Community > Posts By > stevewm

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Fri 08/24/07 06:02 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

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Mon 08/20/07 05:30 AM
At 25 i'd say her mother has nothing to do with it, continue talking to her and forget what others say...ask her out for dinner or something. you never know til you ask. Worse case scenario, she says no...if you really like her don't give up, continiue asking til she gives in or takes a chunk outa yer buttocks laugh laugh laugh

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Sun 08/19/07 11:03 AM
that's a lot of information to get from a profile

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Tue 08/14/07 09:11 PM
avg is the way to go if you're looking for's free and updates every day

nortons is a resource hog....i use NOD32 myself

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Fri 08/10/07 02:01 AM
I haven't a mean bone in my body...but when you go calling me shallow because i prefer something different then i'm gonna call you on it. and no i'm not the least bit into myself, i'm one of the ugliest bastards walking, i except that and do not put anyone down because they prefer different. i'm just saying quit *****ing about it and lose the weight if you wanna turn heads.

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Fri 08/10/07 01:45 AM
most probably don't know what silage is beach laugh laugh

can you imagine the entire herd standing around drunk on silage?

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Fri 08/10/07 01:36 AM
best advice for dating would come from the old stogies here....that generation knew how to stick together...todays generation doesn't have a clue...marriage today is taken so lightly grumble grumble now days it's all about getting laid

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Wed 08/08/07 09:11 PM
I don't put over weight women down and neither do i expect to be called shallow because i'm not turned on by an over weight woman, nor do i call women shallow for taking 1 look at me and making a break for it, it's a part of life, deal with it and move on. i'm not like most men...i say what i mean and mean what i say, most simply don't have the B***s to admit how they feel. i'm not gonna spare your feelings nor do i expect you to spare mine... brutal honesty is what i like.

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Wed 08/08/07 06:17 AM
seat belts save very few i said they should be for children only

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Wed 08/08/07 05:45 AM
that law should be thrown out to begin with except for should always be buckled in.

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Wed 08/08/07 05:32 AM
I've said this before and i'll say it again...take care of your body...if your weight exceeds 170lbs yes you're gonna get stood up a lot. Unless you have some kind of health problem preventing you from losing weight then there is absolutely no excuse for being over weight. Don't call a man shallow because a 200lb plus woman is a turn off. I personaly prefer a little meat on a womans body but lets not go to extremes....150-170 is ok, after you exceed that then you have a weight problem and with that come health problems.. once again Ladies, take care of your body.

Over weight woman don't have near the problem ugly folks have...weight you can lose, ugly stays with you all your life
laugh laugh laugh laugh

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Sun 08/05/07 01:52 PM
gimme her # and i'll call drinker drinker drinker

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Sun 08/05/07 07:35 AM
lmaolaugh laugh laugh

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Sun 08/05/07 07:32 AM
that manager would make a great car salesman lol

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Sun 08/05/07 07:27 AM
it's beyond me why anyone would pierce anything other than their ears, those type piercings are so god awful ugly laugh laugh

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Sun 08/05/07 07:24 AM
divx player should have all the correct codecs is why i suggested she try using it :smile:

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Sun 08/05/07 07:14 AM
the movies are probably no good

go to and download the divx player

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Thu 07/26/07 09:19 PM
would ya'll please tell the voices in your head to quieten down!!!! I can't hear mine laugh laugh laugh

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Sat 05/19/07 12:29 PM
this cat? laugh laugh laugh

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Sat 05/19/07 12:18 PM
pictures bahhh

if you aren't pretty to look at you get no response
if you have no picture you get no response


damned if you do damned if you don't

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