Community > Posts By > adj4u

adj4u's photo
Sat 08/23/14 07:17 AM

society does have blame

I however think you have a deluded view of how desirable prison life is,,lol

how many with medical coverage never use it, what quality of medical care do these mere 'criminals' get?

watching a television show? you can also do that in a sports

working out? I do that in my home, you can do it pretty much anywhere...

,,but I wont go on

the important part of it is society has to change, not only in how it treats the least of us, but how it trains up people to value others property and life,,,,

more than homeless people that never committed or at least got caught committing a crime

adj4u's photo
Sat 08/23/14 07:16 AM
Edited by adj4u on Sat 08/23/14 07:17 AM

I always feel reaction should match action

so I don't feel someone who took bread from a store for instance, deserves the same treatment as someone who beats someone into a coma

I don't feel someone who curses at a cop or pulls away from them, deserves the same treatment as someone who pulls a woman into an alley and rapes her

the problem though in dispensing such an absolutist type of justice is that not all who are 'accused' or 'arrested' or even 'convicted' are actually those who committed the crime

so balance must be achieved through looking at situations individually and thoroughly, and keeping the element of humanity that refuses to treat humans beneath a certain level regardless of their station in life

I believe loss of 'freedom' and the risks of being in such close quarters with other 'criminals' is enough of a just punishment for those accused,,

I don't see how that is 'coddling' in any way,.

their is a difference between jail and prison jail is for lessor
crimes and usually stay in the county they committed their offense
in and is for periods of time up to one year

for the more serious crimes they go to prison for varying amounts
of time per their crime

yes they lose their ability to go out into the regular public

but other than that what real punishment do they get

there are those that do not mind being confined

until being in prison and jail becomes more than just being
confined these things will continue to be glorified

obviously just the loss of freedom is not a deterrent to crime

jail and prison needs to be worse than being homeless

adj4u's photo
Sat 08/23/14 07:07 AM

the sad thing is society is to blame for these shootings

why you ask

because being a criminal is glorified and not punished properly

you commit a crime you go to jail and have medical coverage watch some

get to work out in the gym

educate yourself to be able to be smarter for the next crime you

go out in the yard and pla various games

criminals need to be treated like criminals

then maybe our young people wouldnt want to act like them

adj4u's photo
Sat 08/23/14 06:49 AM
Edited by adj4u on Sat 08/23/14 07:00 AM

it seems logical to not 'choose' things that will get you shot,, but the problem is in this ever growing paranoid gun loving society,, the list of things that will 'justifiably' get you shot are growing,,,,

and most intelligent people know reaching in a cop car and going for the cops weapon and attacking cop is one of those things

how many people 'lost' their life to Brown?

i dont know and neither do you for sure

if a rape victim didn't drink on a date they may not get raped

but if they ARE raped,, something should be done about it,

and what were they doing any time an officer is involved in a shooting even if no one is hurt said officer goes up before a review board

that takes time the way you make it sound the cop should have been
put up against a wall and shot

maybe if they would have held everyone responsible for their actions
and permitted a proper investigation instead of looting and rioting
everything would have been different

adj4u's photo
Sat 08/23/14 06:37 AM

i dont usually post topics but i feel this needs discussed

when someone is convicted of a crime they need to be treated like a

they need to be put in working chain gangs

they need to be fed life sustaining clean food (not necessarily good
tasting food nor a variety of foods)

they need to have very little recreational yard time their recreation is the chain gang

maybe if criminals were treated the way they treat others then fewer
young people would commit violent acts that end up leading to their

when society takes to coddling criminals then being a criminal looks
much more inviting

adj4u's photo
Sat 08/23/14 06:26 AM
Edited by adj4u on Sat 08/23/14 06:28 AM

I agree with all this.

I can say, for instance, that a woman walking naked in an ally has some RESPONSIBILITY for inviting a rape,, but that wouldn't excuse the rape or mean the rape shouldn't be investigated and charged because rape is WRONG

likewise, I can say that a teens acting like bullies have some responsibility for their victim becoming fed up enough to show up and commit a mass shooting,, but that wouldn't excuse the mass shooting or mean it shouldn't be I investigated and charged,,,because it is WRONG

Brown shoplifted and acted like a bully, and for that he deserved prosecution,, not execution,,,

he was not executed for the store issues he was shot by someone that
happened to be white and an officer that was defending himself

YES, I agree

he was not shot for the shoplifting,, so why does it keep being mentioned?

