit and say things that down everyone else, even if no one was talking to them in the first place.

Yea, it happens everywhere. Not as much here and not as much the guys.

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 04:52 PM

Cut your meat into bite sized pieces.

Depends on what meat your talking about, you may wanna take that one off or specify in detail..

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 04:46 PM

Adorable and sweet...

AWWWWWWWW!!!!! wittty bittty babie, so cute...

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 04:45 PM

Starting young HUH!!!

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 04:36 PM

bigsmile What about Online Tough Gals?:tongue:

Yes exactly, I have seen a couple of them on here that are a down right rude female dog/ no one in this thread so far.. but yea, they think they are gods gift to man and everyone that talks to them are flirting and if your not sexy, or have kids then you are useless to them.

Sorry.. went on a rant rage.tongue2

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 04:26 PM
What do you mean by tough guy? If you mean someone that stands up for what they believe in, then no I don't feel cool, I feel justified. Im single, fat and ugly, nothing can make me feel cool online.

If you mean guys who threaten to beat people down while hidden behind a computer screen half a world away...
That aint cool either, its ignorant

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 04:20 PM
Edited by John1932 on Fri 07/31/09 04:21 PM
No its not the right way to go, but you reach a point to where it is the only way left. LOL

Just kidding, but keep in mind, it doesn't happen overnight, for some it doesn't happen at all. Hope that make say feel better. drinker

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 04:16 PM
Still Single.



John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 04:09 PM
Its cool you want to work with abused children, KUDOS!!!
Yea add a little bit about who your looking for and what your on the site for.


John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 04:06 PM
Go get em before someone else does. Train that young succulent morselbigsmile

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 02:48 PM

I confess that all I want right now is a great big huge hug from all my friends! flowerforyou ( gpas funeral was this morning)

So sorry for you losssad2

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 02:34 PM
Edited by John1932 on Fri 07/31/09 02:36 PM

I have preferences, Im not shallow.frustrated I find all sorts of different people hot, especially if they live within 50 miles of me. Unfortunately lifestyle and communication preferences are vital.sad Im not into dirt bikes or sports. Anyone got a suit of armor and bash people with sticks on the weekend, that’s

Cool, I like stick bashing too.
Does it have to be shining armor, or will dull worn armor work?

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 02:27 PM

It doesn't matter if you think you're smart; poor spelling and grammar give the opposite impression. When you're online, that is what matters! You don't have the opportunity, as you do in person, to prove otherwise except through the written word. If you're not sure of how a word is spelled (such as "Renaissance") then use an old fashioned dictionary (there are plenty online), since spell checkers are know to be poor at catching everything.

p.s. I've never met a _really_ smart person who was a poor speller in their native language.

She asked for an opinion, not a put down.
That girl is a sweet heart and does not deserve the harsh treatment.
Tell her there is a spelling error and let it go, don't bash her in the head with it and tell her she doesn't look smart. she doesn't need your dictionary, she already stated she is a big fan of spell checker, which this site uses.

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 04:10 AM
I had a bunch when i was a kid, but as I got older, they started disappearing.

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 04:07 AM
and welcome to Mingle

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 04:06 AM
I love German Chocolate and cheese cake, with some rocky road ice cream, its a lot of chocolate, but it is yummy

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 03:59 AM
Edited by John1932 on Fri 07/31/09 04:00 AM

i'll gang up on someone with 50,000 posts too if i feel they've insulted a friend.

i don't let stuff like that go by in real life, why would i online?

maybe because



1) Do not attack/slam/insult others. You can discuss the message or topic, but not the messenger - NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, YOU will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself, defending a friend, etc. are NOT excuses. Violations of this rule are taken very seriously and may result in being banned without warning!


but hey.........

ever drive 60 mph in a 55 zone?

i didn't say it was right, but i did say i'd still do it.


if you watched a man hit a woman, would you interfere, even if it meant hitting him?

or would you be cowardly and walk away just in case you got punished for it?


i know this isn't the correct answer, especially not what the mods are looking for, but i would rather be reprimanded, even booted, than walk away from something in which i believe.

saying that, if i ever did get banned for bashing, i would totally understand and accept it as being part of the rules.

I did see a man beating up a woman in a casino parking lot. I was with a date and this guy was grabbing her and throwing her around and ended up slamming her head into the car. I calmly walked up to him and slammed his head into the car, looked at the lady and said," good day Ma'am," as I turned to walk away , she jumped on my back and started screaming at me. I gently but forcefully pulled her off, walked back over to the guy and said, sorry to interrupt you disciplining your child. I walked away. Dont know whatever happened with that, but when you bite the hand that protects you, it is gonna withdraw.