Community > Posts By > stevewm

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Tue 11/04/08 10:00 PM


so many have so many answers,eh?

individually we can change our country...just by doing one random act of kindness everyday. just by smiling at someone or having a positive attitude.

President Obama is a self made person...he does not come from money. He is a very intelligent man who has the core value of humility, something that I greatly admire in people.

He is our President and won the election regardless, so now you have a help get America back on track or you can sit and biatch about things that have not even been validated...

I admire him for his intelligence, his idealistic and energetic attitude...his realism...his ability to speak well...

I look forward to seeing who he surrounds himself with, and I do think he will be one that will listen to every side...and then make well informed decisions.

many people have defended our country in the past, in the present, and they will in the future...this generation does not have some sort of "special" ability to do that. I am very thankful for all the people who have defended our country many times over...and I know will continue to do so.

perhaps if we also made an effort to stop some of the violence, some of the hate, some of the negativity; we would all be better off...

I think President Obama had a great speech in Chicago tonight...

Can we do our part to bring peace to our own streets?
Can we do our part to show kindness and compassion to our own citizens?
Can we do our part to become informed, yet learn to be humble and gracious?
Can we do our part to bring energy to help make positive changes to our own country?

as President Obama said many times in his speech...

Yes, we can. IF we choose to do just that...

you are just as foolish as the rest of the osama supporters..and he is not president yet and he will never in this life get my support and i'd be surprised if he manages to hold the presidency for 4 years

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Tue 11/04/08 09:50 PM
Edited by stevewm on Tue 11/04/08 09:52 PM

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Tue 11/04/08 09:50 PM
Edited by stevewm on Tue 11/04/08 09:53 PM

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Tue 11/04/08 09:50 PM
Edited by stevewm on Tue 11/04/08 09:53 PM

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Tue 11/04/08 09:50 PM
yea all of ya hop on the osama err obama can bet it'll be a short ride, all you have done is doomed what was left of this country

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Tue 11/04/08 05:24 PM
idiots like yourself is what has ruined America

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Tue 11/04/08 05:23 PM
you are a joke yourselfexplode

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Tue 11/04/08 05:20 PM
for one thing Obama hates the thought of America
that is more than enough reason for me.

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Sat 05/31/08 11:40 AM
you're wasn't necessary but i couldn't help myself....i call it the way i see it

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Sat 05/31/08 11:38 AM
Madison...a 32 story building is much stouter than a 110 story only had a had planes run into them

u have to be a complete idiot to try to compare the 2 which i suspect u are just that

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Fri 05/30/08 11:47 PM
Lot of my friends were or are in iraq putting their lives on the line, yet they say it is a must that we see this's hard to dispute that...we can sit here on our asses and ***** and moan but they are the ones putting it all on the line and believe whole heartedly in what they are fighting for

we've lost 4000 or so soldiers in this war...small compared to how many we lose to drugs and other criminal dealings yearly.

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Fri 05/30/08 11:23 PM
Clinton for president bahh ...a known thief to start with....kills the good person idea they both keep their money in banks over seas to keep from paying taxes. How American...only poor folks should pay those taxes i guess

a lier....thats natural for any politicin..they can't help them selves

Obama....won't even pledge allegiance to his country. anybody ever question that? no, because Americans see nothing wrong with it

Mccain... our next President "God help us" but with a dem in even god can't help us.

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Fri 05/30/08 11:07 PM
hussein admitted to it geeez he said he had no choice but to to do it

u guys jump on the train immmediatly after new propaganda is presented....anything to blame all this on bush...i'm no great fan of bush but this landed in his lap when he took office...we were right to take hussein out and to go after bin ladin but we shoulda done so and left and spent all those billions on health care here. now ladies n gents go search the web for more crap to post here...i'm quite sure you'll find plenty

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Fri 05/30/08 10:55 PM
Dude Maccain will win by a landslide..he has no one running against him.

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Thu 05/29/08 07:51 PM
Edited by stevewm on Thu 05/29/08 07:52 PM

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Thu 05/29/08 07:50 PM
there are many sins not defined...and i have to disagree with selfishness...that is something some do not have...those who would give their life to save another... those people do not have a selfish bone in their body.

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Thu 05/29/08 07:31 PM
Edited by stevewm on Thu 05/29/08 07:33 PM
Obama and Hilary pffft...what is a man that won't even pledge allegiance to his country doing in government anyway? As for Hilary lmao what a waste of space...not sure which is the worste of the 2 evils... neither of them have a chance in hell of winning a Presidential election anyway...bottom line it doesn't matter who wins the election, all americans lose :cry: :cry:

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Wed 04/09/08 02:24 AM

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Sat 04/05/08 05:43 PM
my personal opinion , any lesbian/homosexual you're a bunch of disgusting perverts.

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Thu 04/03/08 11:30 AM
there are those that like to turn this into a drama stage, ignore them!!!!:smile: :smile:

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