Community > Posts By > Chuckee

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/18/06 06:17 PM
Hey king, how's it going? I'm pretty sure that if spay was my mate, I'd
go crazy!!! lmao!! Spay, you know you'd drive anyone to the mental
house!!!! YOU CRAZY BABY!!!!

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/18/06 06:06 PM
SPAY!!! GET OVER HERE AND SHAKE LIKE A MAN!!! If stopping this crazy
shit between you two is the last thing I get to do here, that would be
GREAT for me!!!! Now shake, be men and if ya get bored, don't forget
the mistle toe and pics for 'lil 'ol me mk? lol

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/18/06 06:04 PM
someone throwing pee on ya at work!!!

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/18/06 05:55 PM
I don't wanna know who started it, just get to kissin and takin

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/18/06 05:50 PM
Would you two KISS and make up already??!!! If ya do, I'm ganna require
photos!!! lmao!!

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/18/06 05:46 PM
a mud puddle right next to where I park in a pair of heels!

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/18/06 05:29 PM
stan, that was so sweet and TOOOOO FUNNY!!!

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/18/06 05:26 PM
Holy crap, the LAST thing I want to hear about would be a SEXLESS

Chuckee's photo
Wed 12/13/06 06:44 AM
will do, I'll post pics when I return after the holidays, thank you!!!!!
Merry Christmas!!

Chuckee's photo
Wed 12/13/06 05:53 AM
Good morning all.

Chuckee's photo
Wed 12/13/06 05:40 AM
after reading the constant, in your face posts regarding sickness and
meds and now the "son" is on regarding a very sick mom with cancer,
hmmmmmmm, I don't know 'bout this one. Listen, all I'm saying is, my
priorities would NOT be trying to make contact with anyone here. So, if
that is truly the case, your "MOM" needs to worry about her health right
now and you should be more concerned with that yourself. Others here
have posted similar posts that in the end were found to be untrue.
Thats all, tootles.

Chuckee's photo
Tue 12/12/06 10:29 AM
Hey there Kev.

Chuckee's photo
Tue 12/12/06 10:24 AM
LMAO!!! No advice, but hope it was worth it!! What a yucky feeling!!

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/11/06 08:17 PM
Just one more thing. I think that you've been on the defensive for so
long now, that all the words you read, you find to be bashing, when in
fact its not. How can you move on from this point if you continue to
put everyone else on the defensive too? Just some food for thought
Mike, I've read alot of things surrounding you, some things are
justifiable, but you're holding on too tight to your anger at the whole
thing, and without even realizing it, you are the one turning this into
a bigger issue that need be. I really do hope ya take a pause from it
all and do whatcha gotta do, don't let this get to you so much. Tootles
big guy.

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/11/06 08:11 PM
Well, Mike, sometimes, WE do have to defend ourselves, I had to my damn
self on this site, fortunately for me, I had a good friend thru it all.
Hope you have the same. Take care.

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/11/06 08:06 PM
I'm ready. I'm ready for March, lol. Yes, I'm tired but too lazy to
move from my recliner to my bed, lol, how bad is that??? I ate too much
and sat too long, my legs are even killing me, lol, i'm tellin ya, the
aging process is a bitch~~

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/11/06 08:03 PM
Hey, call me a bitch, it's not unheard of, but why are you spending so
much time on this site for "YOUR MOM" SHOULDN'T you be taking care of
her and not worrying about whats going on here? I mean if it were my
mom, I wouldnt even be online, let alone chatting with people your mom
doesnt even know. I don't know, just my opinion. This isnt the first
time this has happened, what do I know.

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/11/06 07:56 PM
killin time and thinkn bout going to bed. I'm beat!! How's things for
you? ready for christmas?

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/11/06 07:51 PM
hello Bogie, you're welcome Kevin, good luck to ya!!!

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/11/06 07:48 PM
If you're sorry she had to see this, why would you post it? This is
exactly why dating online and being a part of the forums is TOO crazy,
BECAREFUL PEOPLE, LOL, this happens all the time, remaining friends with
the people I chat with is all I'm in it for.