Community > Posts By > knightless
I know I'm self-conscience on some things, and that's why I tend to go ahead and push guys away before they even get a chance to get any closer.ha But, when they find out what's going on in my life at the moment that's the end of Nice to know how most guys handle situations before hand.:)
I like your knight carebear...neat picture!
Just try to are you. He can't hurt you unless you allow him to. He may have started rumors, but you keep going and doing what you've always done, hold your head high and people will know differently. Who cares what he's done or what rumors he just showed his mentality. Now you show them the woman you truly are! Your strong, courageous, beautiful and people will see what a lovely woman you are. Set a good example for your children and they will see women can make it through anything when we set our minds to it.:)
ahhhh man.....better bite my tongue
What is the worst
true story--- at work, I was in the toy department and a customer stopped me asking for I got on the PA and said customer assistance is needed in toys, I have him by the balls.... everyone started laughing, and I was so embarrassed.
I don't even want to know if there are any here....when I know they are I usually have to make remarks, which isn't very nice of me, but..I just can't help myself. They are nothing to me since 4 yrs ago!
People time to think
Very true Sage...I know I lost someone very dear to me, and I'm at least trying to become friends with some people. I haven't paid attention to anything going on too much, and just sit quietly in the background, and hope I'm not to harsh when I finally do speak....But I sure seem to run alot of people off....but, I will remain in the background for awhile..
The Death Penalty
Thanks creations..I hope they are caught, and put behind bars..and when their time comes, I hope I'm there to where it's my eyes they see when they take their last breath. The justice system today has gotten so bad here that crime has gotten out of hand and nothing is being done about it. I have respect for some of the law enforcement, but there are some who do nothing but draw a pay check. I taught my son the same thing as Sage has..if you don't want to do the time, don't do the's that simple.
The Death Penalty
I have to say I agree with Don, Sea, husband didn't get a choice, he was shot execution style....and the thought of them walking free today makes my blood boil.
I miss being out in the country, the quiet, serene, beautiful place. I miss the garden, the cows, the big beautiful starry nights where you could watch the galaxy for miles and miles. It's awesome.
Hi coco...hope your night gets better and the lonliness goes away....
No i haven't found love..but you need to be out there and looking or make yourself known first, which I haven't done. I'm still a mystery...
well...I'm single anyway, lol
screen names
I lost my Knight....
Ladies Making the First Move
Thought about it..then thought twice about'm still this shy meek little thing...until I know someone alot better..then later on most look at me like you?? shy????? now way....but..yep, it's true..right to the
american flag etiquette
ok...I guess I'm the official thread stopper....
american flag etiquette
Did everyone fall asleep on me here?
Another date update
Well...I have ice, and a coke...but no southern comfort for it..sorry....
american flag etiquette
Ohhh...I may have done something bad then?? I put a flag next to my husband's footstone at the cemetary, and there's 2 running lights on each end of his footstone. Is that wrong to have the flag out there like that???
Your "Calling"
I always wanted to be a psychologist..but...I never was able to try. I work in retail now..and no, I don't much care for it, but it pays the bills at least..