he was not shot by the person he 'attacked' by pushing away from him, so why does that keep being mentioned?

he was not even shot during the 'attack' on the officer

he was shot AFTER all that was over,,,while trying to get away.

he violently attacked an officer

doing so shows that if anyone did anything he did not like is at
high risk of losing their life

if you attack a cop with a gun how safe is the average person from
being attacked by him

it was the officers duty to take him off the street if he would have
complied he would not have been shot

if you do not want to get shot do not choose to do things that are
likely to lead to that end

he acted violent and was treated in the same manner

adj4u's photo
Sat 08/23/14 06:18 AM


do not attack people if you dont wanna suffer the possible consequences

the officer is not the first person brown attacked that day

how many people is someone supposed to be permitted to attack before
someone defends themselves

whatever is in response to the constant attempt at discrediting witnesses with things pulled out of the air like 'they all talked to each other'

the officer is not the first person brown 'attacked' but he is the only person who shot him dead after he had left the 'attack' location,, and the only one with training and a paycheck to handle just those situations,,,,

if you dont want shot dont attack people

adj4u's photo
Sat 08/23/14 06:17 AM
Edited by adj4u on Sat 08/23/14 06:17 AM

I agree with all this.

I can say, for instance, that a woman walking naked in an ally has some RESPONSIBILITY for inviting a rape,, but that wouldn't excuse the rape or mean the rape shouldn't be investigated and charged because rape is WRONG

likewise, I can say that a teens acting like bullies have some responsibility for their victim becoming fed up enough to show up and commit a mass shooting,, but that wouldn't excuse the mass shooting or mean it shouldn't be I investigated and charged,,,because it is WRONG

Brown shoplifted and acted like a bully, and for that he deserved prosecution,, not execution,,,

he was not executed for the store issues he was shot by someone that
happened to be white and an officer that he attacked

adj4u's photo
Sat 08/23/14 06:11 AM


do not attack people if you dont wanna suffer the possible consequences

the officer is not the first person brown attacked that day

how many people is someone supposed to be permitted to attack before
someone defends themselves

adj4u's photo
Sat 08/23/14 06:09 AM

it is such a terrible thing that the choices some people make lead to
their own detrimental issues

it is easy to sit somewhere and say what a shame they should not have
done that

it is a different feeling when you are the one being attacked or
either physically or financially

if people want respect they need to be respectful

if groups want respect they need to hold members of their group
responsible for their actions ----- no matter what group they are

religious --- race --- or --- fraternal order to name 3 but all groups are subject to this including political groups

adj4u's photo
Sat 08/23/14 06:00 AM

A local Saint Louis radio station is reporting that Dorian Johnson has recanted his prior media espousals and now asserts that he and Mike Brown did indeed engage in a physical confrontation with Officer Darren Wilson. As a consequence the same Radio Station is asserting the local prosecutor essentially advises it’s doubtful charges would be filed.

While this report is difficult to vet it does align with recently leaked information about Officer Wilson sustaining significant injury as a result of a felonious assault by Mike Brown during the initial encounter. Additionally we know the Grand Jury is scheduled for tomorrow. We also just found out the Missouri AG is on site tonight and tomorrow.

OMG! You mean all that rioting was for nothing? Well, cept, de did get to steal some good stuff, dat was worf it.laugh

missing the point, even if there is resisting arrest, once the suspects are unarmed and FLEEING,,,,the situation has changed and the reaction should too

in other words, a fleeing unarmed suspect has no reason to be SHOT DOWN in the streets,,,,

he has shown an om going violent lifestyle

him being shot may have saved many lives


saved a lot of court time and money

if you dont want to get shot dont attack people

adj4u's photo
Sat 08/23/14 05:58 AM

happens all the time

it could be said about both sides

adj4u's photo
Sat 08/23/14 05:56 AM

i am sure the robbery (if it was him like shaggy says it wasn't me) had
an effect on browns state of mind thus on his actions as well

but that said

many things with the fergason fiasco were handle very poorly on both

if you want respect for your group of people you must hold those in
your group responsible for their actions (no matter what group it is)

no one is automatically innocent or guilty because of the group they
are in

I agree. And no one is automatically deserving of death because they commit a crime.

i can agree to that to a point

but if someone is attacking another
the person being attacked should not have to be subjected to the attack

that said if you dont wanna die dont attack

adj4u's photo
Fri 08/22/14 01:32 PM
Edited by adj4u on Fri 08/22/14 01:33 PM

i feel dna profile should be added to birth certificates

the fathers and the mothers and the babies

that would be proof positive of the parents

and the gov would get their dna data base which may reduce crime

and when adopted they can leave names off but keep profile for medical
accuracies for future health issues

adj4u's photo
Fri 08/22/14 01:28 PM

if police have nothing to hide why would hey not wear the cameras

just a thought

adj4u's photo
Fri 08/22/14 01:28 PM

how many looters have been arrested?????

adj4u's photo
Fri 08/22/14 01:23 PM
Edited by adj4u on Fri 08/22/14 01:42 PM

Seventy-two killed resisting gun confiscation in Boston

National guard units seeking to confiscate a cache of recently banned assault weapons were ambus...hed on April 19th by elements of a Para-military extremist faction. Military and law enforcement sources estimate that 72 were killed and more than 200 injured before government forces were compelled to withdraw.

Speaking after the clash, Massachusetts Governor Thomas Gage declared that the extremist faction, which was made up of local citizens, has links to the radical right-wing tax protest movement. Gage blamed the extremists for recent incidents of vandalism directed against internal revenue offices. The governor, who described the group's organizers as "criminals," issued an executive order authorizing the summary arrest of any individual who has interfered with the government's efforts to secure law and order. The military raid on the extremist arsenal followed wide-spread refusal by the local citizenry to turn over recently outlawed assault weapons.

Gage issued a ban on military-style assault weapons and ammunition earlier in the week. This decision followed a meeting in early this month between government and military leaders at which the governor authorized the forcible confiscation of illegal arms.

One government official, speaking on condition of anonymity, pointed out that "none of these people would have been killed had the extremists obeyed the law and turned over their weapons voluntarily." Government troops initially succeeded in confiscating a large supply of outlawed weapons and ammunition. However, troops attempting to seize arms and ammunition in Lexington met with resistance from heavily-armed extremists who had been tipped off regarding the government's plans. During a tense standoff in Lexington 's town park, National Guard Colonel Francis Smith, commander of the government operation, ordered the armed group to surrender and return to their homes. The impasse was broken by a single shot, which was reportedly fired by one of the right-wing extremists. Eight civilians were killed in the ensuing exchange.

Ironically, the local citizenry blamed government forces rather than the extremists for the civilian deaths. Before order could be restored, armed citizens from surrounding areas had descended upon the guard units.

Colonel Smith, finding his forces over matched by the armed mob, ordered a retreat.

Governor Gage has called upon citizens to support the state/national joint task force in its effort to restore law and order. The governor also demanded the surrender of those responsible for planning and leading the attack against the government troops. Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, and John Hancock, who have been identified as "ringleaders" of the extremist faction, remain at large.

. . . And this, people, is how the American Revolution began .

April 20, 1775

sounds like waco hhhmmmmm

adj4u's photo
Fri 08/22/14 01:19 PM

they have looters on tape

how many of them have been arrested

adj4u's photo
Fri 08/22/14 01:15 PM

obama should have ordered multiple bombing missions as soon as he learned of the murder

and if it happens again order double the bombings

and then triple and so on

you say but that will kill number two

maybe so but they made a chioce to work in a dangerous environment

and chances are it may save the life of number 3 or 4 or 5 and so on

and if it is learned they kidnap an american a bombing mission on them

this wimpy attitude has to stop

some civilians may get hurt or killed you say ----
maybe those civilians should hold those making their people look
and act horrendously responsible

adj4u's photo
Fri 08/22/14 01:06 PM
Edited by adj4u on Fri 08/22/14 01:14 PM

lol, exactly

as a mom, I always pay my babysitter with total acceptance of them straddling and beating the crap out of my kid as part of that contract,,,lol

and , like I said,, we should really not judge someones death or beating without knowing for sure how big they were and if they committed any crimes,,,, because being big or committing a crime than makes us deserving of abuse or death,,

I totally have come to understand the 'lawabiding' citizens logic about the 'animals' and 'ferals'

I am in the 'game',,,:wink:

so it is ok to commit a crime against someone and have no consequences

it is not abuse it is apprehension

if they dont fight apprehension in most cases there is not an altercation

in the electronic world of today you can arm yourself with an
uploading video system that they can not seize on the spot and all
govt law enforcement personnel should be required to wear such
equipment and if it goes down they report immediately back to
station for replacement or repair failure to do so results in
unpaid suspension and three time they are out

that said

that officer needs to be investigated and be treated accordingly to
the results of that investigation